1 of 2: With Covid as your only consi... - Advanced Prostate...
1 of 2: With Covid as your only consideration, would you attend an in-person prostate cancer 2-day conference in New York City in 2022?
Please select one:
I would not attend an in-person prostate cancer conference. It's much easier and much faster to gain information online.
NO, that is not even in the answer to the question. LIfe is too short to waste it doing things I don't want to do. Hell, I don't even want to go to my appointments.
I have no desire to go to New York City. Don't like big cities, have toured NY City in 1964 during the Worlds Fair, which was amazing !
Why aren't there other options to answer?
I have found watching them educational, and I would like to view them live to potentially ask questions, but I don't see myself attending in person.
Too much expense and effort for out of towners like myself. Also I view my condition is a tragedy I am burdened with, not something I travel to acknowledge or celibrate.
I currently travel and plan to travel at my own considerable expense for treatment and care.
That's just my own feelings and I appreciate all your efforts at what your doing for us patients.
I would think with such a large population base in the NYC area you should be able and I hope you do draw locals and visitors to the conference.
Thank you for what you do!