I posted last week for advice following the results of latest blood tests at GP surgery (I was diagnosed with UAT last September and currently taking 75mg Levothyroxine). My symptoms improved initially but have returned with a vengeance, however my GP has flatly refused to increase my dose stating that my blood results were in range and that I would be likely to become overmedicated / Hyperthyroid if my dose was increased.
Following advice from this site, I have taken a Thyroid Vit + test with Medichecks My results as follows:
GP blood results taken 4.6.20 (8.30am following 12 hr fast)
Serum free T4 level 12.7 pmol/L [11.0 - 23.0]
Serum TSH level 0.53 mU/L [0.27 - 4.5]
A full range of other bloods were done at same time .Most came back within range except :
Eosinophil count - observation 0.07 10*9/L [0.02 - 0.5] – not sure if this is relevant
My cholesterol results which I’ve since had advice for and understand are fairly good seems to have caused my GP more concerned and Ive been offered statins (which I’ve refused for time being)
Serum cholesterol level 6.2 mmol/L
Serum triglyceride levels 0.8 mmol/L
Serum HDL cholesterol level 2.9 mmol/L
Serum LDL cholesterol level 2.9 mmol/L
Serum cholesterol/HDL ratio 2.1 mmol/mmol
Serum non high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 3.3 mmol/L
Medichecks results taken 15.6.20 (8.30am following 12 hour fast)
TSH 1.38 (0.27-4.2)
Free T3 3.25 (3.1-6.8)
Free Thyroxine 12.4 (12 – 22)
Inflammation CRP HS - 4.05mg/l (>5)
Thyroglobulin antibodies - 132 kIU/L (0-115)
Thyroid Peroxidase antibodies - >9 (0 – 34)
Ferritin – 103 ug/L (13 – 150)
Folate serum – 5.9 ug/L (3.89- 19.45)
Vitamin B12 - 106 pmol/L (37.5-187.5)
Vitamin D – 96.5 nmol/L (50-175)
I take 2,000iu Vit D and 250mg magnesium daily.
I think I understand most of these results, particularly Thyroid ( that I’m under medicated and increase in T4 is unlikely to cause me to become overmedicated due to T3 being low in range) but I’m not confident enough on rational behind this to explain my reasoning to the GP when I ask for a 2nd opinion.
My thyroglobulin antibodies are over range however thyroid peroxidase antibodies are low in range – not sure what this indicates and would be grateful if someone could enlighten me.
I initially managed to persuade my GP to commence treatment based on my Medichecks results together with NICE guidelines so if anyone could direct me to anything relevant to my situation I’d be very grateful. As mentioned in my previous post – I referred to Dr Toft’s paper at my first appointment but it had little effect – I will however include the information again when I ask for 2nd opinion.
I also understand that underactive Thyroid can also be the cause of raised cholesterol and that statins can cause side effects in Hypothyroid patients. I intend to ask for my Thyroid to be better managed before commencing any cholesterol treatment.
Any further help or advise on where to go from here would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks