I continue to receive a number of requests for the specific supplements I take. Here is my story and an updated list of specific supplements. All supplements chosen were made on the basis of cancer research reviewed mainly through pubmed.gov. Doses were more challenging and were derived from the experiences of other patients, experts, etc., published in the health press. I am open to suggestions for modifying doses if there is evidence-based data indicating a need to do so.
For the first 3 1/2 years of hormone therapy treatment (diagnosed in late 2012) my wife and I resided in AZ where my urologist had me on Casodex pills and Lupron 6-month shots. My schedule of Lupron shots and Casodex was intermittent: six months on, six months off.
In 2015 I found the cancer research of AKM Shamsuddin, MD, PHD, at the U. of MD Medical School. (Incidentally, My wife told me I needed to start doing something about this death sentence. Start doing research, she said ("you're good at research, why aren't you finding something that can stop this cancer")! I laughed and started researching the medical literature which led to Dr. Shamsuddin.
I have used Dr. AKM Shamsuddin's most recent book "IP6 and Inositol..." (go to Amazon) and the IP6 powder he reports on in his text. There are two suppliers of this powder. Both are excellent quality, however, Enzymatic Therapy's Cell Forte is significantly less expensive (allstarhealth.com)
I take 12 scoops a day in divided doses on an empty stomach mixed in cold water (never mix with a protein like milk as the IP6 molecules will bind to the protein molecules). This massive dose may not be required by all. My choice was driven by my need to respond aggressively with a cancer cell that had been described to me by my urologist as aggressive. Also, I had been originally diagnosed with 2 pelvic bone metastases (which can no longer be imaged).
At our first meeting seven weeks after starting IP6 in the summer of 2015 my PSA was 0.1, lower than my urologist anticipated. He acted surprised by the result and insisted on a DRE, which he hadn't performed for more than 2 years. He said in a startled tone "no nodules can be felt in your prostate."
Later, I emailed Dr. Shamsuddin and he explained that was only logical as his studies have found cell normalization to be a common occurrence in his studies. Yes, Dr. Shamsuddin is a gracious gentlemen who took time to explain that to a person he did not know thousands of miles from Baltimore. We continue to periodically communicate about my status. The following video will explain how "phytate", aka "IP6", "inositol hexaphosphate", "phytic acid" rehabilitates cancer cells.
I also use Dr. Vaclav Vetvicka's book (Beta Glucan: Nature's Secret") and the Transfer Point company's Beta 1,3-D Glucan (#300) based on Dr. Vetvicka's research into beta glucan efficacy across brands. This natural immunomodulator involves taking three capsules a day on an empty stomach with resveratrol and vitamin C (per Dr. Vetvicka's protocol). I have chosen to take 2 capsules from Nature's Answer for the resveratrol/vitamin C.
Go to vitawithimmunity.com for a short course in beta glucan and the need to amplify the immune system when fighting cancer.
These are my two major supplements. Not long after starting this combined regimen my Lupron side effects lessened and I have hardly noticed anything since 2016.
Here is a list of the other supplements I have added over time as I review cancer research:
1.Berberine (natural equivalent to Metformin so DO NOT TAKE IF ON METFORMIN. I use two brands simultaneously at each meal. Be cautious as low blood sugar currently will drop more. Mine was trending higher and brought it down as measured by my A1C, now 5.6. Before each meal 2 capsules of Solaray Berberine, total 500 mg. at each meal. Also take Wild Harvest Oregon Grape (a root) 2 capsules 800 mg.
2.Life Extension European Milk Thistle with Isosylybin A and B. 1 capsules at each meal. A capsule is about 920 mg.
3.Doctor Recommended Turmeric-Curcumin with Triphala (from Ayurvedic tradition) and Piperine. 2 capsules before each meal for approximate total of 1,500 mg. BE ADVISED THAT THERE ARE ADVOCATES OF SEPARATING THE BERBERINE AND TURMERIC DOSES BY 3 HOURS AS BOTH CAN DRIVE DOWN BLOOD SUGAR. I HAVE TRIED THAT APPROACH AND NOT FOUND IT NECESSARY.
4. Turkey Tail Mushroom extract from Swanson's.
5. Muscadine Grape Seed Extract from Vitacost. At each meal 3 capsules
6.Amla (Ayurvedic tradition) at each meal one 500 mg. capsule [NOW I'VE DISCONTINUED Amla]
7.AT AM AND PM MEALS ONLY: Red yeast rice (do NOT TAKE if you are on a statin drug) from Solaray combined with co-q-10. Solaray makes a combo capsule. 2 capsules in AM for 1,000 mg. total, 2 capsules again at dinner for 2,400 daily total. Some PCa patients complain of statin drug side effects. I have been taking red yeast for more than 20 years for chol management. No side effects.
8.Swanson’s Super Cayenne capsules with ginger. ALWAYS drink a 5 oz. glass of V8 for the lycopene before each meal. You should also consider tomato soup, pasta sauce, etc,.Recent cancer research shows significant synergy between these two. One 250 mg capsule of cayenne, 90,000 Scoville heat units.
9.Nature’s Answer Resveratrol at every meal along with the 2 capsules that I combine with Beta 1,3-D Glucan from Transfer Point in a separate dosing session (cited above)I use 3 500 mg. capsules of glucan. Significant synergy established by Dr. Vetvicka (U. of Louisville Medical School).
10. I take Bitter Melon now (added since this post was originally written). One tablet 3x daily from Jarrow Formula. I also added Modified Citrus Pectin when I added the Bitter Melon. I take 6 capsules of MCPectin 3x daily half hour before meals and other supplements with the Bitter Melon.
11.Vitamin D3 from Kirkland, the Costco brand. 3 capsules with each meal daily total of 18,000 IU’s of D3. This is a new and heavier dose in light of research indicating dose-dependency in Vitamin D3 effectiveness.
I am a vegan and therefore must supplement with vitamin B12 as all vegans do. I take a modest dose of 25 mcg following Keith Block's (MD, oncologist) recommendation that B12 be kept low due to cancer cells' affinity for it. This is part of a high quality multivitamin.
This video will be useful to anyone seeking to better understand a plant-based diet and its benefits in fighting cancer, heart disease, and many other diagnoses.
Please message me if you are confused by anything I have said. I have tried to eliminate all the grammar blunders, etc., but you may find errors that hinder understanding. Also, if something seems inappropriate medically, let me know.