I would appreciate help and suggestions with my recent blood results. I am tired, sleep for 9-10 hours every night, am overweight, suffer memory loss and brain fog. I am currently taking 125mcg Levothyroxine, have been prescribed Liothyronine and when it was stopped by my GP I bought it from Greece, unfortunately I have been unable to find a supplier and have been taking Levothyroxine for about 4 months.
I also have a hiatus hernia and have been taking Omeprazole for a few years and have Sleep Apnoea and use CPAP.
My recent blood results are:-
TSH 0.73 (0.27 - 4.20)
T4 Total 133.0 (64.5 - 142.0
Free T4 19.50 (12.0 - 22.0)
Free T3 4.04 (3.1 - 6.8)
Reverse T3 29.0 (10 - 24)
Reverse T3 ratio 9.07 (Normal>15 Borderline 12-15 Low <12)
Anti-Thyroidperoxidase abs 15.7 (<34)
Anti-Thyroglobulin abs 139 (<115)
Vitamin D 36 (Deficient <25 Insufficient 25-50 Consider reducing dose >175)
Vitamin B12 238 (Deficient <140 Insufficient 140-250 Consider reducing dose >725)
Serum Folate 10.9 (8.83-60.8)
HbA1c-(IFCC) 39 (20-42)
he-CRP 7.90 (<5.0)
Ferritin 38.7 (20-150)
Magnesium 0.95 (0.6-1.0)
Insulin 93.5 (0-88 Fasting)
Thanks for your time, Debs.