For Men on ADT: Since starting ADT, h... - Advanced Prostate...
For Men on ADT: Since starting ADT, has your partner or spouse mentioned any changes in your scent or anything related to "sexiness"?
Androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) may influence pheromone production, which can affect how others perceive a person’s natural scent.
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While on ADT my normal body odor disappears to the extent that deodorant is not necessary. Same with natural oils.
Hey Darryl. Well the "sex" part of smell, pheromones' I'm not sure my wife ever noticed lol. And maybe off subject but everything about me that used to have odor is gone.
Feet, arm pits, etc.
It seems I even lost my old person smell,lol, that my wife started saying I had a few years before my dx/tx. We speak a mixture of Japanese and English. She used to say I had:
The Japanese term for "old person smell," often referred to as "aging odor" or "nonenal odor", is kareishū (加齢臭), which literally translates to "the smell of gaining years".
Here's a more detailed explanation:
Kareishū (加齢臭):
This is the Japanese term specifically used to describe the unique scent associated with aging, often characterized as musty, grassy, or greasy.
The scent is often attributed to the presence of a compound called nonenal, a fatty acid that is produced during the natural aging process.
Cultural Significance:
The Japanese have a unique cultural understanding and acceptance of this age-related odor, and there are even products specifically designed to address it.
Not a Hygiene Issue:
It's important to note that kareishū is not a result of poor hygiene, but rather a natural consequence of aging
Urine and hairless body, for starters.
The loss of testosterone changes personal scent quite a bit. For me, it was mostly an improvement. Greatly reduced, and rather different.
Not sure about sexiness, since my libido has been knocked for a loop, but body odor has disappeared. Particularly odd since I experience hot flashes and sweats (I call them the more appropriate term "hot sweats") 4 or more times a day. But totally odorless.
Same as SViking
My natural body odors from pits and feet and such are significantly diminished.
I walk 2 mikes most every morning at a pretty good clip. While I do sweat, the odor is very light. Same thing in the weight room.
I have not put deodorant on except to go to a social function of sorts, and most likely this is just habit.
My hoodies and such used to get pretty ripe, pretty fast. No they are put in the laundry because they are dirty, not stinky.
As far as my wife noticing, yes she has.
I no longer take a bath, just kidding! Your sweat has no odor so you can pack light on trips. A pair of jeans should last three or four days.
since my RP, I no longer smell like a man… no light scent of semen that was present around genitalia.
All body oils seem none existent, my sweat doesn’t have the same odor.
This is my observation, wife is still interested in me sexually though and that’s been a saving grace in all this as we were quite an active couple prior.
This is one of the most brutal cancers.
Currently in Lupron/Nubeqa
Marked increased sex since BAT 2 years ago...No odor since ADT started 4.5 years ago