Can the clitoris and vulva and Pudendal nerve be permanently damaged when it has been injured in a sexual injury?
Pudendal damage : Can the clitoris and... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
Pudendal damage

I think so, if not permanent, it can take ages to heal, depends what your injury is I suppose, I think I did mine about 2 years ago still not right.
How did you injure yours?
I don’t know if they can be permantely injured but start meditating to relax the muscles around this pudendal nerve. Breathing in for four , holding for four count , and out for six. When you get the muscles to relax it will take the pressure off the nerves. See a cognitive therapist and talk out any issues about sex so you are not thinking about it all the time and guarding during sex and squeezing the nerves again. Trust me after 4 years of having these problems. After you get the muscles to relax around the nerve try strength training to make your core strong so the pressure is off these nerves. Good luck
I had an injury in the groin area and was tensing the area because of the pain for 2 months since then I’ve had podendal nerve pain I’m wondering if all the tensing has actually caused my pain as my original injury was my right side bikini line I think id torn a tendon
It is imperative to work with a physical therapist at this point. You can get referred pain in the groin from your spinal discs. We also have a tendency for our muscles to be uneven on each side because of daily living patterns. Breathing and meditation key to relaxing muscles. Then working with physical therapists and strengthen with 55cm ball, roller, therabands, and hand weights. Don’t waste your time trying to figure all this out. There is also a good ap I have been using called recognise hands and recognise feet to see how my brain is working with my body. I always get a 100./. On my left side(my strong side) and a 40./. On my right side. My physical therapist recommended this. The point being your brain is going to adapt and respond to the same pain patterns set down. Your therapist will help you with understanding pain. Very complicated. Commit to getting better to get off pain medicine. Read pain pamphlet most physical therapists give you to understand your brain. Good luck
Thanks for your help, the worst pain is in my Clitoris area and don't know what to so it's so painful all the time. Also have pain in my left buttock and my left foot burns, my left side is extremely sensitive to pain, did you take any medication or just Natural remedies? I am a bit unbalanced e as have mild scoliosis so this may make it worse, also suffer a lot with bloating and IBS.
Did you get an MRI to see if you have a slipped disc or bulging disc? It sounds like sciatica when you talk about the location of pain in foot and buttock. The problem I had was similar. It is very complicated. I would see a physiotherapist for the clitoral pain. Specific breathing exercises and you may need a distraction during sex to keep your mind from thinking about it so you don’t tense the muscles around the nerves. For the sciatica you need to see a physical therapist and spine doctor. I had a lot of trigger points everywhere from imbalanced muscles. I wear an SI Joint belt as well. Your left side is like my right side. It will take 4 months of physical therapy to get results. You will start out with thera bands a 55 cm exercise ball and a roller to strengthen your core. It takes time. Don’t give up. I have come a long way. Get many opinions and make sure you find the right physical therapist. There is a wide range of talent out there. Even if you have scoliosis you can get help. My niece has scoliosis.
I had an mri and nothing showed up only mild scoliosis my lower back can be painful sometimes and my right hip. I went to see a physio and she thought I had piriformis syndrome from. The sciatica pain but I don't think I had I think it was from the Pudendal nerve it can cause this symptom. She did deep. Tissue massage and dry needling on. The muscle which was really painful. The muscle has been. Painful ever since and sciatica worse as I didn't have a problem with that muscle she thought it was tight but I don't do. Any exercise or anything. My foot burns all the time. And worse when I walk. A lot. I don't really want to have sex and I'm single. The pain gets worse even I feel. Sexual and on my period.
What worked best for me: putting legs up on wall 90 degrees and letting legs fall out to side and deep diaphragmic breathing( watch your belly rise and fall, calming down and knowing I am going to get better( if you don’t calm down the muscles won’t relax around the nerves), laying on Colpac or ice pack several times a day to reduce inflammation, working with a physiotherapist and physical therapist for spine and core work, and I also went vegan.
I had nerve surgery, prolotherapy, and microdiscectomy also numerous nerve blocks. You can beat the pudendal pain if you are patient and take a deep breath.
The pelvis and spine related problems are tricky. I was diagnosed with hypermobile joints so I am doing closed chain exercises .
I am a lot better now. My core is getting stronger. I think I am a month away from the muscles equal on each side of my body. It has been 2 1/2 months with a physical therapist.
Did the nerve blocks work? Did you try any medication as I feel my nervous system is feeling pain worse everywhere like my stomach and my skin is sensitive.
The nerve blocks worked temporarily. I went on Gabapentin and Cymbalta , Lyrica, baclofen, lidocaine etc But I didn’t want to get stuck on the drugs I wanted to figure out why everything was happening. My nervous system was like yours as well. When I started the deep breathing meditation is what worked the best then I could figure out what was going wrong. It is a puzzle. We all have different puzzles. My discs were a problem and a previous surgery that set off pain.
Lay on the table and bring belly button to spine then bring left leg towards chest and drop the other leg dangling. The dangling leg
Push down with heal as you move the leg closer to the other leg. Then carefully get up and see if the Piriformis area feels better. This is the hip flexor that shortens and tightens in that area.
Picture your body torque if when the hip flexor shortens and squeezing this nerves. Which is why the core is important to take the weight off that area and knees and hips so you can straighten up and uncoil.