I am new here and am dealing with hair loss which began three years ago when I had a hysterectomy. Prior to the surgery I had gorgeous hair. I worked out, ate moderately healthy (not Paleo, which I do now), and didn’t even have optimal levels of vitamins and minerals. I suspect I had thyroid issues at the time as I suffered digestive problems as well as depression, but I had great hair.
Now having seen numerous doctors to regain my hair after the surgery, some indicate low thyroid function (naturopaths) and thyroiditis with enlarged thyroid and nodules (endocrinologist), though I wonder at reproductive hormone imbalance. Despite having mostly optimal vitamin, minerals level, excellent diet, I have not had any success in re-growing my hair or preventing further hair loss.
Here are my latest numbers pre-thyroid medication:
TSH 1.47 uIU/mL (.45 – 4.5)
T4 free .99 ng/dL (.82 – 1.77)
rT3 19.6 ng/dL (9.2 – 24.1)
T3 free 2.4 pg/mL (2.0 – 4.4)
TPO Ab 18 IU/mL (0 – 34)
TgAb 7.9 IU/mL (0 – 0.9)
Ferritin 89 ng/mL (15 – 150)
B12 1480 (211 – 946)
Vitamin D 84 ng/mL (30 – 100)
Iodine deficient
Selenium and magnesium are optimal
Folate unknown
I would like to get opinions of those in this forum. I am able to get T4, T3, and/or NDT. I currently have been prescribed 13 mcg Tirosint (T4) and 5 mcg of compounded T3 with the possibility of increasing.
Also, a few questions:
-Could this hair loss be caused by low thyroid function even though I had no issues, and probably had deficiencies, prior to the surgery?
-By adding thyroid medication, will I suppress my own and have to completely supplement or will the additional meds complement my thyroid function?
-Will taking T3 alone result in further loss? I believe I’ve read both t4 and t3 are important for hair growth / cellular turnover.
Thanks much!