Experiences with
Amputation313 public posts
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New Era For NHS
If the usual suspects want to report this thread feel free as I split the blame for my amputation three ways (long term diabetes/an incompetent vascular surgeon/government cuts leading to excessive delays in appropriate treatment)
Some Sad News
She sent me a get well card after my bypass but sadly with lockdowns and the amputation I never got to see her again.
"I Walked Out One Summer's Morning"
Instead of a day in hospital and an angioplasty it became three months and an amputation! I have only seen my house once since walking to the taxi when a friend took me for a drive by.
Hurt by Johnny Cash
After my bypass a few people went off radar (others have commented on this previously) but since my amputation over half the people I knew have. One I had known for nearly forty years. Three are quite strange.