My poor pup has to have surgery again tomorrow morning to remove his dew claw. It just hasn’t healed properly and now it’s coming off. I’m dreading the thought of two more weeks of keeping it wrapped and him having this surgery. Apparently, it is a big deal for a dog to have it removed. The vet called it an amputation. The claw has muscles and tendons so she must use a deeper anesthesia than the first surgery he had. I have only replaced his chewed off wrapping about 2 million times in the past 12 days! I love him so much. But he doesn’t want to keep it on his paw. Now using cayenne pepper as a deterrent to chew. Hope you are enjoying your summer. I’m getting lots of tomatoes and some peppers from my few plants! Kelly
Stormy 2nd Surgery : My poor pup has to... - My MSAA Community
Stormy 2nd Surgery

Oh no Amore55 ! So sorry to hear your dog has to have a 2nd surgery Those darn dewclaws can be a real pain for some dogs
Hope surgery goes well. Maybe he needs a type of cone to keep from chewing the bandage off. Keep us updated when you can.
Kelly, I'm sorry to hear that Stormy isn't healing. When my dog went through something similar, it was so hard. She ate her bandage at one point! 🤣 We were in the yard looking around at the ground to make sure it came out okay, and our neighbor asked what we were going to plant. We explained what we were doing, and she just laughed. I hated every minute of having her bandaged and hurting! I pray that Stormy will be okay now that he's had the second surgery. 🙏

I am not a dog owner, but I love dogs, Amore55 ! Can the ‘cone of shame’ help Stormy? Sending you and Stormy hugs. 🤗
Oh no! Good luck to you and Stormy. We always used the cone of shame, aka Cone Head on our dog. He hated it, but it worked. It is a sad sight to see though!
Kelly, I am so sorry your puppy needs another surgery. Our dogs are so dear to us so I understand your pain. Also, I hope your daughter is doing well. You have a lot on your plate now. Please keep us posted on all fronts!
Hopefully everything goes well with Stormy 🙏 I have a cone if you need one and some adhesive tape. Just let me know. Take care and hope you’re daughter Emily is doing well 🙏👍🏼😉
best of luck to you and your baby! ❤️. The cone is a good idea! After we put a cone on our boy he just stood in the same spot for hours! It was sad! But then he got used to it and learned how to use it as a weapon 😂. Ow!
He just got home with a GIANT cone! He is so out of it still from the anesthesia that he can hardly stand up. I took the cone off so he could sleep for a little while without it. He is not capable of chewing his bandage right now and I want him to be comfortable for a little while before he must wear it. It really is big!
He is sound asleep right now, but the cone is waiting for him when he starts getting active!
Kelly, I’m praying for your pup. We never want them to hurt. They are almost like our children and later in their life…they’re our closest friends.
God bless you,
I am so sorry to hear about your dear pups foot troubles. Trying to keep up with that sort of thing is exhausting and to have just been through it, makes it worse. I know there’s nothing we wouldn’t do for our sweet babies, but my heart goes out to you and your puppy. 🐕🤗
I’m very tired, but we do what we have to do. When I feel tempted to complain, I think about people all around the world who are in such distress and I know that I have it pretty easy!
Oh, poor puppy! I am just reading this and hope the surgery is over and it all went well!
I'm thinking of you and Stormy, and I hope you're both doing well today! ❤️
You are so very sweet to be thinking of us! 🥰 Stormy is rather miserable still, mostly because he really dislikes the cone. I have slept so much, as he has. I didn’t realize how exhausted I was. How are you doing, enjoying the summer? Thank you for your kindness.
Those cones cause misery, it's just hard to say who is more miserable - our pets or us! I know I have always dreaded having to use one on our cats or dogs. It's just so sad. But we do what we have to do for our fur babies. I wonder if you're so exhausted from the stress of your best friend having medical issues?
I'm having a bit of a rough time with pain and spasticity right now. I think it's a "crap gap" problem from discontinuing Ocrevus, although I may have to give in and call my neuro just to be safe. But I have still been enjoying the summer, thank you. We had a long, beautiful streak of not-too-hot weather, so my husband and I have been to quite a few clasic car shows and vintage WWII plane events. It's been really wonderful, although it has certainly gotten hot out now. My patio doors are steaming up! 😂
I hope Stormy will be feeling much better soon! ❤️
Oh, those things sound like perfect activities. I love both of them, can I tag along next time? lol. The heat has been unbearable this year, hasn’t it? I’m sure you are absolutely right about the stress of everything contributing to my fatigue. I have had a bit of tremors lately and some leg weakness. I am attributing it to the heat and the fact that I have not been as active as I usually am. Having Storm down has kept us from hiking and doing stuff we enjoy.
I am sending you warm thoughts and I hope you and your husband keep having fun with your adventures.
How is your fur baby? Nursing a very senior dog here. She's "cra cra" (as the kids say now) during the night. I hope your baby is recovering. ❤️
She is just old. She will be 15 next month. Sending good thoughts to Stormy!