Posts - Advanced Prostate Cancer | HealthUnlocked

Advanced Prostate Cancer

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All posts for September 2020

Is Xofigo a good option for extensive skeletal mets?

I finished my Docetaxel treatments after five of six rounds. They decided agains...
Pianodude profile image


Had my last PSA test 3 months ago Docataxal 6 infusions and 3 monthly hormone s...

My 5k peaceful gathering for PCa Awareness month💙

Hey gang, Hosted an in person walk with about 33 dental patients/friends on S...
dockam profile image
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Prednisone withdrawals? Cold turkey...How bad can it be?

How would one feel if one forgot to take their daily steroid (10mg) for around ...
savingdaddy profile image

How do you handle Prednisone weight gain?

The weight gain and the increase in appetite being on Prednisone and when I was ...

Olaparib (Lynparza) adds 4.4 months to survival among men who have the BRCA mutation

An update of the PROfound trial proved the benefit in radiographic progression-f...
Tall_Allen profile image

Methylprednisolone acetate with Lupron

Hubby has had four successful shots of Lupron ( 1 every 6 months) for prostate c...
Hidden profile image

Lupron and xtandi

Just went for our checkup since. Feb lupron 6 month shot lowerd his psa from 400...
Rockslinger profile image


Olaparib, is this drug our new hope? I recently read some interesting things abo...
Sun1115 profile image

is Fenbendazole for real?

Hello, Has anyone here tried fenbendazole in metastatic prostate cancer? is it f...
Tokyoite profile image

What Tx options after resistance to Xtandi?

Hi, My dad (74yo) has developed resistance to Xtandi after 1year of success. now...
Tokyoite profile image

ESMO 2020: Local Therapy to the Primary Tumour for Newly Diagnosed, Oligo-Metastatic Prostate Cancer: A Prospective Randomiized, Phase II,

75% at 54 months radiographic progression free survival vs control of 45% at 54...
George71 profile image

ESMO 2020: Two-pronged attack using new targeted drug could treat ‘addicted’ prostate cancers
George71 profile image

Hang in there -- its happening The innovativ...
George71 profile image

Follow-up scan and other stuff

I was supposed to have my 6th and last Docetaxel infusion today. It was canceled...
Pianodude profile image

Provenge cell harvesting failure

Had immune cells harvested, sent to lab, told insufficient cells collected. This...
Bigpike profile image

Duration for Salvage Radioteraphy after RP

Hi Guys, I guess it may vary from person to person, but in general, how long (d...
Bmhk profile image


My husband, Jim, has been on Zytiga since May 2019. His PSA started rising in D...
GrizzlyMama profile image

Nonmetastatic, Castration-Resistant ProstateCancer and Survival with Darolutamide

Darolutamide offers OS advantage without serious negative side effects. https:/...
tango65 profile image


My husband has been on Zytiga Since Sept 1st . His PSA came down two points. Sho...
Fight11 profile image

Testosterone replacement therapy reduces biochemical recurrence after radical prostatectomy -- March 2020 Results:...
George71 profile image

Between Radium 223 infusions 5 and 6....fishy

Got this one yesterday solo. It had a tracking device that the fish checker took...
Hidden profile image

Metformin may delay PCa progression.

More from ESMO 2020:
pjoshea13 profile image

Lynparza & BRCA1, BRCA2 or ATM-mutated cancer Survival.

From ESMO yesterday: "Last year at the European Society for Medical Oncology (ES...
pjoshea13 profile image

Metformin protective against PCa in diabetic patients.

New Canadian study (some US involvement) below [1]. "2,332 diabetic men were inc...
pjoshea13 profile image

Congrats Darrell on reaching 11,000 MaleCare members.

Maybe not an exclusive club anyone really wants to qualify for but thanks so muc...
2dee profile image

Proton Therapy after Robotics and PSA

Radiologist advised against proton radiation therapy because his last PSA was <....
9791asil profile image

Patients with Zytiga

should I continue to have patience with Zytiga and prednisone after two months o...
docbulldog profile image

What next??

Hello. Brand new here! Diagnosed with Stage 4, Gleason 9 PCa during TURP surgery...
Canton44 profile image

Prostate cancer: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up

virtually every stage and treatment option with test results etc is listed 6/202...
George71 profile image