Bit of history.
Diagnosed with IBS when I was 15 and I'm now 38. At 19 after lots of pains etc and a laparoscopy to see if it was gynae related, which was clear, i saw a food intolerance lady. Main culprits wheat, caffeine and citrus. Cut them out and yep much better. The main culprit was wheat. Over the years I have been able to eat wheat and the others but now when I've eaten too much. Stress was also a major factor in the IBS. Since having my kids they are 10, 7 and 4, it hasn't been too bad. Have eaten wheat and not been too bad.
With all the children I suffered with by pelvis and lower back, and since having my youngest it has been worst. I now see a chiropractor and this helped, along with Pilates. In the summer of 2013 my symptoms of back/pelvis pain etc got worst and turned out I had a dust allergy and now take daily antihistamines and clean! Been also having issues with needing a wee lots but not UTI, Dr said irritated bladder. Come November 2014 all my symptoms were awful,a nod I was experiencing palpitations. I've had a bladder scan - clear. I have been tested for over active thyroid - fine. Seen a cardiologist - all fine. My pains in back, pelvis, and down my legs were worse at periods, so Dr thought endometriosis. Yesterday I had a laparoscopy as the consultant thought the same. But apparently all clear. None on female organs. Now he didn't look at all my organs so I suppose it's still possible it's somewhere else. Who owns. He said my bowel looked bulky and that was cause of all my pains. I also get pains in shoulders and arms and neck. Suggested I look at my diet and take antispasmodics. There is a possibility that I have the endometriosis in my womb as he is larger than normal and this could why I hurt more at period time, as more blood. But it's not excessive blood. So going to take pill back to back for 3 packs at time to see if that helps. If becomes a problem and pain unmanageable then to reconsider the coil, each I refused this time.
So I've decided that for next 2 months I'm going to eliminate wheat mainly, along with caffeine and drink de caf tea and limit the cups a day. Going to try to reduce my dairy intake - my homeopath suggested this as showed up as intolerance with her last year. I've been seeing her for the last year and has helped as I was constantly ill with viruses. She says my hormones are out of balance and she gives me something for that, along with the endometriosis.
Ive got some high strength peppermint oil capsules from holland and Barratt, to help with the gas pain of the laparoscopy, which I'm going to continue to take as its a natural anti spasmodic.
Am going to do this all for 2 months and see if any improvement in my vast array of symptoms. If not then I shall go back to the dr to see if I need to see gynae again, or someone to do with my bowel. If its gynae (entirely possible that I have endometriosis but consultant not specialist enough to find it) then I will ask to be referred to a endometriosis specialtist centre as at least then if they go and have a look again, they will have other specialtists there too.
Anyone got any advise at all.
My pains are not like I had when I was a lot younger, as normally then once id got the wind or poo out I was fine. It could take hours when I had a flare up and took milk of mag to help, and at other times I used to get pains in my groin. But I suppose things can change and if it's just IBS causing all these issues then diet etc should help.
On top of this last May my Mum passed away very suddenly and expectedly, so been a stressful year with sorting everything out, helping my dad and my own grief. I've had counselling for this, which has helped. But I had these symptoms a good 10 moths before this happened, as I was already seeing my homeopath then. But since October 2014 it has got worse.
Thanks for reading my essay!
Lisa x