U CREDIT : Good morning all.So last... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Bertjolly profile image
57 Replies

Good morning all.So last night I applied for UC for my severe anxiety and fibromyalgia.

I have not worked for 3 years I know I can't now.

Anxious the gp won't give me a sick certificate.

When they ask for it.

Keep your fingers crossed for me please

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Bertjolly profile image
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57 Replies
Blue-52 profile image

good luck, but initially you will have to provide a sick note for UC, sorry.

Bertjolly profile image
Bertjolly in reply to Blue-52

Thanks Blue-52Gp has just issued one

Blue-52 profile image
Blue-52 in reply to Bertjolly

Ur welcome, good luck.

Bertjolly profile image
Bertjolly in reply to Blue-52

Thankyou so much. Got a appointment with them on the 28th as I only had 1 form of ID.

Blue-52 profile image
Blue-52 in reply to Bertjolly

Brilliant, fingers crossed 🤞

Bertjolly profile image
Bertjolly in reply to Blue-52

Thankyou I'm a tad nervous. Not sure what to do with the certificate.

Do I wait till the appointment?

Or will they tell me ? Ie a message .

I'm lost

Blue-52 profile image
Blue-52 in reply to Bertjolly

You should be a signed a coach, and an online account that way you can send it online, you should have a journal and a to do list, and payments etc, I think you sent it into your to do list, they will tell you, or give you a email , they may ask for another, until, they process you.

Don’t be nervous, just tell them the truth.

Bertjolly profile image
Bertjolly in reply to Blue-52

Morning I can see the journal to do list etc.

I put the dates of the suck note in. But unsure where on the site to upload certificate photo. Also I want to tell them about my issues. Not sure with that either.

Blue-52 profile image
Blue-52 in reply to Bertjolly

Go to home at top, scroll down, to report a sick note, obviously take a picture 1st, tap on sick note, and you can upload it, hope this helps.

Bertjolly profile image
Bertjolly in reply to Blue-52

Brilliant thankyou.

Do you also know where I can write stuff about my health?

I have a learning disability so this is why I'm asking so much.

Sorry to drive you and everyone to dispair. It drives me mad too lol

Blue-52 profile image
Blue-52 in reply to Bertjolly

Don’t worry, we are all here to help, you may be asked to add to your journal, this is where you can write about your illnesses, but you will need to have your interview 1st, your coach will take everything down, then you may be asked additional information in the journal, also keep an eye on your to do list, each time, you should get a email, to sign into uc and read what your coach wants you to do .feel free to ask anytime, u can pm , tap my profile, and it will take you to private messages

Goldenhaze profile image
Goldenhaze in reply to Bertjolly

if you can’t find somewhere too upload an image of your fit note, it may not exist. I never had to offer proof, simply enter the dates.

Bertjolly profile image
Bertjolly in reply to Goldenhaze

Hello do you still have to get sick notes?

Goldenhaze profile image
Goldenhaze in reply to Bertjolly

No, I receive LCWRA now, so I’m signed off and don’t have to search for work.

After 3 months of fit notes, you’ll automatically trigger an assessment and decide if you can work/search for work. Each region clearly differs, as everyone has had a different experience, but I found it incredibly easy and not at all stressful.

Bertjolly profile image
Bertjolly in reply to Goldenhaze

HelloOh right .

So what are assessments like??

Will you work again or are you permanently signed off?

Goldenhaze profile image
Goldenhaze in reply to Bertjolly

It was a 10/15 minute video call. The chap just verified a few things, very casual like. A week of two later was told I qualified for LCWRA. I was so surprised and it’s been a great help, as my husband is retired, so I get most of the UC deducted, but this way at least I still get something.

I’m self employed with an online shop, but it’s not likely I’ll ever be able to work for someone else again, as I’m in so much pain every day and my health is so unpredictable.

Yes I have the nightmare fibro - it’s a shocker how awful it is. I had friends with it, but never understood how awful it could be.

Bertjolly profile image
Bertjolly in reply to Goldenhaze

Thankyou for telling me about your fibromyalgia. And thanks for explaining it all so clearly.

I'm glad to hear you got awarded it. And I can imagine it really helps you out ie with your husband being retired too.

Will you recieve it permanently now?

I'm just worried I won't be believed.

I presume now I've told them I have a sick certificate they'll contact more?

Goldenhaze profile image
Goldenhaze in reply to Bertjolly

You’re welcome - it’s confusing and no one told me about it when I started on UC (work coaches are not allowed to recommend other benefits to their ‘clients’, and the person who responds to my messages on the journal is completely obtuse and aggressive) so I only found out about LCW/LCWRA through a charity.

I’m not sure about permanently, I guess a lot depends how hard they come down on benefits! It’ll likely be reassessed in a few years, but they never said.

I worried about the same thing - but you mentioned you have PIP? It nowhere near the trauma of applying for PIP! I’m on my third attempt (although in Scotland now, so it’s ADP) and it’s almost 2 years since I started the application. I’ll be going to tribunal at the end of the year and I’m terrified. They make you feel so small 😢 but I’m hoping for the best, as I really need the support now.

Having hubby at home does help, but he’s disabled himself, so we’re propping each other up!

Bertjolly profile image
Bertjolly in reply to Goldenhaze

Hello Goldenhaze.Hope your okay.

Can I ask when do you hear about a assessment?

I applied for UC on Sunday.

I've not heard anything apart from next Wednesday I go to the job centre to take some ID

I have no idea of what is happening.

I'm actually thinking about backing out as I'm imagining it's going to be hard to get it.

Goldenhaze profile image
Goldenhaze in reply to Bertjolly

Stick with it if you can, you’ve nothing to lose. I was surprised at how easy it was, so try not to get ahead of yourself.

Having PIP will go in your favour too.

So as I mentioned in another comment, you’ll need three consecutive months of fit notes before the assessment is automatically triggered. Just keep adding your fit note dates to your UC account (once it’s set up, which will be following your appt with the Job Centre/Work Coach to check ID).

First they’ll send a form for you to complete (hard copy) for you to state your physical/mental health issues.

I was sent the form, which I delayed at completing. Despite that, I was sent an appt which was done over video and lasted no more than 15 minutes. It was very relaxed and friendly and I wasn’t grilled.

I asked about me not completing the form and he said they don’t insist on the forms if the person suffers any mental health issues (anxiety for me).

I wish you all the best with it - try to stick with it, it’ll be worth it!

Bertjolly profile image
Bertjolly in reply to Goldenhaze

Hello 😊 First off thankyou so very much for your reply.

So at the moment they don't know I recieve pip.

How do i tell them that?

Also the gp done a certificate for 61 days so I presume that's 2 months ,so I'll only need 1 more?

I will keep your reply so I can look back at it.

Ok I'll stay with it like you say.

Like you I have severe anxiety. I'm hoping all that's on my medical records I would of thought so.

As with all my medication.

Keep your fingers crossed.

Will you ever have to look for work?


Goldenhaze profile image
Goldenhaze in reply to Bertjolly

You’re very welcome. ☺️

While I’m on LCWRA, I’m not required to look for work, but of course I can. I have my business, which is enough for me atm, as of course it’s flexible.

Things can change though, as the current gov’t is looking to axe a lot of benefits, so who knows what’s coming.

You’ll have to play the waiting game now. All the relevant things need to go on your form when the time comes. Take your time with it and don’t be surprised if they sent an appt through for an assessment before your form is submitted, it happened with me.

In the meantime, your Work Coach will talk you through everything else.

Keep us posted won’t you and I wish you all the best with it. Xx

Bertjolly profile image
Bertjolly in reply to Goldenhaze

Morning Thankyou for your reply

How is a assessment done?

Not sure if I have a work coach yet

Got the ID appointment today, even anxious about that.

I will keep you posted xx

Goldenhaze profile image
Goldenhaze in reply to Bertjolly

Good morning ☺️ You’ll be fine, they’ve always been lovely and helpful.

You’ll likely be given an appt to see your work coach today - again the JC will guide you on this.

My assessment was done over video conference, but I don’t know if they do them in person to - that was just what I was offered. It was very convenient though.

They may ask about working ability today, or your Work Coach may be doing that when you see them, but they’ll tell you what you need to do.

All the best for today 💕

Bertjolly profile image
Bertjolly in reply to Goldenhaze

Hi The ID appointment went ok.

Got a bit tearful as I struggle with things like that. My partner would usually come but couldn't because of work.

The guy said because I have a 2 month certificate it means I'll receive the uc50 form shortly.

And the assessment will be over the phone.

Not sure we qualify for uc because he works and gets a pension. But we will see.


Bertjolly profile image
Bertjolly in reply to Goldenhaze

And if I can ask. Do you have fibromyalgia?

Hazel_Angelstar profile image
Hazel_AngelstarAdministratorFMA UK Staff

I've just been in a phone call to gp for same thing - I would recommend getting fit note from gp as soon as possible to get the lcw/LCWRA process started otherwise they will expect you to start doing work related activities

Bertjolly profile image
Bertjolly in reply to Hazel_Angelstar

Hi hazel Just got on to the gp. He's given me a 2 month certificate

Bertjolly profile image
Bertjolly in reply to Hazel_Angelstar

Hi again.I have a appointment at the job centre on the 28th for proof of ID.

I have a certificate should I take that with me?

Not sure if your allowed to up load it on to your UC account?


Hazel_Angelstar profile image
Hazel_AngelstarAdministratorFMA UK Staff in reply to Bertjolly

There is a section on the uc account to upload fit notes. I think you can upload it there and put a note in your journal to say you have done it.

Our benefits team would be able to give you the answer

FMA UK benefits helpline information
Bertjolly profile image
Bertjolly in reply to Hazel_Angelstar

Thanks Hazel.Do you know that section is called?

hazelcats profile image

Just sending best wishes and good luck. I applied for PIP recently so am anticipating a battle of need be. Good luck x

Bertjolly profile image
Bertjolly in reply to hazelcats

Hi Hazel.Thankyou that's kind.

I do recieve pip.

I wish you all the luck in the world with it fingers are crossed.

Let me know xx

Wordsearch1 profile image

I would think your GP will have to as you have been unable to work for 3 years in fact ask your GP yourself if your GP won't do this ask for a letter confirming the reason you have been unable to work. Good Luck 👍

Bertjolly profile image
Bertjolly in reply to Wordsearch1

Morning The gp gave me a certificate for 2 months.

My health record speaks for its self.

I'm unsure on how to tell them online about my health or should I wait for the uc50 form?

Hazel_Angelstar profile image
Hazel_AngelstarAdministratorFMA UK Staff in reply to Bertjolly

I think you need to wait for the uc50

Bertjolly profile image
Bertjolly in reply to Wordsearch1

Thankyou x

keokar profile image

Hi Bertjolly, good luck with claim and job centre. I was nervous when first went to job centre, had fibro for 15 years, but only just got UC, the last 2 years. It's only a quick interview with them , show some id, and they ask a few questions. You assigned a coach there, you see him it him or her a few times, to check in, only to ask about self, I am a nervous person, but they put you at ease, and know that probably forget a lot of stuff. I got sick notes from doc, for a few months, then they signed me off with incapable to work. They don't want to see sick notes, just put in journal, and that's fine, but you can take it to interview that's better good, mine was put over on phone, so they just check. Hope goes well, I never claimed anything for years, and had no money, so even a bit is a blessing, just to go out on bus, it gets a cup of tea sometimes, as fibromyalgia is a horrible illness, have had all the symptoms through years, and worse now I am nearly 60. Take care. x

Bertjolly profile image
Bertjolly in reply to keokar

HelloI'm 58.

Got diagnosed with fibro in 2000.

So a long time.

I didn't know there was a chance I could get this benefit.

I have severe anxiety and depression. Had it all my life.

It's all on my notes so they'll see it if they apply for them.

I'm glad to here you do get UC that's great.

So you think I should write my health things in the journal?

How much should I write?

Thankyou for helping x

keokar profile image

Hi Bertjolly, it's ok, you don't have to write anything in journal about illness, they just ask few questions about you, and tell coach at interview, only need to write in journal about changes, if moved, new phone number or got a new diagnosis on top of everything. I had a form to fill out, telling them about all my illnesses, and how I manage my life with it, give hospital letters and doc statements if have them and any docs, might have about you, then later on you have interview on phone, had a lovely man, telling them about how your life is day to day with illness, and then if successful, they write telling you, and you don't need sick notes anymore from docs. If just tell them really how you manage with life, that's all need, you forget things I did, but they will understand. Hope goes well. x

Bertjolly profile image
Bertjolly in reply to keokar

Thankyou so very much .I appreciate you taking the time to write all that out for me.

Everyone has been kind.

I really struggle with academic things.

So all this is great.

Good to hear it all went well for you .

Again thankyou xx

Bertjolly profile image
Bertjolly in reply to keokar

Can't remember if I said. But I did write some basic things in my journal ie about the fibromyalgia, anxiety and depression. Said a little of how all.these things affect me. After re reading above you said don't bother doing that and I already have 🙄 I'm useless xxx

keokar profile image

That's ok, hope it helped a bit, I am not much of academic either, just know common sense. You will be fine, be yourself, good day or bad, they understand. x🤗

Bertjolly profile image
Bertjolly in reply to keokar

I've just put another post on.I'm beside myself with worry don't know what to do.

You definitely helped x

keokar profile image

Thanks, try not to worry, I know it's hard, stress is part of fibromyalgia and you sound like you got things covered, they do understand it's hard for you, and will see how you effected by it all, it's not like a proper interview, they should not be horrible or disrespectful. Go be yourself and take someone if need to, even if just company to sit in job centre and wait for you. xxx

Bertjolly profile image
Bertjolly in reply to keokar

In the bit where it saysCHANGE OF HEALTH OR ABILITY TO WORK.

what do I put for that?

I worked up until December 2020.

Should I put that date?

But have have all these conditions for a very long time.

Xxx again your so helpful

keokar profile image

Hi Bertjolly, yes put the date, where you first could not work, but can say had the conditions, for a long time before, but things got worse, as they can, but effected your life for a long time, and now have found unable to do work, something like that, word it how you would. xxx

Bertjolly profile image
Bertjolly in reply to keokar

Hi thankyou.That's brilliant.

I'm going to add thar in my journal xx

keokar profile image
keokar in reply to Bertjolly

Good luck, your be ok. If need help with form or don't know or find hard to do, ask them for help, they will do that. I am here if you want talk or ask anything else, I might be able to help, on certain things, with fibro. Hopefully sorted soon for you, then less stressful. xxx

Bertjolly profile image
Bertjolly in reply to keokar

Hello again 😊Aw thankyou that's very kind.

How weird you messaged just as I was finishing writing to the work coach (whoever that is)

Said a few things ie the fibro.

The anxiety and the depression.

I know I'll have to put alot more on the UC50 XXX

keokar profile image

That was weird, I find things go like that. Yes you can put everything you need on form, say what you need, and can provide all information from docs, and take help if need it, from them, as they know what needs from you, to help. Your started it now, so soon it will be done, and you can not have to worry about it. Take care. xxx

Bertjolly profile image
Bertjolly in reply to keokar

I'll keep you updated. Xxx

You take care too

keokar profile image

🤗 xxx

Bertjolly profile image
Bertjolly in reply to keokar

Back. Just seen a message. Not sure if she's a coach or whatever.

It said I've accepted your sick note with what you told us.

No idea what happens now zxx

keokar profile image

Hi Bertjolly, now they got sick note, they should help you now sort out some money for not being able to work,with more information later, they make sure you get the help you need. xxx

Bertjolly profile image
Bertjolly in reply to keokar

Thanks keokar.Sorry to keep messaging xxx

Hope your alright

keokar profile image

No don't have to be sorry, as long as you get all the information and it helps you. Take care xxx

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