Happy New Year!A bit of a long post so please accept my apologies.
Firstly thanks for the previous advice on taking vitamins to help with my Hashi diagnosis, which l got last September.
I received my blood results from Medichecks this afternoon. Bloods were done 24 hrs after my last levo at 9.30 am 2 days ago. I stopped taking my vitamins and B Complex week before the test.
My results are:
TSH 5.68 [0.27-4.2]
T4 13.8 [12-22]
T3 5.4 [3.1-6.8]
TPO 127 [O-34]
Vit D 86.8 [50-250]
B12 102 [37.5-188]
Foliate 40.8 >7
Ferritin 206 [30-650]
My results from GP surgery in December are:
TSH 5 [0.35-4.94]
T4 10.9 [9-19]
Don't think they test T3 at my surgery.
I had a phone appointment with GP to discuss my results, and he said he would book another blood test for 6-8 weeks and kept my medication the same. It wasn't the GP whom l saw in person when l was put on Levo last autumn and l felt fobbed off and am now feeling frustrated and wish it was the other GP as l believe he would have increased my medication. I now know that l will have to be assertive going forward.
I have 2 questions from both results:
1. Should l ask for a second opinion from GP or sit and wait until February and hopefully get a face to face appointment instead of with other GP
2. Advice on timing for taking Vits needed.
I currently take Igennus B Complex 1 tab daily,
Better You Vit D+K2 spray (3 sprays) and am just starting Igennus Triple Magnesium Complex 3rd day - (look like horse tablet - so l have cut them in half) they advise taking 1 tablet in a morning and 1 in an evening. I have only been taking 1. I have missed the morning one out as it is advised not to take them until 4 hrs after Levo, which l take at 7.30 a.m.
When would you lovely and knowledgeable people suggest l take them all so that there are no interferences with my Levo.
Sorry for long post, just feeling overwhelmed at moment adjusting to taking medication to try to improve my quality of life. I had a good day Monday and overdid things and am now suffering for it.
Thanks D 😊