I have posted here many times. Need some advice.
I have been gluten free for two years and after few months my TPO ab dropped from 1300 (high for many years) to 526. My GP had told me nothing would make them drop. Now my latest results here show that they have gone back up to 1300. I don’t now know whether it’s worth being GF anymore and feel very disappointed. I also had to reduce my thyroxine from 75mcg back down to 62.5 mcg recently as I was having chest pain. Just don’t seem to get anywhere with anything I try. My AST results are over range and GP has booked a Fibro scan. Gastro drs don’t listen either, I had acid coming up in my mouth. Gastro prescribed lanzoprazole which I’ve tried before but had tummy pain , GP stopped it. Seeing nurse about high cholesterol soon, nothing helps with that i.e. good diet and exercise (pain allowing). Just so fed up with getting nowhere. Migraines are bad. Lots of symptoms. Had major op to remove tumour from spine last year, it’s been a crazy couple of years, spinal doc now says she can see what looks like a cyst near coccyx. So many appointments!!
Results :-
Serum free T4 level 18.6 pmol/L [10.0 - 20.0]
Serum TSH level 0.14 mu/L [0.5 - 4.4]
Below low reference limit
Serum free triiodothyronine level 5.3 pmol/L [3.5 - 6.5]
Serum thyroid peroxidase antibody concentration
> 1300 iu/mL [0.0 - 60.0]
Above high reference limit
This occurs in autoimmune thyroid disease. In euthyroid individuals, positive antibodies are associated with an increased risk of developing autoimmune thyroid disease in the future.
Serum total 25-hydroxy vitamin D level 74 nmol/L [50.0 - 200.0]
<30 nmol/L - Vitamin D deficiency
30-50 nmol/L - Vitamin D insufficiency.
Please refer to local APC guidelines
Serum lipid levels
Serum cholesterol level 7.6 mmol/L
Serum triglyceride levels 0.6 mmol/L [0.4 - 1.5]
Serum HDL cholesterol level 2.0 mmol/L
Serum LDL cholesterol level 5.3 mmol/L
NB the calculation of LDL is valid only for a fasting sample.
Target LDL-C in secondary CVD prevention is <2mmol/L. Please refer to Notts APC guidelines for advice. If LDL-C persistently above 3.5mmol/L, consider referral to lipid clinic.
Serum cholesterol/HDL ratio 3.8
Serum non high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 5.6 mmol/L [< 7.5]
AST serum level 32 u/L [0.0 - 30.0]
Above high reference limit
Serum alanine aminotransferase level 16 u/L [0.0 - 35.0]
Aspartate aminotransferase/alanine aminotransferase ratio 2.0
In the presence of risk factors for NAFL (obesity, type 2 Diabetes, metabolic syndrome, or fatty liver on USG), isolated AST/ALT ratio
>= 0.8 may indicate liver fibrosis. Encourage lifestyle modification and consider Fibroscan.
Liver function tests
Serum alkaline phosphatase level 78 u/L [40.0 - 130.0]
Serum alanine aminotransferase level 16 u/L [0.0 - 35.0]
Serum total bilirubin level 7 umol/L [0.0 - 21.0]
Serum albumin level 42 g/L [35.0 - 52.0]