Hi everyone,
Would appreciate advice about my latest TSH results.
I followed advice about not taking levo at least 24hrs before test...I managed about 16- 18 hrs I feel better taking my levo at night, nothing to eat, just had water, bloods taken at 8.30am.
TSH Results came back 0.11 mU/L ( 0.35- 5.50mU/L)
I visited my GP on Friday 17th June to discuss and she was now being advised (not sure by whom) to drop my dose from 50mcg to 25mcg. She explained that the labs would not test my T4 because my TSH levels had dropped from previous results.
My initial diagnosis results were
TSH * 24.72 mU/L 0.35 - 5.50
Free T4 * 6.3 pmo/L 7.0 - 17.0
Ferritin 89ug/L 15- 300
Folate 11.4 ug/L > 3.0
Vit B12 458 ng/L 150 - 900
All tests that were done included,
full blood count
bone profile which flagged up calcium * 2.61 mmol/L 2.20 -2.60
c- reactive protein <1 mg/L <5
eGFR and electrolytes
Lipid profile
Liver function test.
No idea what they all mean, can anyone interprate for me please.
Many thanks always.