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IBS Network

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All posts for January 2014

Do i have IBS?

I have experienced these symptoms for 3 weeks : 1. I feel sick and burp up afte...
DamoGaming profile image

The FODMaP diet

I have suffered with bouts of IBS for over 10 years, however for the past 2 mont...
jessk23 profile image

Pain at Night

Thought I had found my answer to IBS by adopting a low fibre diet. 4/5 days much...
Trailrider profile image
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I have seen a number of references to Glutamine on this forum. I have never tri...
Queeny54 profile image

Nausea on a regular schedule?

I was diagnosed with IBS just over a month ago. My condition was triggered by a ...
babramson profile image

I have been told my abdomen & pelvic pain is IBS have had various tests Gastroscopy, colonoscopy & laparoscopy, but since October have had

pain 24/7 feels like everything is swelling or being squeezed/twisted have tried...
MEERKAT1971 profile image

Help me please

Another nightmare day, just come off antibiotics, which was my 4th lot since beg...
Cimmy profile image

IBS symptoms worse since stopping anti-depressants

Hi I've recently titrated off anti-depressants (citalopram) 10 days ago but sinc...


I had 2/3 of my large instestine removed due to cancer. I have had chronic diar...
myLord profile image

LEPICOL 1st week

I started using Lepicol 1week ago and I thought I`d give my first impression. I`...
Martg profile image

Any advice on travelling with IBS please. As usual my husband wants to go abroad in March. I was diagnosed only this year and the worst

Parts of the day for me are early morning and evening. Worst thing for me would ...
woodland profile image

Who lives in Manchester? Wants set a group up?

I want to set an i.b.s group up in Manchester would people attend? This area lac...
zh27 profile image

Ileocecal valve questions -> do I have an issue or not.

So for the past year and a half (almost 2 now) I have been having pain right whe...
karger profile image

Has anyone tried Silicol Gel?

I've just received the January edition of The IBS Network newsletter and seen an...
Hidden profile image

Wholemeal Bread.

I hope this might help another IBS sufferer. For years I have baked my own whole...
Trailrider profile image

CONSTELLA (Linaclotide) for painful constipation - has anyone tried this new drug? If so were there any side effects? Did it help pain?

I get very painful wind and especially bad when suffering from a cold aswell. ...
purple-07 profile image

What is the pain so many people feel on the left side of their torso?

I have been suffering from pain on the left side of my torso, a symptom of my IB...
beau_alicia profile image

Ibs or something else confused!!!

Almost 3 years ago I was diagnosed with ibs after going to the emergency room a ...
Ali2125- profile image

A week into trying to stop PPI's is just awful. It's ok for 3/4 days and then wham!! Heartburn/upper GI like I've never known.

Has anyone else experienced this? According to my pharmacist, I should cut down ...
binks profile image

Has anyone else tried Linaclotide and if so what results have you had?

bubbles75 profile image

A patient's wish list for 2014

This is a very personal list for me. A mixture of of my own health wishes and th...
michaelseres profile image

Mental -v- Physical

The truth is I’m tired. No, not because I am up partying. At my age as if!!! I’m...
michaelseres profile image

brilliant testing done

My 15 year old son was 'diagnosed' as having IBS because of burning in the stoma...
Hidden profile image

Has anybody else had to give up work. I suffer from severe bouts of diarrhoea pain &bloating several days a week!

bickerton profile image

Bottled water

Has anyone else had trouble with bottled water?

Hi all , what is ibs D and how does it differ from the other variants, no one has ever told me what strain i have

1tomorrow profile image


Hi i have been suffering with ibs and currently lost my job out of missing days ...
ctanner-uk profile image

Can an attack last for on and off for 8 weeks ? Told I had post viral IBS whole system affected. Lots of nausea and indigestion + diarrhea

isaw GE consultant did not seem too concerned Had colonoscopy and endoscopy 3 ye...
bumpermac profile image

Update on condition and clinic appointments

An update to this post:
kirstyboo profile image

Years of relief

After suffering IBS for several years I consulted a private specialist who put m...
TheGrocer profile image