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IBS Network

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All posts for May 2015

Holidays tomorrow !

Heading on holiday to Bulgaria tomorrow ! Probs though....I was diagnosed in Nov...


Hi I have a colonoscopy on Tuesday do have been given Picolax to take in monday ...
Gemz19 profile image

Menstruation or Blood In Stool?

I'm 19 and pretty healthy. Yesterday I woke up and got my period. When I had my ...
alohamora profile image
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I had an endoscopy on the 12th May 2015 and i was told i have moderate gastritis...
Harry7466 profile image

really depressed of my ibs attacks

hi everyone im really struggling with my ibs atm. some days im perfect theres no...
lilleigh88 profile image

Colon Cancer?

I started getting random stomach pain on my right side a little below my belly b...
alohamora profile image

Random Stomach Pains

Hi there! I'm new here but not new to symptoms a lot of you uys are experiencing...
alohamora profile image


Hi everyone, I saw a Dietitian this afternoon, it was a bit confrontational as...
cathhope profile image

Sigmoidoscopy clear...

Well, I had the procedure and they stated that everything looks absolutely fine,...
amberRinni profile image


I have starting this blog post so many times over the last couple of months but ...
michaelseres profile image

Acid Bile Malabsorption / IBS ?

Hi all I have found out that I got acid bile malabsorption I found this out wit...
zenko profile image

pain in right rib , tender to touch just under breast

hi , does anyone else get continual pain in ribs , feels like a burning pain som...
Hidden profile image

ct scan - worried about outcome

I am having a CT scan tomorrow morning and started taking the lovely citrafleet!...
Jeanbean55 profile image

Burning sensation on skin

Hello, I have had IBS for 8 years now. Two days ago I had a flare-up due to hav...
Happy250505 profile image

Colonoscopy prep

I have a colonoscopy tomorrow morning at 9.00, I've been given moviprep to drink...
mrwx1 profile image

Ventral rectopexy/ Your experience

Any one had this operation? What was your reason for surgery. Please make contac...
Sandra2468 profile image

I have Multiple Diverticulitis with Significant IBS, Plus I have sharp stabbing pains that shoot down my legs into my knees.

Hi I am new here. I have had a Colonoscpy which showed that Imhave MULTIPLE dive...
elsiepretoria1 profile image

Need Help

Hi, Sometime ago I posted asking if anyone out there has had the same op as me ...
shirlygirly profile image

IBS issues for 6 1/2 years, finally some relief!!

Ok, so I've had a horrible battle with IBS-D for many years. I've tried every me...
ClareH56 profile image

IBS advise

Hi, Bit of history. Diagnosed with IBS when I was 15 and I'm now 38. At 19 aft...
Lisa2015 profile image

Wheat Intolerence Test?

Hi everyone, is there such a thing as a wheat intolerence test? I've been cuttin...
Mc89 profile image

Stomach pain with diverticulitis

Hi, does anyone suffer bad stomach ache with diverticulitis and sickness, I'm ve...
Lit27st profile image

Hi all any advice on Amptriptyline

Hi all, any advice on Amptriptyline for IBS-C / Anxiety? I have had to come off ...
bigbunbun3 profile image

Diverticular disease

Hi does anyone else experience a tingly hot sensation around different parts of ...
Callybott profile image

A little problem

Hi I was reading a post from lit27st and in reading on found that some folks had...
shirlygirly profile image


Hi I did post awhile back about constipation, I was trying the magnesium. It wor...
Nerissa profile image

Foods that stop IBS. And FODMAP

HI All. This may be good news - I hope it is I have had IBSD for 6 years and it...
James_A profile image


Hi guys, I know I haven't been on here for ages, but I just wanted to tell you t...
Maddy_O profile image


Hi, I have just been diagnosed with diverticulitis but habe not been given any a...
Lit27st profile image


I have just discovered this site - and find it really helpful. I have slowly be...
kimhp profile image