fEEFeel so unwell like I'm about to d... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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fEEFeel so unwell like I'm about to die, can someone please take a look at my blood work, trying to find a reason.

lostcat- profile image
14 Replies

I don't know what to do anymore. I had ecg, heart echoes and so on due to heart palpitations, now had full blood work - not sure about the results though. Generally I just feel so weak and ill all the time, I can't even explain it, don't want to move out of my bed, don't feel like doing anything anymore...

Is there anything on here that could be a potential reason for that? Please help..

HAEMOGLOBIN (g/L) 154 g/L 115 - 155

HCT * 0.462 0.33 - 0.45

RED CELL COUNT 5.01 x10^12/L 3.95 - 5.15

MCV 92.2 fL 80 - 99

MCH 30.7 pg 26.0 - 33.5

MCHC (g/L) 333 g/L 300 - 350

RDW 12.8 11.5 - 15.0

PLATELET COUNT 186 x10^9/L 150 - 400

MPV 11.4 fL 7 - 13

WHITE CELL COUNT 3.58 x10^9/L 3.0 - 10.0

Neutrophils * 54.9% 1.97 x10^9/L 2.0 - 7.5

Lymphocytes * 33.2% 1.19 x10^9/L 1.2 - 3.65

Monocytes 10.3% 0.37 x10^9/L 0.2 - 1.0

Eosinophils 0.8% 0.03 x10^9/L 0.0 - 0.4

Basophils 0.8% 0.03 x10^9/L 0.0 - 0.1

ESR 5 mm/hr 1 - 20



SODIUM * 127 mmol/L 135 - 145

POTASSIUM * 45 g/L 63 - 83

CHLORIDE * 96 mmol/L 98 - 107

BICARBONATE 28 mmol/l 22 - 29

UREA 5.2 mmol/L 1.7 - 8.3

CREATININE 92 umol/L 49 - 92

BILIRUBIN 12 umol/L 0 - 20




LDH * 215 IU/L 135 - 214

CK * 141 IU/L 26 - 140

GAMMA GT 33 IU/L 6 - 42

TOTAL PROTEIN 82 g/L 63 - 83

ALBUMIN * 52 g/L 34 - 50

GLOBULIN 30 g/L 19 - 35

CALCIUM 2.46 mmol/L 2.20 - 2.60

Corrected Calcium 2.34 mmol/L 2.20 - 2.60

PHOSPHATE 1.16 mmol/L 0.87 - 1.45

URIC ACID * 364 umol/L 175 - 363

RANDOM BLOOD GLUCOSE (FL) 4.7 mmol/L 3.5 - 7.9

TRIGLYCERIDES 1.3 mmol/L < 2.3

CHOLESTEROL 4.7 mmol/L Optimum <5.0

IRON 21.6 umol/L 6.6 - 26.0

T.I.B.C 64 umol/L 41 - 77


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lostcat- profile image
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14 Replies
clare_hart profile image

Hi, we aren't doctors. But if you look through the list, you can quickly identify the values that are out of range. They have an asterisk right after the name, like sodium, slightly low. But this has to be up to your doctors to diagnose. Have you seen a cardiologist?

Do you think stress and depression or other symptoms you have could be part of this? My doctor told me that my depression could be part of the reason for my abdominal pain. I bring that up only because I was so surprised that one could affect the other. I had never heard of that and wouldn't have guessed. So, there might be reasons for your palpitations that aren't related to your heart? Have you asked your doctor about this?

lou60 profile image

I would urge you to seek medical help at A&E, we are not medics on this forum however you will find we genuinely do care about what you are going through. Do you have anyone you can talk to? Just being able to talk things through does help. As for the blood test results that must be discussed with your GP or if in distress A&E. I hope you find the answers you need soon. Lou x

Fibrofoggiest profile image

I would join Lou in urging you speak with either your GP or go to A&E .

We are not medics here, and none of us are in any way qualified to comment on such things as your blood work and are actively discouraged from doing so for members own safety. Please seek proper medical advice as soon as you possibly can to get a correct analysis of your results. Hoping things turn out well and you get some positive help with whatever is going on.

Sending healing vibes your way :-) :-)

Foggy x

TheAuthor profile image

Hi lostcat

I am so sorry to read that you are feeling so poorly at this time, and I genuinely urge you to seek out professional medical help and explain to them exactly how you are feeling?

I want to wish you all the best of luck and please keep us up to date with what the doctor says to you?

Please take care


Betty67 profile image

Sorry you are feeling so unwell, I did look even though I have no medical knowledge. Do hope you find help soon, be as good to yourself as you can.

Hi there lostcat- :)

Sorry to hear your frustrations but i'm not a medical professional so cannot help you with this myself and I agree with the others in saying that speaking to your doctor about this is important as he has the insight and knowledge of your medical history.

Maybe you could post this on the NHS choices forum as there some medical advisers there that may be able to help you but seeing your own GP is still advisable regarding this.

I hope you find the answers that you seek and please let us know how it works out for you :)

Sorry I can't help.

Sending healing fluffie hugs to you :)

xxx sian :)

mikipaulo profile image

Good day,

I am sorry that you are struggling with your illness & a lack of diagnosis. It can be so frustrating, I know. Please don't give up. I promise there is a reason & the right doctor will ultimately find it.

I want to suggest that you see a special heart doctor....a Cardiophysiologist. These doctors specialize in the electrical functioning of the heart. Problems in this area can cause your palpitations & other rhythms that could relate to your fatigue as well.

I also suggest a good counselor to help you handle the illness & stress you are under. It is awesome to share your feeling with someone who isn't directly involved in your situation. You can tell them everything & in return the teach you ways to handle it that you didn't already know.

I make these suggestions based on my personal experiences, with cardiology problems & long term health issues.

Please, be encouraged. Keep us posted here...we always have caring people to listen.

MariLiz profile image

So sorry to hear you're so unwell, I echo what everyone else has said. I would also ask if they've checked your B12 and cortisol?

Cortisol is produced when we are under stress, and if your B12 is really low you do feel terrible. Do see your Doctor again!

Let us know how you get on.


lostcat- profile image

Thank you so much for replies everyone. I really appreciate them.

To clarify some things - B12 and cortisol levels weren't tested, unfortunately. I haven't seen a cardiologist directly but my GP referred me for ecg and heart echo. They were done in a hospital, by a nurse, so never really had a chance to talk to a cardiologist myself. The results apparently came back fine, I don't know any details but that's what my GP said. He pretty much suggested that I'm a liar and didn't think it was necessary to order full blood work. So I had it done privately but now I don't have enough money to have it interpreted by a private doctor. I might be able to get the money for it in a few days though (hopefully).

Again, thank you for support. I will definitely update once I see a doctor and get some feedback.

RayB profile image
RayB in reply to lostcat-

Lostcat,,, if your not well you could make an appointment to see your GP.

I would bring your blood test results with you as it is information for him that he might be able to make use of,,, no harm doing that. If his attitude stinks, find another Dr.

Stress and Worry has a nasty habit of making you feel worse.

In the mean time I would perhaps add some banana to my diet for a little added Potassium.

Best Wishes, Ray

bwaite profile image

It sounds like a really bad flare

with horrible fatigue. I get horrible

anxiety with a bad flare. Try some

deep breathing. Just go with the

flare hopefully it will let up soon.

Hope this helps X

Amma08 profile image

Dear friend: I'm truly sorry you're feeling so bad. I know how that feels. It seems like nobody cares or understands the type of pain Fibromyalgia patients feel, except for other people who have it. I hope you've gotten an answer to your inquiry or concern about the blood tests. You know so much of how we feel has to do with what we eat and our environment. Stress also contributed to our feeling bad, and having nobody to talk to makes us feel alone. Wow ! It can be so frustrating. But rest assured, I felt for you and am here if you want to chat. Yours truly, Colleen (Portland, Oregon USA)

mikipaulo profile image

I am glad that your ecg & echo were fine. They both show no structural damage effecting your heart's rhythm.

Yet, your palpitations & fatigue warrant further evaluation of the electrical functioning of your heart. Electrical problems in the heart are not usually found through an ecg (which takes look at 1 sec of heart rhythm). The echo would only indicate a rhythm problem if major structural defect in heart were causing it. You should still be further evaluated by a cardiophysiologist. They could run more specific tests and are trained to then evaludonethem all.

GP's are great & he has done what he can to evaluate your heart for major problems, as is his job. However, no answers for other causes & continuation of symptoms, for any medical problems, then suggest a specialist should be seen instead of just a GP. You don't have to wait for your doctor to suggest a referral, you can ask him for one.

Again, good luck & God bless.

lostcat- profile image

Thanks so much everyone, for all the support, I did not expect this level of understanding and kind words.

I saw a doctor, he said that the results aren't bad but they show that I have slight electrolytes imbalance, and that I should also change my diet, and generally eat more. To be honest I'm not exactly happy with this because I thought I will finally get to the root of the problem. But I guess it's better than a serious illness diagnosis.

mikipaulo, thank you for suggestion, I didn't know there were other tests available I will definitely try to make an appointment and see a cardiophysiologist as soon as I can.

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