hey, so i have been on 100mcg of levothyroxine for a few months now (Hashi's) and was starting to feel human again after i had recovered from a knee op but i have been struggling with adrenal issues for most of the year on/off. a month ago i started to feel so much better that i increased my exercise (as per my physiotherapist) and after 2 sessions in the gym i was wiped out. felt absolutely terrible, like i had gone right back to the beginning.
So I've done a blue horizon thyroid plus 12 and here are the results:
CRP 0.5 (<50)
Ferritin 70.6 (20-150)
TSH 0.85 (0.27-4.20)
T4 total 96.8 (64.5-142)
Free T4 20.44 (12-22)
Free T3 4.58 (3.1-6.8)
Reverse T3 28 (10-24) HIGH
Reverse T3 ratio 10.65 (normal >15, boderline 12-15, low <12)
Anti-Thyroidperoxidase abs - 579.1 (<34) HIGH
Anti-Thyroglobulin Abs - 235.9 (<115) HIGH
Vitamin D - 85 (deficient <25, insufficient 25-50, consider reducing dose >175)
Vitamin B12 - 315 (deficient <140, insufficient 140-250, consider reducing dose >725)
Serum folate - 27.15 (10.4 - 42.4)
so i'd really like advice on how to reduce reverse T3 and lower antibodies (i'm pretty sure my diet needs sorting out i.e stick to strict gluten & dairy free, even try autoimmune paleo diet for a few months to find triggers foods)
are my B12 & folate low even though they're in range?
any thoughts or help would be massively appreciated.