my son is 21yrs old
He is none verbal but can say yes and swipe his hand for no he has CP visually impaired peg fed in pads can’t walk or stand wheelchair user. Has dislocated hips
Below knee amputation. Can only use one arm due to stroke . I’ve reported a couple of incidents to manager that nothings been done
Shaving under his arm pit’s causing him to scratch plung feeding him leaving him sat strapped into seat for too long denied a prescription for pain relief because she doesn’t agree with me speaking with dr I’m is mum
Offering him paracetamol instead that’s not helping his pain in hips.
I’ve said all I’m doing is what best for my sons interest
It’s like I’m battling with her for his basic needs.
Can anyone hep it was the hardest decision for me to make for him to go there in the first place.
I go and see him every other night as he’s at college but that ends in July so he’ll be at residential all day then .