My recent blood tests results: Average Blood... - Diabetes India

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My recent blood tests results

Ashka9 profile image
46 Replies

Average Blood sugar level

HbA1c= 6.3 %

Average blood glucose level= 134 mg/dl

Anemia Profile

Vit. D = 32.86 ng/ml (SUFFICIENCY : 30-100 ng/ml)

Vit. B12 = 981 pg/ml (Normal : 211 - 911 pg/ml)

Iron = 107.7 ug/dl (Female : 60 - 180 )

ferritin = 117.6 ng/ml (Women: 10-291 ng/ml )

folic acid =>24 ng/ml (> 5.38 ng/ml )

Lipid profile

TOTAL CHOLESTEROL = 183 mg/dl (125 - 200 )

HDL CHOLESTEROL = 45 mg/dl (35-80)

LDL CHOLESTEROL = 119 mg/dl (85 - 130 )


TC/ HDL CHOLESTEROL RATIO= 4.1 (3.0 - 5.0 )

LDL / HDL RATIO = 2.6 (1.5 - 3.5)

VLDL CHOLESTEROL = 33 mg/dl (5 - 40 )

NON-HDL CHOLESTEROL= 138.1 mg/dl (< 160 )

Advanced Thyroid Profile

TOTAL TRIIODOTHYRONINE (T3) =102 ng/dl (60 - 200 )

TOTAL THYROXINE (T4) =12.2 µg/dl (4.5 - 12.0 )

THYROID STIMULATING HORMONE (TSH) = 0.34 µIU/ml (0.30 - 5.5)

FREE TRIIODOTHYRONINE (FT3) = 2.9 pg/ml (1.7 - 4.2)

FREE THYROXINE (FT4) = 1.44 ng/dl (0.70 - 1.80)

ANTI MICROSOMAL ANTIBODY (AMA) = 447 IU/mL (Negative : <34 )

I have been taking supplements of Iron, Vit. D, Vit. B12, selenium, folic acid and silymarin...except iron supplement, all are still continued. I had heard that Iron overload causes constipation, and I felt that for few days,so discontinued a week ago before blood tests. Started taking Vit. C also for better absorption of Iron just for temporary.

Now, it seems except Vit. D, all have reached to it's optimal levels and will take only maintenance dose of Iron now. Vit. B12 sublingually has to be continued still since Metformin I take reduces absorption of Vit. B12, so nonetheless I have to supplement with it regularly to avoid any neurological problems in future.

My TSH had gone high in last May and I have increased dose from 100 mcg of thyroxine to 125 mcg daily and now TSH is under control along with optimal Free T3 and Free T4. But my antibodies levels are still high after 2 months of selenium supplementation, so will continue taking it.

My triglycerides are higher than my last year report (which was 110), so wish to know from all of you, how to reduce triglycerides....alarming it seems.

Request all experts to analyze my blood tests results and comments, if any

cure Hidden suramo Hidden @anup

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Ashka9 profile image
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46 Replies
Geodiabetic profile image

as far as I know triglycerides are directly linked with carb consumption... 2 years back my TG were around 150 now less than 80

alwaysoptimistic profile image
alwaysoptimistic in reply toGeodiabetic


Ashka9 profile image

this means my diabetes as a disease has progressed and insulin resistance increased....right?

if i don't eat chapati, what to eat....fruits ok...I can eat less..not that fond of...

in reply toAshka9

Tg is a function of high carbs

So Please reduce carbs where possible

This will crash the tg levels

Indians have typically high TG coupled with low hdl

In your case hdl is ok

But carbs are a bit high

Please see how you can reduce the carbs.. whatever best possible

Ashka9 profile image
Ashka9 in reply to


hnn...thanks...I will look into it...will restrict carbs to 100g...and increase physical activity as well.

Ashka9 profile image

my recent TG/HDL ratio = 165/45=3.67 so...IR has increased from tested last time...last year...which was 110/41=2.68

what should be optimal level of TG/HDL ratio for IR?

however, HDL has increased little from last year...

Ashka9 profile image


I expected this answer from everybody...Carbs are our enemies it seems...or physical inactivity? Well, I will try both....I don't eat rice daily but will try to avoid it refined flour either...potatoes also will be avoided choice anyway...

But I will couple the restriction of carbs with an hour of exercise and being active throughout day...may help...because my HbA1c had increased by 2 points after I stopped working....meaning not doing job at present..otherwise my HbA1c was staying steady at 6.1 for two years after being diagnosed with diabetes in Mar. 2014

Ashka9 profile image


I am asking about optimal TG/HDL ratio...what it should be? not TG...I know TG has to be <100

cure profile image

First of all congratulations Ashka9

Hmmm after eating everything....all those dhoklas and bajra nu rotli...still if you are achieving 6.3 then it is really great.

Now yes if you want to reduce your TG to normal you have to reduce on carbs…

And you may chew some raw garlic cloves in each meal.

Further, I am more interested in your liver profile…. Have you done that also??? If possible plz share….after taking silymarin what benefits you are experiencing in your liver enzymes will be more interesting.

Ashka9 profile image
Ashka9 in reply tocure


I have not done liver and kidney and pancreas profile. will do that later since I have started silymarin only few weeks ago...wish to give some time for silymarin to work...

I just wanted to check my nutritional levels since I have been taking all of them since last few months and I had to stop...and take a maintenance dose then based on results...

also wanted to check thyroid since I was feeling little hyperthyroid symptoms due to increased dose may I know what to do

increase physical activity as well...and restrict much as possible..

will keep u posted when I do other LFT and KFT along with pancreas profile also including fasting insulin again after few months to check whether IR and or BCF has increased or decreased. Will get C-peptide test done for BCF as Shrisamarth recommended at local lab.

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply toAshka9

C peptide is for Type1 who are already taking insulin....

For non insulin T2 fasting insulin can be measured directly....

One more thing....avoid mixing carbs with fats... do noteatchapati with ghee...I think it is risky combination for diabetic

Ashka9 profile image
Ashka9 in reply tocure


dear Mr. cure...ghee as a fat delays the absorption of carbs in chapati...hope you know is beneficial to diabetics and all according to me..

so u say I should not get C-peptide test done?

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply toAshka9

I think fasting insulin test is there any more benefit than doing direct fasting insulin???

shrisamarth will be able to shed more light on same...

it is said life on insulin is very less and comparatively c peptides stay longer in blood.

shrisamarth profile image
shrisamarthVolunteer in reply tocure

Yes. C-peptide has limited use in type 2 diabetes management. But we can use it for BCF calculation in HOMA 2.

Half life of insulin is 4-6 min. and that of c-peptide is 30 min.

Ashka9 profile image


not done LFT/KFT...will get it done later...along with pancreas profile and fasting insulin + c-peptide test for BCF at local lab.

The above tests were done by Thyrocare where they pick up blood sample from it is more convenient...and economical too...

Ashka9 profile image


explain the mechanism of LCT and MCT please...ghee is saturated fat and acc to you saturated fat is not bad at all!

Ashka9 profile image

cure @anup

shrisamarth profile image

Insulin and TG/HDL ratio both show IR.

High B12 levels. May be poor absorption at Cellular level and liver issues.

Ashka9 profile image
Ashka9 in reply toshrisamarth


Insulin and TG/HDL ratio both show IR.

But IR calculated by above two methods show different results. Which one is more accurate? My TG/HDL ratio before last year was 2.68...and when fasting insulin test done in last aug...IR came to 1.33 by Homa 2 calculator.

High B12 levels. May be poor absorption at Cellular level and liver issues.

I have been taking high dose of Vit. B12 supplements since I was severely deficient. Vit. B12 deficiency can cause neurological problems especially in diabetics and hypothyroid people. I am taking Metformin which reduces absorption of B12 so I have to take the supplement for lifetime since B12 is required to convert from T4 to active form of thyroid hormone which is very crucial for metabolism and the whole endocrine system.

In Japan, the limit for Vit. B12 is 500-1300 instead...our labs has lower ranges...though...

how does high Vit. B12 levels show poor absorption at cellular level and liver issues? explain

shrisamarth profile image
shrisamarthVolunteer in reply toAshka9

TG/HDL ratio and HOMA 2 are two different indexes. You can not compare them.

Reference values for B12 will very from country to country and even lab to lab. Extreme ends of range are not optimal. e.g. D vit. levels in Asians are around 35.

There are various reasons for high levels of B12. I said liver issues because, I think you have some high levels of liver enzymes. You said somewhere. I may be wrong.

Ashka9 profile image
Ashka9 in reply toshrisamarth


Have higher SGPT and SGOT levels when checked last year...not done this yet.

will keep u posted when test LFT again but how come higher liver enzymes affect Vit. b12 levels?

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply toAshka9

hmmmm just check how b12 is stored in liver and recycled..

Ashka9 profile image
Ashka9 in reply tocure

send me the link cure if you have read any such article for b12 stored in liver and recycled...

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply toAshka9

ok...hold on checking with google.

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tocure

People may not realize vitamin B12 is missing from their diets because the liver can store a 5-year supply in reserve.

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply toAshka9

Even the small amounts of B12 commonly found in the nodules of organically-grown root vegetables, and the small amounts produced by the bacteria in our own mouths, may be enough to sustain many of us. A very little of this substance can go a long way. For those who switch to a vegan diet, for example, there are usually stores of B12 in the liver that can last for several years, or even decades.

shrisamarth profile image
shrisamarthVolunteer in reply toAshka9

When liver is affected, there could be problem with B12 binding protein which transports B12 to cells and excess release by liver.

To confirm B12 deficiency/sufficiency holotranscobalamin - active B12 test is there.

Ashka9 profile image


I told you before I cannot afford option is ghee...and we have grass fed cow's home made ghee...used in moderation you said ghee with LC will be ok...right? will try to restrict carb to 100 g a I already told u before...and I will monitor my glucose levels also regularly after eating different foods to know affect on my BS levels.

not sure about how filtered groundnut oil used in our home for cooking can be replaced with any other mom will never approve it or allow it....I once bought virgin olive oil and mustard oil for cooking she didn't let me try even once and I had to give that to maids...:-)

I can eat coconut instead of VCO to fill myself while on low carbs...since carb energy has to be replaced by fat ...

Now, that my nutrition levels and thyroid levels are normal, I am free to focus on low carbs....I can use barley+wheat rotis instead to lower GI or say barley+bengal gram flour roti...I tried that before for few months in 2012...what do you recommend? what is your opinion about using barley flour and flakes instead of wheat?

in reply toAshka9

Go ahead with ghee

Use little groundnut oil

Use barley + besan combo for roti

Apply ghee over it

At least this is better than nothing at all

Also have coconut bits.. as much as u can tolerate

It's also good for thyroids

Also will fill u up with the fibers

Snack on coconut pieces

Ashka9 profile image
Ashka9 in reply to

thanks Hidden

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply toAshka9

Ashka9 I get 5 kgs of Khapali wheat and mix 250 Gms of methi dana(fenugreek seeds....and eat rotis of that flour ....I think that is more beneficial.

Best option to VCO is coconut meat or coconut milk.

It is cheap like now days one small coconut is costing just Rs.10/- each

Ashka9 profile image
Ashka9 in reply tocure


methidana can be used in winters but it is "garam" so in hot climates...better not to use it

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply toAshka9

koun bola methi dana garam hai????

Balances Kapha and Vata Dosha.....methi dana is useful in Urinary tract disorders

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tocure

According to action:

Methika, Methi – Which improves ‘Medha’ or intellect.

Deepani – It increases the digestive power.

Bodhini – Bodha means Jnana. It improves the knowledge.

Jyothi – It improves the Pachakagni.

Sheethaveerya – Which is sheethaveerya.

Ashka9 profile image
Ashka9 in reply tocure

All people know this fact except you it's a wisdom inherited from grandmother! All women know this...even papaya fruit is 'garam"

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply toAshka9

oh oh.....well sure it is not advisable during pregnancy...also papaya ..pepin from papaya induces contraction...same like methi dana... ....methi dana works on various gland of body...and cleanses them....And therefore...after delivery it is recommended as milk enhancer...

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tocure

even pineapple should be avoided during pregnancy as bromelain also got same effect....

in reply tocure


How about using methi sprouts

How does this compare against methi overnight soaked or methi powder...?

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply to

hmmmm methi dana in any form is good for diabetes....

But during pregnancy it may give adverse effects...

Hmmm it induces Pitta....Traditionally we make 'Usal of sprouted methi dana. we add dried prawns in same...

My own experience is if I over eat same.... I get head ache...

But in normal quantity it is good....

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tocure

Methi dana works on various glands....cleanses them....

It is therefore used as breasts enhancer....milk enhancer...

in reply tocure

Will it be heat inducing even if sprouted..?

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply to

nahi yar....if heat is induced first sign will be urine.....

and methi dana gives wonderful results on urinary tract

Ashka9 profile image


Thanks for guidance...will eat only 2 chappatis a day with ghee applied!:-)

I know virgin olive oil cannot be used for cooking because of high smoke point...right?

We are not using "refined" but "filtered" groundnut oil.

alwaysoptimistic profile image

Yes,Anup Ji!My TG was 72 and TG/HDL was 1.24 on truncated diet.

ShooterGeorge profile image

Congratulations @Ashka9, for demonstrating one of the three acclaimed characteristics of Diabetes - viz PROGRESSIVE - in spite of the long list of supplements.

Ashka9 profile image
Ashka9 in reply toShooterGeorge


Supplements has nothing to do with diabetes as a matter what people do...diabetes do progress with time...u can just delay for more time if you follow diet strictly..viz low carbs...and portion control....acc to me...for tight sugar control.

I had iron def anemia so I had to take iron which has to be taken with folic acid....however folic acid in high doses also help in lowering homocysteine (high homocysteine levels are related to heart diseases)...which goes high if you have Vit. B12 I had severe Vit. B12 def...because of Metformin I take...which reduces absorption of supplementation had to be taken.

Selenium supplement is for reducing antibodies in Hashimotos hypothyroidism which is an autoimmune choice in that...however it shows reduction in no. of antibodies after just taking two months supplementation

Silymarin I have tried to protect my liver which showed increased SGOT/SGPT levels last year....Silymarin is made from milk thistle which protects liver from negative effects of drugs you take.

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