I’ve been living with advanced prostate cancer stage 4 Gleason 10 for last 3 years. After 30 years of driving a big rig all over North America I’m done. I was just diagnosed with my first bone met to hip and will start radiation at MSKCC soon and that was enough to get me to hang up the keys and start to take time to enjoy life. As much as I have loved my job these last 30 years I’m sure I can get used to not working any more. My company brought me in for a celebration for driving 2 million miles without an accident and for a 25 year retirement party. I hope they don’t take away my man card for the tears they said I shed. Now it’s a new chapter in my life. As my aPc is starting to spread and I may becoming CR it’s time to fight even more at the same time enjoying all the things I have been missing out on. At 59 I plan on playing 18 holes of disk golf twice a week, starting up my hobby of ham radio again, learning how to make my own pickels and sauerkraut and buying an Italian scooter to get around town. Screw aPc. Today is my first day of retirement and I’m headed to Starbucks for a few venti decafs and get my email caught up and people watch. Yost, I’m following in ur footsteps. Retirement here I come.
Retired after 30 years: I’ve been... - Advanced Prostate...
Retired after 30 years

Atta boy, Truckerbob!
Yep go for it! I have been at my daughters here in florida doing just what i want to. I was freting having to quit work at first but at 59 like you, im looking forward to doing things like fishing hanging with my grandaughter and family. I wont be missing events my wife Kathy had to go to alone because i worked every weekend. Yea i can get used to this.
Heck yah!
Congratulations. I have set a date but it is not until 9/2019. I can not wait but at least I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
I remember you were considering this. Congratulations! I hope you have many happy years of retirement.
Go for it buddy
Congratulations! Now it is your time
Hi Trucker Bob and Congratulations on retirement you have the right attitude my friend live life and enjoy what brings you the most joy for me it's my Grandchildren. We also share a somewhat similar past you on the road truck driver and me as a Transportation Operations Manager for 47 years who knew our roads would cross here. I'm happy I met all of the truckers I did in my 47 years they are the backbone of this countries workers and go unnoticed. Keep up the good fight my friend. Brother in arms. Leo
Congratulations - and a great attitude!
Congratulations!!! May all your traffic stop lights be GREEN from now on (a couple of yellow ones won't be bad either) and you won't have to double park again.
Good Luck and Good Health.
j-o-h-n Saturday 04/28/2018 11:51 AM EDT
Hell yah.. retire that lead foot.I ve driven over a mil. My self ..driving is no longer fine for my urology. I just did a pleasure cruise of 2k. Holding pee between stops. Now Im having some ab pains due to the trip. Hope that they abate . First time I’ve had ab pain ( still have my prostate) in 2yrs. ..I used to put in 500 mile days. No more of that. It hurts me. In fact sitting down for long hours is terrible for my urology Driving long distance no more. Enjoy every second of this precious life. None of know how many sunny days will be in our future. Take the good days with gusto. Walking and being on the greens sounds pretty good to me. Physically our man-cards are reeled in Just like days driving. A thing of the past. Accept this and move on in the thought that the flesh is weak.but the spirit must remain strong. I’ve rad your post before. You are awesome Bob. Great attitude. Thanks for sharing the good news. Maybe you should have your driving shoes bronzed and put on the mantle 2 mil without and accident. That in itself is a miracle. Enjoy retirement bob you deserve it.Thanks for truckin all of those goods around for the rest of us. Take it easy.........good luck.

Thanks Lulu and Kell.
Good for you brother, I hope the best for you!
Por favor,sou Brasileiro , tente traduzir o meu português para seu inglês . Em palavras muito simples , sugiro, que regule imediatamente o seu PH [ URINA E SALIVA , IMEDIATAMENTE. Com BICARBONATO DE SÓDIO [ 2 COLHERES EM JEJUM DE MANHÃ E Á NOITE ] . Tome suco de limão batido com casca 3 vezes ao dia imediatamente . Corte imediatamente, AÇUCAR , DOCES , ADOÇANTES , QUALQUER ESPECIE DE AÇUCAR E ALIMENTOS ÁCIDOS . Não coma carboidratos [ massas - farinhas, chocalates - qualquer um um carboidrato ] , faça isso durante 30 dias imediatamente . É o que deve ser feito agora . NÃO CONSUMA CARNE VERMELHA EM HIPÓTESE NENHUMA NESTE PERÍODO .
Translation from above using Google Translate:
Please, I'm Brazilian, try translating my Portuguese into your English. In very simple words, I suggest that you immediately regulate your PH [URINE AND SALIVA, IMMEDIATELY. With SODIUM BICARBONATE [2 SPOONS IN FULL MORNING AND NIGHT]. Take lemon juice beaten with peel 3 times a day immediately. Cut immediately, SUGAR, SWEETS, SWEETENERS, ANY SPECIES OF SUGAR AND ACID FOODS. Do not eat carbohydrates [pasta - flour, chocolates - anyone a carbohydrate], do this for 30 days immediately. That's what should be done now. DO NOT CONSUME RED MEAT IN HYPOTHESIS ANY OF THIS PERIOD.
Good Luck and Good Health.
j-o-h-n Sunday 04/29/2018 1:30 AM EDT
Who do you see at MSKCC? My onc is Karen Autio.
Hi Lombardi, my onc is Dr. Susan Slovin. Urologist is Dr. Leddy, Radiologist Dr. Yamada. Pain Doc is Dr. Griffo and Integrative medicine doc is Dr. Deng. I have a nurse for every doctor also. You should check into the cancer abc's advanced prostate conference call today at 430. I learn a lot there and get a lot of support. 718 989 0916