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All posts for October 2012

An Interesting Week!

Hey Guys, I hope you are getting along OK. This week has been fairly full on!...
hopalongrider profile image

Good afternoon everyone.....

I hope this finds you all well and rested on this cold dreary Sunday. My name...
sandie2255 profile image

Rituximab and sunbathing

I am off on holiday in three weeks time. (hoping i'll be well enough to make it)...
optomistic profile image
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good news!

I got an esa letter today telling me that the money they pay me has changed. m...
hamble99b profile image

I am going too..............

Take my pills,have a bath and go to bed to watch strictly on the tv upstairs. ...
sylvi profile image

Pins and Needles.......

I have just had a very uncomfortable night, being awake with terrible acid burni...
nellysgran profile image

change of meds

hi , got a letter from my rheum today after seeing her back in oct, upon which ...
missmopp profile image

We must be ‘potty’ at NRAS HQ!

Bbbrrrrrrrrr! That’s all I have to say! Well I will say a bit more, but h...
Hidden profile image

I did it!!!

Thanks to all your encouragement and good ideas I managed to give myself my MTX ...
helixhelix profile image

More thoughts from the residential home

Hello everyone, Today is a big day for me. It is now 6 weeks since the op on...
Hidden profile image

What do i have to do to be painfree...................

Morning everyone,well here i am after having a good cry. Last night i went out t...
sylvi profile image

Anyone have RA at a young age?

I'm 26 and have had reactive arthritis for 3 years, however over the last year i...
Scuba-phil profile image

Coming off steroids, after effects

Ive now been off my short course of steroid tablets for 2 days and thankfully my...
Josie2 profile image

Feeling rubbish!

I've got a horrible cold & feel lousy! I've had it for a few days now & it seem...
Hidden profile image

please can anyone give me the latest information on vitamin D are there any web sites ?i really want to know as my bones are getting weak.

xmas profile image

hello everyone this is my first blog.I have had R.A. for two and a half years,and am just starting to cope and accept it.but struggle a bit.

I find that often i feel unwell and the tiredness is the worst so social life go...
xmas profile image

Elbow pain

I have been referred to a Rheumy by my GP due to stiffness and pain in my finger...
MAGSWAT profile image

It's me again

Hi just to say manage to get hold of nurse this morning she said doc should have...
Neverwell profile image

Fingers changing, should I be worried?

Good morning, I have phoned my specialist nurse today and left a message asking ...
Hidden profile image

Due to have mxt injection today, but I have a awful sore and swollen throat and cold. Should I still have injection?

lisarob profile image

hi all has anyone got spine damage, and how do you cope with it, the hospital told me to wear a bead coller at nightime but i cant stand it

jaqi1 profile image

Am I entitled to dla

Hi everyone my doctor diagnosed me with RA early september and my appointment wi...
shirlthegirl profile image

Has anyone else had serious joint damage happen in 2 and 1/2 months?

Hi everyone, there's been some uncertainty about whether or not my knees have...
Hidden profile image

tired, exhausted.........

Hi! I saw my consultant today, first time for a year, and after months of feeli...
PJ68 profile image

A little thought for ......HALLOWEEN

Gone are the days Of worry and strain Why do we worry Why do we fuss Money ...
watson3 profile image

Online Survey into Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQOL) for patients with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) and caregivers

Hi All, Just a quick blog for those who have JIA or look after someone who do...

Catch up time

Hi All, been back from hols just under 2 weeks from 35 degree heat to chilly, r...
LavendarLady profile image

Medicines post gastric bypass

Posted this in blogs but think it should be in questions Hello All I have rec...
Hidden profile image

How am i going to manage my Medication post Gastric Bypass

Hello All I have recently (June) been diagnosed with inflammatory Arthritis I ...
Hidden profile image

Steroids, hot flushes and black cohosh!

Hi all As most of you already know i'm still clueless about meds lol! I'm ...
Josie2 profile image