Hate IBS 😡: Last day of our holiday and I was... - IBS Network

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Hate IBS 😡

weegmack profile image
21 Replies

Last day of our holiday and I was really looking forward to taking my girls to the cinema. But I’m stuck left behind, they’re away with their dad. I have had two anxiety attacks this morning and awful IBS. No idea how I’m going to make it home tomorrow (loooong drive). But I’m so disappointed to be, yet again, missing out on something nice, thanks to the vicious circle Iof Anxiety Disorder and IBS 😞😞😞

I always get so anxious before I haveto travel a distance (I’ve had bad experiences in the past). I’ve been low- level anxious all week about the journey home (and I don’t want to go home as it is,because I hate where I live). So now I’m sitting here, crying, feeling nauseous and wondering when I’ll next need to run for the loo. Sometimes I just think this is no kind of life 😕

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weegmack profile image
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21 Replies
huggit profile image

I have had exactly the same scenario last week, all week dosed up on imodium and buscopan, so I hardly go at all, but at least I can enjoy my holiday. Then last day (travel day) I am still dosed up, but get crippling cramps and the urge to go to the loo, but actually not a lot coming out, but I just feel like I need to go all the time. So took deep breath, off we went to the ferry, in the terminal in the car decided I need to go again twice! Then we have to wait an age to actually get the car on the ferry. omg will I make it on the ferry. Once I am on the ferry, I am calm again, as toilets in easy reach! I am just considering anti anxiety medication because this is just no fun, it is like blind panic. But what I am trying to say is I feel your pain. It is no fun, but I just try to make it through each day as best I can. I can't help thinking that all of these tablets such as imodium and buscopan are going to cause illness further down the line. But I need to live my life!

weegmack profile image
weegmack in reply to huggit

Oh goodness, I’m so sorry for you. I can totally sympathise with that scenario - how awful. Wouldn’t it just be lovely to go somewhere without even thinking about bowels/toilets?? My IBS rules my entire life and I hate it. I was given anti-anxiety meds, but (like many meds for me) I ended up really unwell on them. I have to take diazepam when I’m really struggling with the anxiety of it. I’ve had IBS since I was a child (I’m 43 now) and my mother was a total bag about it - she would tell me I was making it up to get out of going places or doing chores and would tell me how I ruined all her holidays. So I have the most terrible panic association with IBS. I’ve made it home from my holiday without incident, but I decided to eat when I got home and within 10 minutes, I was doubled over and then TOILET QUICK. Then I just felt sick for hours. I’m so fed up.

I have to take Laxido to stop me getting constipated, because then I have overflow diarrhoea. My GP really had to persuade me to take that, because I have anxiety disorder also. But sometimes, when I’m stressed and anxious, my gut certainly doesn’t need any help from the Laxido! I also have a hiatus hernia and the pain can be unbearable (despite the GP saying it shouldn’t hurt at all).

I’ve been cycling a lot on holiday - from being pretty sedentary and I’m wondering if that has set it off, along with a change in routine, change in Water and the sheer anxiety of the journey...

I could happily not get up tomorrow! Xx

huggit profile image
huggit in reply to weegmack

Hi I am so similar to you started when I was a teen and now I am 46 and still struggling, my mum at points has thought it was all in my mind, now she is quite supportive. I have tried so many things and spent so much money over the years. I don't think alcohol has helped me really. I am now taking buscopan 3 times a day, and to be honest that seems to be helping quite a bit. I am trying not to take imodium for a few days, but I get so used to taking it that I get a right panic on when leaving the house without it there to support me. The never ending cycle! I don't think I would dare to take laxido, this would set me off I think, but everyone is different I hope it works for you.

weegmack profile image
weegmack in reply to huggit

My mum still doesn’t get it - she thinks it’s just a wee upset tummy. My mum is a selfish person unfortunately. She doesn’t understand how hard it is, like you say, to leave the house. The reason I take Laxido, is because I was having IBS-D, but because I was actually chronically constipated. So I wouldn’t go at all for a few days, then I would have terrible, terrible pain and an explosion! I was told that this was “overflow diarrhoea”. So I started out on Fybogel, but it just didn’t work. I very reluctantly tried the laxido...very slowly at first. Normally it just keeps me regular, but if I get really anxious, I just have to stop taking it, as my bowel overworks. I still have a lot of pain, because my entire gut is inflamed and essentially a bit ruined. I’ve had so many tests too.

When I go out, I’m like a walking pharmacy and I have a change of clothes with me. Its horrible, isn’t it? Xx

weegmack profile image
weegmack in reply to huggit

Also meant to say, I cut wheat out of my diet completely and that’s helped quite a bit! X

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply to weegmack

I feel this way a lot too. Right now, miserable as always from my Sunday "laxative day". Weak..tired. Tried to eat a little bit..but no use. Have to run to bathroom. I go to bed exhausted from the laxative side effects, but I figure I'll put up with it, because beginning tomorrow, will feel good for a couple of days..but still cramp after meals. Them the "C" comes back and it starts all over again. Tired of having to take Bentyl. I go to bed, asking God.."Why is this happening, I just want my life back". I stare at ceiling for awhile..finally fall asleep..and think..don't let me wake up..can't face another day..but I wake up..and struggle. Watching people go out with friends, work..while I am still weak and cramping a bit, Very hungry and force myself to eat. This is no way to live. I often wonder, what have I done so wrong in life..and if this somehow Karma..but I have never treated anyone badly. I pray every day for a cure..glad I can at least stay home..my intestines spasming. No groups, Doctors appointments..just stay home to "rest" from Sunday. It's really wearing me down...

weegmack profile image
weegmack in reply to Eliana5

I’m so sorry to read this. You’re so depressed with this and your living situation doesn’t help at all. I often pray and ask “why me?”and I get very angry about it too.

You have done nothing to deserve this. It’s nothing you’ve done. It just isn’t fair though. You need a lot more support than you’re getting to manage the IBS - this where health professionals let us all down. And you’re right - something more needs to be done because it is no kind of life. Sending you a big hug xx

sandybeach12066 profile image

i so understand i am going to the lake for a boat ride today and my stomach is awful i dont like to take Imodium it makes me bloat terrible but i had to take one so i can go . praying for a good day!

weegmack profile image
weegmack in reply to sandybeach12066

Did you manage your boat ride? I know how you feel about Imodium....it just makes it worse in the long term, but needs must! I hope you did manage today....xxxx

sandybeach12066 profile image
sandybeach12066 in reply to weegmack

i did do my boat ride !! thank you for asking but iam very bloated with gas from just one Imodium!

huggit profile image
huggit in reply to sandybeach12066

I wonder if imodium sometimes gives more symptoms than it helps?

sandybeach12066 profile image
sandybeach12066 in reply to huggit

for me i do get side effects lots of bloating and gas ... but i got out of the house and had a lovely day for once!

Eliana5 profile image

I agree..this is no way to live. It's hard..very challenging and lonely. I have no One to really talk to, and not much of a supportive network. My weekends are spent with the only laxative that works for me. The cramping has been alievated by a Psychiatric med I was just put on. I was taking Bentyl or Levsin up to four times a day. I find "Heathers tummy tamers" helps somewhat and ginger tea or Just eating some peppermint candy. I have to constantly see residents outside, having fun..while I am running back and forth to the bathroom on Sunday's. 😳. Or people eating pizza, Taco Bell, etc..while I have to cramp or watch everything I eat. Going to restaurants is sometimes impossible. It can get discouraging. They need to find a cure..sometimes it is sheer frustration when I am told it is all in my head..like my weight loss of 100 lbs, is in my head. I don't have much stress or anxiety..but still have this debilitating condition. 😔

sandybeach12066 profile image
sandybeach12066 in reply to Eliana5

its not in our heads who would want to feel like this all the time! so frustrating!

weegmack profile image
weegmack in reply to Eliana5

I agree with sandybeach! It’s NOT in our heads - such an old fashioned notion, but people and health professionals still think it is. My mother definitely thinks it is. Eliana5 - I eat out about once a year. I just can’t do it - it causes me so much anxiety and upset stomach. I only trust one, pretty expensive restaurant.

You say you take laxatives at the weekend - are you constipated all week then? My gastro and GP told me to take a laxative (an osmotic one, called Laxido) everyday, so that my bowel is regular and not backed-up. What was explained to me is that a very backed-up gut, will start to cramp and spasm, in an attempt to get it all out. But what inevitably happens is “overflow diarrhoea”. I refused point blank to take this Laxido for years - I refused to believe I was constipated, because I was having diarrhoea every few days. But it has helped. I also cut wheat out my diet completely and take it easy on the saturated fat and dairy. I got a Mirena Coil fitted in 2014 and it helped the diarrhoea too. It’s not all perfect - I still get flare-ups because I have anxiety disorder and I also have a hiatus hernia. So I still feel like crap everyday. It’s so tiring. Xx

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply to weegmack

I live in a group home. I have my own apartment, but I don't dare take laxative..as when I do..on and off toilet all day. Weeks are hard. I am okay..till about Wednesday..then feel myself getting backed up..and just try to hold out till Sunday. There is staff here. And close quarters..residents walking by. It's too embarrassing to go during the week, as "room checks" are done..or I will get paged to front desk..or have Doctor's appointments, walk to pharmacy..etc. So, until I get out of group housing, just have to try to make it to Sunday. No "bathroom breaks" are allowed when I am in mandatory group. I think "Laxido" is same as "Miralax", and I get too much cramping from it. Stool softener laxatives not strong enough..fiber supplements don't work. Just makes things worse. Have tried Flaxseed oil, Coconut oil, virgin olive oil..but just not strong enough. Prunes have too much of a laxative effect..as does prune juice. I wish I knew the answer and pray everyday for a cure. Suffering is the Pitts. 😳

Margie71 profile image
Margie71 in reply to Eliana5

So sorry for all your symptoms. I feel sick a lot too.

Do you have to live in a group home? Sounds like you feel uncomfortable


Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply to Margie71

Yes...I think I have become a permanent fixture to this building..😄. Been here since 2009. Very beautiful historic bldg and apartments. I am on SSDI..make very little income..can't afford a moving company..or depisit/ first and last rent, etc. My family has passed, I don't know anyone with a car. Not many residents drive here..we are not allowed to ask for rides..so I'm stuck. Thanks for reading..☺🌹🐱

Eliana5 profile image

I know, I just had this acquaintance of mine on here..send me an e-mail out of the blue..offered no support, or empathy..just said he read all my posts and then wrote: Do you think your condition is Psychosomatic?" made me upset. Very negative. I used to care for him a great deal..now I wonder why.

weegmack profile image
weegmack in reply to Eliana5

Grrrrrr! So many people have said that to me 😡😡😡. It’s so infuriating when people say that. It’s not psychosomatic at all - certainly anxiety and stress make it worse. But the IBS is there first. I don’t know why we have it. You’re right, as you said earlier -more needs to be done about it. It’s a crippling condition for so many. Xx

Ruthy1960 profile image

Hi there, I know exactly what you mean. It's a nightmare some days for me and a struggle to cope with daily life. Today is a bad day for me, back pain and cramping stomach pains. I never have any idea what is the cause and just try to soldier on in my retirement. Buscopan helps a bit but no one ever has any answers for me, even my GP. Keep smiling and I hope the journey isn't too traumatic for you. We are all in the same boat at least. 😊x

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