About - Pelvic Pain Support Network | HealthUnlocked

Pelvic Pain Support Network

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About Pelvic Pain Support Network

This community is run by the Pelvic Pain Support Network, a registered charity. The community forum exists to support those who wish to share and learn from others who have abdominal and/or pelvic pain and to provide peer support in managing the pain. It is moderated by trustees and members of the charity who are volunteers with personal experience of pelvic pain. Pelvic pain can be caused by many conditions affecting the pelvis such as adenomyosis, adhesions, endometriosis, painful periods, bladder pain, pelvic nerve damage, pudendal neuralgia, irritable bowel syndrome. One or more of these may be present or the person may not have a diagnosis. Pain that exists for 6 months or more, either intermittently or constant, is a condition in its own right. This community forum exists to support those who have had pain in the abdomen/pelvis for 6 months or longer with or without a diagnosis.

Moderation team

Alaine1 profile image
PPSN_TracyM profile image
Tree_Tops profile image
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