I've already posted a question but I am doubling up with a blog for more information.Thanks to those who already responded.
I really can identify with most of the symptoms detailed on the ThyroidUK web site for Hypothyroidism, as well as a couple of weird ones (e.g. restless legs at night whenever I can actually sleep, 1 larger pupil (i've had it a while and several brain scans so not overly worried and just now my memory is shot to pieces:this happens ocassionally, getting better again, so not progressive).I have been sectioned 6 years ago (Doctor thinking I was Bi-polar but then changed diagnosis to effects of Severe Post Traumatic Stress following an assualt!!!!) then after 6 months the best the discharging Psychiatrist could suggest was that I needed to investigate why my VitB12 levels were low and did I have a malabsorption disorder? This was never followed up although I did get a B12 injection by mistake and felt so much better!!!!! The symptoms are really debilitating but I feel my Doctors are not looking at all of the symptoms together so it looks like I am a malingerer.
Anyway, I got referred to Mental Health (here we go around the merry-go-round) but thankfully the specialist has insisted on a full medical before my consultation. I had to argue to get blood tests taken from my GP despite the specialists referral. Here are the results (sorry it's long): (Tests taken after 3.00pm in the afternoon)
Urea 2.6 range (2.5-6.6)
Creatinine 60 " (60-120 umol/L)
eGFR >60 " (1.73m2 ml/min)
Sodium 140 " (135-145 mmol/L)
Potassium 3.7 " (3.6-5 mmol/L)
TCO2 21 " (22-30 mmol/L)
Glucose 4.5 " mmol/L
Glucose spec RANDOM sample <11mmol/L
Bilirubin 7 range (3-21 umol/L)
ALT 21 " (10-50 U/L)
Alk. Phos 56 " (40-125 U/L)
GGT 46 " (5-35 U/L)
Albumin 40 " (30-45 g/L)
Calcium 2.39 " (2.1-2.6 mmol/L)
Adjusted Calcium 2.39 " (2.1-2.6 mmol/L)
Phosphate 1.07 " (0.8-1.4 mmol/L)
Cholesterol 4.6 " (mmol/L)
Triglyceride 0.8 " (0.8-2.1 mmol/L)
HDL Chol. 1.4 " (1.1-1.7 mmol/L)
LDL Chol. 2.8 " (mmol/l)
Amylase 31 " (0-100 U/L)
Iron 26 " (10-28umol/l)
Transferrin 2.29 " (2.0-4.0)
Transferrin sat. 43 "
Vitamin B12 269 " (180-2000 ng/L)
Serum Folate 5.1 " (2.8-20 ug/L)
Ferritin 34 " (15-200 ug/L)
C-Reactive Prot. 71 " (0-5 mg/L)
TSH 2.0 " (0.2-4.5 mU/L)
Free T4 13 " (9-21 pmol/L)
Does this tell any kind of story that might explain my chronic symptoms which really make life an uphill struggle. I look forward to any comments to enlighten me. Thank you.