We are praying for Gods wisdom (James1:5), and we’re leaning toward the Zanabrutinib. The infusions and time and distance will be impactful to my husbands work and he’s prefer to go the simpler route.
We learned he’s still 13Q and TP53 negative and his lymph nodes are reduced (we have used ALT for this with great success!) and his spleen only slightly enlarged from 13.7 to 15.8, with nothing concerning from BMB or CT.
My husband had a traumatic amputation of an inch of his thumb last weekend, so we’re in holding pattern right now. I’m very thankful we had not started anything as of yet.
We don’t feel a good connection with the “top” CLL specialist and vacillating on going with the hematologist/oncologist we also spoke with.
He was super humble/transparent and clearly stated the other guy was a big deal, said he felt he could manage my husbands case, and stated, “ he worked for us”, which isn’t always the mindset in that field.
Though I know the specialist is ‘specialized’, it’s tough when you don’t feel a good connection. He stated we had to trust him, but we don’t know him and trust is earned (in my opinion).
Has anyone else experienced this challenge? Any insight to share?
Thanks so much for amazing support provided on this site!