is the working title of my book. Over recent years many people have said I should write up my experience which have varied from excellent to absolutely horrendous. My health journey started just over seven years ago when I had my first angina attack which lead to a quadruple bypass the following year. The title though refers when I walked out to a taxi in summer 2020 for day surgery. I felt rotten and it turned out I was developing sepsis. Instead of a day in hospital and an angioplasty it became three months and an amputation! I have only seen my house once since walking to the taxi when a friend took me for a drive by. It was up for sale following me selling it to a developer at the start of the year after friends cleared it (a true invasion of your life and possessions). Issues are still ongoing but I hope I can eventually return to something resembling normality.
"I Walked Out One Summer's Morning" - British Heart Fou...
"I Walked Out One Summer's Morning"

Great title Michael. I look forward to reading it when it's been published. I hope things have improved for you now.
Michael I think it would be a fascinating read. Excuse the pun but keep us posted on your progress 👌
Michael, well done with your bid to write a book about your experiences. How do you plan to publish it? Amazon KDP is one very good way to self-publish at no cost - if one knows what one is doing or is willing to learn. (Pity that so many people are using it to publish tens of thousands of poor quality notebooks, journals and colouring books.) Research KDP thoroughly and be VERY careful of organisations that offer to help with the publishing process and marketing; some falsely claim to be linked to Amazon KDP.
One problem for would-be authors is working on their own. Ideally they should get someone to look at their text, if only to check spelling and punctuation, but often people are reluctant to offer constructive criticism lest it offends.
Good luck!
morning MichaelJH,
Your story is something I would certainly read, over the past 8 years you have been an inspiration. Life can sometimes send us a few curve balls can’t they? I wish you so much better health, with the hope you can get back to a form of normalcy.
Best wishes Pauline
The estate of Laurie Lee might have something to say about your title which is very close to his Sequel to Cider with Rosie.
Having said that, what a compelling story, demonstrating that our lives can change for ill or good in a flash. Good luck with it
I don't think there would be a problem with the title, which isn't identical to the Laurie Lee one (As I Walked Out One Midsummer Morning). There are many books with the same word-for-word titles.
Micheal, you are an inspiration to us all. I love a good read and this would be something I am sure I would enjoy reading. Good luck.
Good Morning Michael
That sounds a great project and I will be interested to read it once completed . Yours has been , to put it mildly, a difficult and challenging life experience that other people should know about .
How far have you got with it so far? Do you set yourself an amount of words, an amount of hours per day or other method of progressing it?
Happy Easter Michael. I always read your posts. Good luck with your healthYou have been through so much
Hope your book becomes a roaring success x x
Oh Michael what a read your post is! I can’t wait for the book.
If anybody is feeling sorry for themselves the read should be a wake up call.
I can’t imagine having friends go through your home deciding what to keep. These have to be life long friends on your journey to recovery and some normality.
Sending you nothing but good wishes on an Easter morning .
I can identify a little with Michael, as I lead a relatively solitary existence but do have several cousins and friends I can call on to some extent. Twenty-five years ago, I started a "death" file detailing my wishes and what I wanted done with various possessions. Before my TAVI last summer one cousin visited me and I showed him where the file, other paperwork and "important" possessions were. Next month another cousin is doing the same, and I'll be going over with her my "house clearance" wishes as laid down in the file.
Michael, I'm glad to see that parts of your experience had been "excellent", and no doubt you'll be including these in your book. A couple of years ago I saw a self-published book by a lady with mental issues, and its description on her Amazon listing was one long dirge that would have put off some (many?) prospective purchasers.
As it was impossible to photograph and WhatsApp every item a few "wrong decisions were made. I used to buy a lot of magazines and it was obviously impossible to keep them all. However, a small seperate pile were thrown (on EBay they would have fetched £25 - £40 each!)
Thank you Michael for all your advice and being so sympathetic. The things you have gone through have left me feeling very lucky. Good luck with your book. Happy Easter.
Hello Michael. That's a book I'd love to read. You've helped so many people through the years and I think you were the first to give advice and support when my hubby was diagnosed with heart problems and had a quad bypass. Your support was invaluable. I certainly think your support to others on this forum could form a chapter!
I always look forward to your posts and hope you're doing OK.
All the very best. Jan xxx
Good morning Michael, I hope you are feeling well and wish you all the best with publishing / selling your book. Did you move to a flat ? I've been in flats since 1984 when I moved to Hong Kong.
Be well and enjoy Easter .
Clare xxx
it will be great, like all your posts, Michael. Looking forward to reading it.
Morning Michael. I'll buy it! You've been an inspiration to me since my own (un)health journey started xx
What the heck?? I'm just so terribly sorry. Beyond that, no words, but prayers.

Just a note on health. As I have mentioned previously J gave had ongoing problems with my remaining foot since Unmentionable Toe. In the past year I have had multiple macerated wounds and three infections. By comparison recently when pumping iron I did 35 x 28kg followed by15 x 38kg. Any Heartie reading this please check with your GP/cardiologist before attempting these weights!
I think it would be a compelling read Michael. Having met and talked with you I would advise running the chapter(s) on your post amputation treatment past a lawye. Incompetent social workers (think Baby P) often cover up their mistakes. Hope you are having a pleasant Easter! 😊
Hello Michael, I have only the utmost best wishes and hopes for you, in all that you do whether health-wise or literary - wise! Across the vague sea of the internet I speak as someone who, particularly in early dark days of illness, took great solace from the well informed sagacity, the balance and humour of your words. I will forever feel warmth and gratitude for what you have given us - and that is even before the book comes out. Jeremy