Posts - IBS Network | HealthUnlocked

IBS Network

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All posts for July 2018

IbS and antibiotics

What antibiotics can people take with ibs
lincla profile image

To women diagnosed with Endometriosis and still suffering ..

To all women out there suffering from IBS symptoms related to Endometriosis ..he...

when will laxido wear off?

Went to the doctors and told I was very backed up and needed to take laxido oran...
h_elen1wolf profile image
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Unable to have Fodmap diet

I've read a lot of positive stories on here about the Fodmap Diet. But, having l...

Ketogenic Diet improving my IBS?

Hello, I am fairly new here, have just been reading and lurking. I just wanted ...
Okcowgirl profile image

Hi, I'm new. Seen dietician and had colonoscopy - bit confused.

I wanted to say hello, and ask for advice from more experienced folks please! A...
Skypony profile image

Irritable bowel and hypnotherapy

Hi, I’m wondering if anyone here has tried ‘Gut directed hypnotherapy’ as sugges...
MaiceyW profile image


Does anyone find unusual exertion sometimes brings on a flare up? I'm wondering...


Does anyone find unusual exertion sometimes brings on a flare up? I'm wondering...

Got a gastro bug :(

Posted yesterday about a flare up after weeks being fine well I'm 99% certain it...
pajohns profile image

Flare up after WEEKS of peace :(

Been great for weeks and weeks now. I was taking Saccharomyces boulardii which s...
pajohns profile image

Hi there

Hi, new to this site but not IBS - took 20 yrs to get a diagnosis! Was managing ...
F_Edmunds profile image


Do you think anxiety starts after you have been diagnosed with IBS, sure I never...
SueFML profile image

IBS how do I manage it

I wake up of a morning feeling fine, then I get up and it starts the cramp kn t...
Brettlegend profile image

IBS and the contraceptive pill

I wondered if anyone had any experience or information on the link between IBS a...
MollyMouse profile image

Is this another ibs attack

Hey all it's been hot here today started feeling sick all bm's are all over is i...
Cjc_woodworx profile image

Hate IBS 😡

Last day of our holiday and I was really looking forward to taking my girls to t...
weegmack profile image


Morning all I hope you’re well. I’ve been IBS tortured for about two and a half ...
annenic profile image

IBS and Nausea?

Hi guys, I’m new here but just wanted to ask fellow IBS sufferers whether any o...

To all you 'veteran' IBS'ers...

I have had beginning 20 yrs ago, ibs the diarrhea kind, then a couple of years a...
Betty30 profile image


Hi a quick one please Just eaten half a dairy free yogurt from the fridge door ...
Purplewoman profile image

Heat and IBS

Anyone finding that the hot weather is making your IBS worse? It seems that anyt...
MeganRose23 profile image

Diagnosed just yesterday, have had a painfully distended abdomen for weeks now no change and I’m feeling pretty depressed with it all now!

Hi, I’ll just start with a relatively brief introduction to say ‘hi!’ and give a...

Antidepressant I was just put (on a cocktail of Psychatric meds) called Seroquel is stopping pain, cramping and IBS! But very "C" 😳

Wow..I started Seroquel for mood disorder from my Psychiatrist last Thursday. I ...
Eliana5 profile image

Become a member of The IBS Network charity.

Sign up to The IBS Network Charity's online membership & you'll receive a code f...
IBSNetwork profile image

anti spasmodic' s don't appear to work

HELP - I currently take Laxido for constipation related IBS and after 14 years o...

Newbie here!!

Hi, completely new to all this!! So, i was diagnosed with ibs just over a year a...
LW1979 profile image

Hives on face!

Hello all , anybody know what are the causes of hives on face .. im getting on e...
rojina profile image

New Blog Up

Hello, Here is the new blog
AnnaKershaw profile image

LOVE my family

Why does my stomach hurt. I feel like I'm going to throw up again etc.. My stoma...
Hansea20 profile image

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