How has the coronavirus (COVID-19) pa... - Advanced Prostate...

Advanced Prostate Cancer

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How has the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic impacted your ability to see your medical team for an office visit?

Darryl profile imageDarrylPartner260 Voters

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39 Replies
Cisco99 profile image

As I am in hospice, I had to switch hospice providers for medical providers.

in reply to Cisco99

Cisco...I’m sad to hear that you’re in hospice. My prayers are with you.

Darryl profile image
DarrylPartner in reply to Cisco99

My/our thoughts are with you

j-o-h-n profile image

Somewhat/somehow a blessing in disguise........

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Thursday 04/09/2020 7:09 PM DST

My Urologist appointment switched to a video conference, but my chemotherapy appointment went as scheduled.

Lt036 profile image

Went in today for a Lupron shot then saw the pa. Had I not needed a shot visit would have been handled by phone. Soon as I got there I was screened and handed a mask. Was not excited about going in but needed the shot. Thanks for all you do

leo2634 profile image

My Doctor and his staff took every precaution. I was asked to check in and wait in my car I was then called when the Doctor could see me. Leo

Macinit profile image

Really don't know if I want to venture out feels like Russian roulette

YOPPEH7J profile image

My visit was in Feb. before this exploded. Next PSA & R blood tests are in Aug.

jmurgia profile image

I went to see my PCP for a follow-up visit to check my A1c. Other than a couple of the staff wearing masks and answering a few screening questions it was business as usual.

dadzone43 profile image

Don't have an appointment for several months.

toml77 profile image

My 3 month appointment at Roswell Park was scheduled for 4/10. I got a call on 4/9 regarding my health status, which is good, and I was told to keep my appointment. I will be checked for COVID-19 at the main entrance.

TNCanuck profile image

Interesting. Thank you for all you do, Darryl.

Woodman33 profile image

I was able to get my Lupron shot and see both my oncologist and his PA. Everyone was wearing a mask and kept our distance other than the RN that gave me the injection.

I was screened when entering the facility for symptoms and asked to use hand sanitizer,

Sportscar profile image

In addition to the screening process prior to Xofigo and Firmagon appointments, I canceled another appointment because I deemed it non-essential.

teacherdude70 profile image

Actually had a biopsy pushed out a month.

Don_1213 profile image

Besides going to a scheduled appointment (last Lupron shot) at my urologist's office, I also have a face to face meeting with my medical oncologist now changed to a video consultation. That's fine with me since I have no desire to try to get into NYC any time in the near future.

Dalipup profile image

We also have not gone in for a blood draw and are sure our next trip to Germany probably won't happen which is very worrisome as this first LU177 treatment seems to be helping and I know we need the next one. This virus has touched so many I was that aren't even connected to the actual virus

Fuzzman77 profile image
Fuzzman77 in reply to Dalipup

Any chance Europe has a health waiver to fly if you’re seeking treatment? They may know in Germany.

Dalipup profile image
Dalipup in reply to Fuzzman77

Our doctor in Germany wrote us a letter of medical necessity. We had to show twice in airport leaving Detroit and had to show when we landed in Amsterdam but we got in. At the time we traveled in late April the hotel made us also sign a waiver saying we were not in vacation but there for medical treatment.

BerkshireBear profile image

Different doctors = different situations.

1) Calls and emails unanswered.

2) Doc called with MRI results, said no urgent problems, said he will call when it's safe to meet again.

3) Doc called to reschedule, but I said I have a new possible skin cancer. He asked for close-up pix and did telemed two hours later. Rx for treatment, scheduled for first day of open office.

4) called/emailed two Docs with self Dx and received Rx restarts immediately.

GAdrummer profile image

Caregivers were not allowed in the building. This is a problem with my husband as he insisted on going to the wrong building. He was checked in and given a mask before being sent outdoors to find the right building for his Keytruda infusion. He is a wanderer, so I have no idea of how much more trouble he caused while waiting for the doctor and nurses. He used a nurse's phone to let me know when he was done.

paige20180 profile image

My husbands procedure was cancelled and the facility told us they would call in 8-12 weeks. The ablation to remove C growing on T5 and T6 was an elective procedure according to them.

We immediately started over seeing staff At different hospital that considered the procedure life threatening and continued to care for cancer patients.

I was pretty upset to have our team do this to us during a time PSA was doubling every 18 days, but appreciate everyone at Hopkins that continues to help people during this stressful time in medical care.

paige20180 profile image

Oh forgot our trip to Homburg, Germany 3/13 cancelled for a PSMA. Switched gears and flew to Decatur, IL last minute for a Choline 11. Seems like a life time ago. I have no doubt many suffered in their treatment. I pray those doing LU177 get the care they need right away. ❤️

timotur profile image

Had a scheduled one-month Lupron injection at UCSD, checked at door for cough or fever, waiting room had one guy coughing his guts out, surprised he was let in. Nurse wore full scrubs to give the shot. Uro did followup face-to-face, but said future appointments will be video. Will switch to 3-month Lupron next visit.

GreenStreet profile image

Had a 5 minute telephone conversation because I could not get into Royal Marsden. Had another follow up call with Nurse. Next appointment September. PSA blood test was not great loads in waiting area you crab a number and wait till it comes up so I got number and walked out for 3 times until it came up to minimise contact

DavidDundas profile image

I have metastasic prostate cancer and was due to start 6 weeks of radiation therapy on march 18 but there were complications due to the configuration of my bowel. Due to restrictions at the hospital, discussion of an alternative treatment has been postponed, so I am now expecting a phone call on 14th may instead of a face to face consultation, 2 months later.

RJ-MN profile image

I really needed to "vote" for 5 of these but could only pick one of the five.

lincolnj8 profile image

First video appointment ever. Went fairly good.

Cramlingtonboy profile image

I had a PSMA scan on March 13 and there was no screening or even hand sanitizers at the entrance. I had a specialist appt and Eligard injection on March 27th - same place and they had limited the entrances. Everyone was screened twice before seeing a doctor. On the 27th, I wore an N-95 mask but the specialist didn't have one. The nurse doing the Eligard was fully protected with mask and visor.

Ian54 profile image

Attended for bloods only had follow up call. Collected meds next day

jzawisla profile image

Appointment scheduled for 4/24. As of today, 4/10, it has not been rescheduled

Break60 profile image

I received a call from docs office about blood test results but honestly I had already viewed them when labcorp emailed me they were available . Good service on both accounts!

Break60 profile image

Actually I saw them on 3/2 (the day before they closed ) for an xgeva shot! But they’re available via phone.

dragonbytes profile image

Went to two different hospitals, March 19 to see my ophthalmologist for SELECTIVE LASER TRABECULOPLASTY glaucoma treatment.

March 25th took my mother for an injection of Avastin into her eye for macular degeneration.

My teeth cleaning for next week was rescheduled.

My wife has covid like symptoms, she did a phone consultation with a medical provider as the walk in clinic where she was last seen has closed. They said stay at home, you can't get a test unless you have visited china or been in contact with a known covid confirmed person.

I also went to the same ophthalmologist located in a hospital in mid-feb.

Visit in Feb, they took names. gave you a name tag and who you were seeing, asked questions and gave a name tag. Second visit in March same hospital they took names and took your temp.

My mothers' visit was to the doctors building attached to hospital, no check in at door. Typically her retina doctor has 25 patients in the waiting room, this time there were 3. Most of these patients are old and in somewhat poor health. The Doc typically only injects one eye and reschedules to come back for the other eye, this time he did both eyes at the same time, as he did not want her to come back a second time. He also did not schedule a followup just told me to monitor her eyes to see if any infection, which is possible but unlikely. My mother is 93.

Both the ophthalmologist and retina doctor were wearing N95 masks, though the ophthalmologist said his was a personal masks he had in his garage.

Pizzle123 profile image

I had a visit scheduled for the 4th April 2 months after completion of radiation but it has been rescheduled for a phone appointment on the 22nd April.

DT2311 profile image

Xgeva injection scheduled appointment was fine with some initial screening at the clinic, but urology appointment for prescription renewal was switched to a phone call.

sbmurray profile image

I had a phlebotomist come out to draw my PSA at home. I had trouble getting my PSA done due to labs not being open because of the virus. I was 2 weeks late getting PSA drawn because of all this going on.

JPnSD profile image

Another option....treatment has been delayed due to Covid. My salvage radiation planning session has been delayed since October. They prefer I get the vaccine first.