I find one or several of the followin... - Advanced Prostate...
I find one or several of the following to be helpful in reducing my anxiety:
Tough to get a good night's sleep with anxiety.
Related to exercise, I practice qigong (similar to tai chi, but less martial arts) in a class setting twice a week. Very calming.
As others have said, exercise (a trip to the fitness center) is #1 for me.
Anything that creates endorphins for you. I listen to music most of the time, no matter what I'm doing. Exercise, sex, hugs, laughing, family, friends, massage, acupuncture, travel, seeing &/or hearing beautiful things, etc. To get a good night's sleep regularly, I use a prescribed Trazodone at bedtime, & I listen to my iPod on SleepPhones or headphones.
I meant to add that I would have separated marijuana from alcohol. For many people, marijuana helps provide a fun, relaxed evening & also helps with falling asleep, with no downside. In addition to the usual problems with alcohol, for PCa patients having more than one drink a day involves too much sugar intake, & increases the frequency of waking to pee.
I agree with the separation of alcohol/cannabis.
I agree cannabis has nothing in common with alcohol
it has a broad spectrum of types &effects, different amounts of THC & CBN,CBD, as well as numerous applications, too many variables. I never could use it in the past cause it gave me anxiety. Now I eat some everyday cause I can no longer use pain killers, it also counter acts the chemo effects, I'm only 3 mths into a very aggressive bone&lymph Met PC, I started out misdiagnosed unable to walk was bed ridden for 10 wks . it brought me back to life and active, with a positive attitude 18 hrs a day. This is just me, I don't know how it affects everyone seems to vary a lot.
I have only been on this site for 2 days and i already learned more than I learned in the last 6 mths.
thankyou all and you are stuck with me
I would add Humor (it's my Number One) and Laughing....laughing... and more laughter...
j-o-h-n Friday, 01/06/2017 3:55 PM EST
I meditate along with exercise - weights long walks- humor- gratitude ian gawlers mindfullness based stillness meditation is great check out his site the gawler foundation in australia
With out a doubt exercise is the most important! Would you believe that I am now walking 2 times a day! This gives me my energy because exercise makes energy in your body! I am now on Eligard which seems to be giving me energy also. I dont know why but I feel a lot different since I have been on this drug. I was on Lupron for almost 3 years and the oncologist changed me to Eligard because of a different vendor for the hospital.And my PSA is now .1< Less than undetectable which makes me a very happy man!
Regular aerobic exercise is the best. Surprised it wasn't on the list.
I find this sight very good at reliving stress and anxiety. It is like we are all in a room together, brothers and sisters. We share our concerns and fears, our success and failures, our moments of joy and great pain. It is very comforting to me when someone new joins and the people here lead them to a path of hope and strength.