Dear my fellow suffering,
I thought it be best to write a little narrative of how and when my symptoms first began. For years I suffered from yeast infections. In the year 2000-2001 I fell from a very high surface onto my coccyx bone, that same week I also got a very bad urinary track infection and was put on cipro and I also used tampons for the first time. To my surprise the infection went away but the severe pain we all feel in the vagina and the rectum did not. I was misdiagnosed at the time or so I thought with vulvodynia. I have now learned that Pudendal neuralgia is a form of vulvodynia because that is just a wide range word for pain in the vulva. I was working at the time as a physical therapist and was shocked when I was put out on disability for the first time. I went to many doctors and often heard the dreadful statement that it was all in my head. I finally found a doctor who I now learned is a bit of a quack when I went to this doctor not too long ago for help and she was telling me that I only needed Vitamin B12 for my vagina to heal. Yes, vitamin B12 is needed but not that alone. Charging 500 a treatment I never returned. Back to the early days. When I did go to her she said my body had the very bad yeast inside of it and boric acid and a vitamin D protocol would help it. To my surprise. It started to work. I returned to work with my pain at a level of 2-6/10. 6 being very bad days. I wasn’t on anything else. I was able to function to a point. Sex was still horrible but I was able to do it, with showers right after, ice and a boric acid. My walking pattern wasn’t the greatest. I walked very slowly, I couldn’t sit for longer than 45 minutes but that’s a very long time considering now and I couldn’t work out because heat made me worse. I still felt burning 24 hours a day 7 days a week but no way near what it is now. I would give anything to go back to those days. It was the summer of 2010 I went to see Dr. William ledger. He is retired now. He told me I was the worst case of vulvodynia he ever saw in his life and there was no cure for me. I went to him because I was contemplating a surgery with my gynecologist called the lava procedure. He also told me DONT EVER LET ANYONE CUT ME. I should have listened to him. My pain would get very bad when the season would change. 4 times a year my pain would go through the roof but I would deal with it and use my boric acid. Yes,I know rat poison. But it helped. It was the spring of 2014 and I went away and got engaged. It was that year that my life would change forever and not for the best. My fiancé and I didn’t have a nice time because I was in an exacerbation. So, we decided enough was enough. We found a doctor named Dr. Goldstein. We went to him in June. We were very impressed with him and didn’t head the warnings that others wrote about him. He told me I needed to have a vulva vestibulectomy. And this would in fact cure me. It was the first time we ever heard those words that I would be cured. Well we decided to go through with the surgery. Little tip if you are going to get a surgery make sure you read the risks and not have the doctor tell you it’s not necessary to read it. Just sign the paper. Also I was confused because he never could answer me as to why my rectum hurt so bad. He actually called me on vacation so I really thought he cared. By the way he didn’t take insurance and everything was paid out of pocket. While on the table I remembered Dr. ledger saying “don’t let anyone cut you” I was about to say stop but the drugs took effect and I couldn’t get the words out. I woke up with no pain and thought maybe this did work. I was excited. But no. After 2 more surgeries that I will not get into just know they were torture and performed locally in his office. I am now completely disabled and also found out what an unnecessary surgery this in fact was. I was diagnosed correctly finally with Pudendal neuralgia after an MRN and a diagnostic nerve block. So, Dr. Goldstein made me far worse because he cut the peripheral nerves in the vestibule by removing my vestibule. So, not only is my pain 10x as worse before the surgery but I can’t walk now it goes down both my legs and of course we all know all the other beautiful symptoms of Pudendal neuralgia, coccyxdynia and interstitial cystitis. So below is everything I have tried and I’m doing now. I hope this helps someone else:
Vulvodynia 2000-2013 vitamin D and boric acid suppository worked. 👍
Vulva vestibulectomy and revision performed, bartholin cyst removed 2014-2015 made me worse 👎
Botox 8 injections, cortisone injection by same surgeon who did vestibulectomy. Didn’t work. 👎
Pain medication tramadol👍
Motrin 👍gave me an ulcer though. Gastric ulcer
2016 Pudendal nerve block pain management doctor 👍worked 2-3 days.
Pain medication oxycodone and tramadol 👍takes the edge off.
Pain medication fentanyl patches👍helps a lot.
32 nerve blocks. Including Pudendal and ganglion impar blocks works 👍while it last.
Partial hysterectomy 👍 helped relieve pressure from increased uterus size and fibroids
Pulsed radial frequency to Pudendal nerve.👍👎worked on my right side made me worse on left.
Electrical inserted stimulater to T8-T12. 👎worked for back pain made vulva and rectal pain worse.
Epidural shot to L4-L5 disk herniated. 👍 worked
December 2017 amniotic graph injection and Botox and removal of scar tissue in Tennessee. 👍👎 yes and no. I’ll have to explain that in a message ok.
Pills. I’m on topamax, ability, Librax, omeprazole, Zantac, tramadol, oxycodone, fentanyl patches, gabapentin, diazepam vaginal suppositories, hyluronic acid suppositories, hyaloronic acid external gel, I use coconut oil like it’s going out of style for the burning and my rectal fissure,vitamin D3, B12, garlic pills, turmeric, cranberry pills, acidophilus, Premarin, relastore, water pills, boric acid. Magnesium pills and cystoprotec.
Pelvic things I do: I stretch 3 times a day. 4-5 sits baths a day with coconut oil and epsom salt, ice and heat. Trigger point release. I use coconut oil and Cisco to help relieve burning especially after the bathroom. What ever I can do to get myself out of even if it’s a little pain.
Presently I go for 2 nerve blocks a month. Usually I get 3 injections 2 Pudendal and one ganglion impar block. I’m now getting ketamine in my IV’s also. I’m also considering a new treatment out there where instead of leads they use a pad over the sacrum for a stimulater. I may be going for a trial after my next nerve block on the 17 of April. I hope this helps someone. If you have any questions let me know. Thank you and God bless Deb. I hope someone follows my lead now.