What percentage of our Advanced Prost... - Advanced Prostate...
What percentage of our Advanced Prostate Cancer community have more than one cancer diagnosis? Please respond to this one question poll.
Please select one:
Only prostate cancer
“Only” prostate cancer is enough for now, thank you!
I was diagnosed for advanced prostate cancer and CLL at the same time, three years back. But CLL is in zero stage. I am not taking any treatment at the moment.
I refuse to answer unless you make it clear whether you mean second or secondary cancer
Another/different cancer type
As long as it is clear this is only about second cancers, cool, thanks for the reply 👍👍
Second in terms of "another," not in terms of order of diagnosis. If you started off with, lets say, lung cancer, and were diagnosed with prostate cancer six months later, then for this poll, you have two cancer types. Same for starting with prostate and getting diagnosed with another cancer type six months later.
Exactly. Understood.
Prostate and bladder
The following general profile was recently posted at CLL forum:
Diagnosed with CLL 12 1/2 years ago. I was 59 years old when diagnosed and am now 71+. I have a good profile and have so far not needed treatment;i.e., IgVH mutated, 13q4.3 deletion (double) & no others,& 5% CD38 (at diagnosis). Other than numerous enlarged lymph nodes, no symptoms ever. Migrated to 95% vegan diet over last 8 years. WBC & ALC have dropped over that period and lymph nodes have dissipated. At last labs in December, WBC was in normal range for 1st time in 12 years, ALC is at a new post-diagnostic low of 6.1, and all but one palpable lymph nodes are gone.
Five years ago I had surgery for my second cancer, prostate cancer.(Robotic surgery, 8 wks IMRT, 3 1/2 yrs undetectable PSA, biochemical recurrence/rising PSA, one 3-mo round of ADT treatment, PSA now "undetectable" for last 15 months.) Currently on treatment holiday with undetectable PSA and normal T. I go to UNC Lineberger (Chapel Hill) for PCa & Duke Cancer Center (Durham) for PCa.
PS to above post:
Both of my parents died of cancer (bladder for dad & bile duct for mom) and all four siblings have had cancer. Brother died of pancreatic, all three sisters have had breast cancer (one died from it and another has been treated twice - 3x neg second time.)
Two sisters tested negative for common BRCA gene defect & I had STATUS gene test for 120 defects and was negative for all. Tends to support my argument for diet and lifestyle (+ lifetime exposure to environmental toxins) as being the main causes of cancer.
Be Well - cujoe
Do you want to include non-melanoma skin cancers?
I assumed no on that.
Colon cancer 8 years prior to PC DX.
PCa and bladder for me, skin and colorectal for my spouse. That’s enough for now. But the next one might be ..... ostentatious. There are limits to what even the best folk will put up with from us.
I was very relieved to have a totally clean colonoscopy last fall. One form of cancer is more than enough.
Prostate Cancer (recurrent), and Soft Tissue Sarcoma (Remission)
I have prostate cancer now. Thirty years ago I had a cancerous tumour the size of a baseball on my kidney. Fortunately they found it early enough by a fluke and were able to remove the tumour and kidney. My one remaining kidney is working fine. The prostate cancer was diagnosed by biopsy 21 years after the kidney operation.
Am staged M0( lymph node)
Prostate and translate cancer, diagnosed at the same time.
Renal cancer, don't no how translate came up.
what about heterosexual couples where 1 has PCa and the hetorosexual spouse has breast CA? Heyerosexual couples don't count ?
Thanks for your comment. While it may seem relevant to this poll, multi cancer types in heterosexual couples would be part of a different investigation. Trans couples are indeed missing from this poll, but I know that is not what you are asking about. This poll is about multycancers in people who have or could have prostate cancer.
FYI, I did not 'count' small non-agressive skin cancers, like basal cell carcinoma that can be frozen in the office. Guess I've become a cancer elitist!
Melanoma six places over 35 years, Basal cell 10 or so, Scoma cell 3 places. Prostate Cancer Proton shot in 2012, Lupron 2014,
Life is wonderful and a miracle to begin with.
".......is diagnosed ONLY with prostate cancer and one other cancer." The word ONLY is incorrect because if you have two cancers, then you cannot be diagnosed ONLY with prostrate cancer. The word ONLY should be used only when someone has one cancer alone.

Thanks for your help. I think I should have put hyphens around the word “only.” Would that work?
Damn forgot to share he also had a melanoma
What a great site. Helps us prostate cancer dummies (me) understand prostate cancer and the fight that many of us are fighting. Surprised that so many are in the same boat. Thank you for being the administrator
LC 7 years ago. Surgery, no chemo or RT, no recurrence to date.
Skin Cancer 13 years ago. Mohs surgery, all well to date
I don't have a partner, aka wife, lover, mistress, mistresses etc, or any pet dogs, cats, snakes, alligators, parrots, etc.
I do have 4 bicycles, far cheaper to live with and keep happy than 4 wives.
Plus, I can go for a ride any old time I like.
Patrick Turner.
Renal cell(stage 4) with bone mets 1996, cured with TVAX immunotherapy. Colon cancer 2013, stage 0(had 2 polyps removed with one having dysplasia), and prostate stage 4 in August 2014. Tried about everything. Pretty stable now, but am on a triple treatment of APCEDEN true autologous vaccine made from MY cancer, NOT Provenge), Keytruda, and Xtandi. Stop any of them and my PSA starts to go up after a couple of months.
Only prostate ca
Stage 2 breast cancer.
Thanks Darryl. I had a tongue cancer last year, successfully treated with radiation and chemo. The prostate cancer post-RP & post radiation, has been controlled for 4 years now with daily bicalutamide & quarterly eligard shot.