Posts - NRAS | HealthUnlocked


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All posts for December 2017

Here's one I made earlier!

Christmas cake finished & decorated by me 😋 🎅 🎄 x
Hidden profile image

December 17th.

My lounge taken from the front half of it.xxxx
sylvi profile image

Methotrexate split dosage

Second dose of Methotrexate for psoriatic arthritis sine psoriasis. Split 10mg d...
Joharris profile image
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Any advice please

Ho I'm on meds for RA and I'm take lufidimid and hydroqin of what ever it called...
loppyloo12 profile image

9 months on MTX, 5 months on Enbrel. Nothing is working.

Since doctors can't seem to heal me, I'm back asking for advice here in the foru...

Confused .. inflammatory problem

I hsve been experiencing joint pain in my knuckles , ankles and toes for the las...
Kasginman profile image

Little introduction

Was diagnosed with RA and OA about year ago and started on Methotrexate at the a...
Patsy04 profile image

X-ray appointment out of the blue

Still waiting for the promised phone call from the consultant to tell me the res...
Helzbells profile image

Shin splints?

Does anyone else get excruciating shin pain after a lot of walking that includes...
DaniBeeLcLa profile image

Disappearing posts!

I just spent a long time writing a post, and all of a sudden it just disappeared...

Thank you

Thank u Sylvi Seeing your pic or your love table lay out hearing your kind words...
loppyloo12 profile image

Feeling scared

I was just diagnosed with ra recently In need of someone to talk to you Any advi...
Terri1020 profile image


Been on 10 mg of prednisone Doctor just put me on the sulfa and I am finding it...
Terri1020 profile image

Coping with Christmas with a chronic condition.

I found this on Facebook written by someone with a chronic ‘invisible’ illness. ...
Bookworm55 profile image


Can u drink on this medication

December 16th

Elf on the shelf where will he be next no one knows!!!!! xxxxxx
sylvi profile image

Rituximab Injections

See tomorrow's ( 16 December 2017) very interesting article on development of RT...
AgedCrone profile image

Holiday Blues!

This is such a busy time of year for my family. Birthdays Dec 4,18, January 3,11...
Damaged profile image

Flare up.

Flare up but.. beside been in awful stiffness and pain I’m in love my my Christm...
Vonnie10 profile image

I'm here

I'm back at work tonight and was able get my car out to get me to work happy Chr...
loppyloo12 profile image

High E S R . Do I have prostate cancer.

I had my blood test 2 days back I had my E S R 21 when the range was 1- 7 Is it...
Aayushverna profile image

Benepali beginner

Hi, today I have had my first injection(pen) of Benepail. The nurse came to supe...
LadyJan profile image


Does anyone have experience with Plaquenil? My Rheumy wants me to go on it. Thu...
MLC1972 profile image

Day 15 of the HealthUnlocked advent calendar

Morning all, Day 15 of the HealthUnlocked features rheumatoid arthritis. Check o...
EmmaS-NRAS profile image


Started my first injection on Wednesday nurse was here to help and guide me did ...
Deejojo profile image

when will it end

well last night we had rain so thought great all ice going then it froze then it...
loppyloo12 profile image

December 15th

Only ten days to Christmas everyone.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
sylvi profile image

Mouth Ulcers

I’m posting for my husband who has RA - he’s not very good with technology, so h...
Hidden profile image

Anyone have the same problem?

Hello. I have been taking methotrexate for almost 4 months now. I take 3 tablets...
Jamieleihh profile image

I also get flare ups when I’m ...

I also get flare ups when I’m sick. And sadly I’m an very sick today. Not the fl...
Ccrowlu profile image