Hi, I’m wondering if anyone here has tried ‘Gut directed hypnotherapy’ as suggested by my consultant? I’ve had IBS for a couple of years now and am in pain every day despite medication and following the FODMAP diet...
Irritable bowel and hypnotherapy : Hi, I’m... - IBS Network
Irritable bowel and hypnotherapy

Yes, I tried that and biofeedback..didn't work well. I have a very stubborn digestive system it seems. Have you tried Bentyl or Levsin for pain and cramping? Both are very good..
Me too tried hypnotherapy very expensive and I was warned that this practise does not work for all. It did not for me but it may be suitable for you. Good Luck
I have tried hypnotherapy and it helped me. Because it relaxed me and suggested my digestive system works perfectly with all my other organs it calmed my IBS down.
I too have tried hypnotherapy for my IBS and I feel it has helped me to stay calm when I have a flare up! It won't cure our IBS but if you practice what you learn it can help to keep you relaxed! So anxiety does not make our condition worse!! Xx
I'm not a big fan of hypnotherapy at all..any of them. I think they're mainly just out to get your $$.
I have good results from hypnotherapy at night. Try YouTube Sleep Hypnosis for anxiety, digestion and IBS by Michael Seeley, and it's free. I have also just purchased a CD Relief from IBS by Mark Bowden which gives one session for daytime use and one for bedtime. I was surprised to feel the pain going without passing any gas!
Please look deeper into creative visualization and somatic therapy’s . Deep relaxation and mindfulness in meditation . These will all help tremendously . There are many many guided imagery YouTube videos that focus on gut issues . Please check them out and find ones that you are drawn to . Do them multiple times a day if you can for best results. .