Hashimotos, new to taking meds, helpless jitter... - Thyroid UK

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Hashimotos, new to taking meds, helpless jitters, indecision with no direction here

Allie323 profile image
38 Replies

Hello, I'm a female, single, trying to just eat and just be able to sleep. Questions are about: Jitters, constant internal crawling feeling, coldness( my temps sometimes went to 94's F. 34's C) on t4 t3 slow release compounded (beginning)meds with Hashimotos.

( tpo 218 year ago-258 now) (tg 326 year ago)Bloodwork before medicating :

TSH 2.99. 2.64 after 7 days trying synthroid Sept., yearly has been 4.1

Ft 4. 16.21 pmol. 1.26 ngdl (.90-1.70)

Ft3. 3.21 pmol. 2.50 pgml (2.0-4.4)

Iron 100 (35-145)

B12 633

D 31

ferritin 113 (15-150) TIBC 315 (250-400)

Cortisol 12.6 mcg/dl (3.7-19.4)

morning 9 ug/dl year ago pm cortisol 6.7(2.3-11.9)

I have hashimotos and was-youthful, gym and yoga, walking, eating healthy but fatigued, gluten free, even dairy free, nutrition nut..Suddenly I couldn't go to sleep a year ago mid January. Checked into ER. Heart good, lungs good, You have anxiety, my neighbor said. I never took medications of any kind since a child, now suddenly taking sleeping pills trazodone, mitazapine, etc. Then I broke my hip stumbling down stairs from sleep meds one morning in March, had quick surgery, three screws, and had to heal all last spring-while not sleeping. Had to start gabapentin for pins and needles mild neuropathy that started over a year ago. Hate side effects so keep low dose. I'm a mess not sleeping, neuropathy, hair falling out, dry skin, constipated miserable and hanging on. Educated about hashimotos and nutrition, health issues, diagnosed myself in 2012 but hoped I was wrong.. Have 1/2 thyroid as a surgeon took half because of benign nodule when I was 15, now 60s. No ultrasound back then, they just cut things out. I wanted to try thyroid medications, for symptoms out of desperation, as I was always in range past 30 years but I'm very sensitive to all drugs, my guess. I was agitated on ARMOUR...I tried that Oct. 2019 and was still sleeping then. Tried NP in August, terribly agitated again. Mine was recalled for extra t4. Tried Synthroid for 7 days, felt very dizzy walking, eventually chest hurt, shallow breath lying down, etc, doctor's nurse put me only on 1/2 of 25mcg. Side effects seemed way more than normal vs. others and I was afraid I was harming myself more.

Now a private functional doctor gave a script for 20mcg t4. 4mcg slow release t3 compounded, at my suggestion. I felt I self diagnosed --he had me only do bio synthetic estrogen, progesterone to see if that helped me first, with an "elimination diet" sheet he gave out. (I've done many times.) I was desperate to sleep, needing more-for our first 600.00 visit.)

I tried the t4t3. I Felt great the first day and bad much thereafter. I tried 5mcg compounded slow release t3 1× day not 1 every 12 hrs..I got from a different natural private doctor, for a week, got jitters, always wired, anxious, stopped it, tried it again., got jitters kept going, then got headache very bad. I went back to t4t3. SR compounded, took 2 of them by mistake, (so 40mcgt4, 8 mcg t3). then tried to keep the higher dose up, felt bad- eyes sore, cold, then started getting aches everywhere and never had any aches before all from trying meds?. I have some scoliosis also. Still trying to fall asleep every night during these trials of meds. I couldn't handle CPAP last APRIL/ May. (Did a sleep study that said I had mild sleep apnea. I fall sleep on right side with small dose mirtazapine now, breathe only thru nose, not mouth now, so if stuffy nose, I don't sleep.

I felt all these symptoms are thyroid related, hypo. Yet, I feel hyper too-the anxiety? Pins and needles out of no where walking on hardwood floors, in a newly bought 1932 English Tudor brick house in 2018, started ALL of this, over a year ago. How did I get pins/needles suddenly? So had to sell that house in 2019. I was starting this decline in that house.

Being so weak, and constantly jittery I stopped meds yesterday for a break but I must decide with No real doctors to help, they will ask me what I want to do, or tell me to work on gut, diet, minerals, go slow and I needed direction from them, for thyroid help and tests. I am just guessing now and self medicating and don't have physical stamina to try different medications for 6 weeks each. I'm barely existing now without sleeping a year.

Been doing the t4x20mcg t3 4mcg. One dose. Don't feel good about starting back up, if I harm myself or organs changing my own hormone levels inside that were doing better than now. Doing this 3 weeks plus now and trying t3 5mcg slow release was too much change, but had to try- wanted to titrate t3 but felt bad on 5mcg. I feel I don't have time to waste with not sleeping, I can't care for myself is the bigger problem I'm facing today. I could try the 15 pills of Synthroid t4 only I have left, as I never gave t4 only a bigger chance. The Levo/ synthroid fillers; I'm afraid to try again, if I may not recover. But my dose was so low. Who can remember how bad it was or not.? This T4 I was taking with t3 SR was a compounded pharmacy, without those fillers and yes, I wonder if the pharmacy did it right.

I don't even wish to call this doctors office because he won't know either, I'm just a difficult case I'm told, I react to everything. And he is a busy consultation-mode private doctor, who is good in bioidentical hormone therapies but for hashis? I guess I'm sensitive to everything, B vitamins, sleeping medications too.

After years searching to get a plan, trying to find someone, this overly worsening year made life seem surreal. Others do well I talk to, but my mystery illness here in St. Louis won't budge to get a tad better on any trials, only goes worse, and without sleep too, it's very rough. thanks...and wishing you all the best holidays, I know its strained times for you too.

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Allie323 profile image
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38 Replies
cazmania7 profile image

I’m so sorry to hear that you are so poorly and in such a state. I’m sure others will be along soon to offer advice, but I just wanted to say that you are not alone. Sending a virtual hug to you. X

Allie323 profile image
Allie323 in reply to cazmania7

Thanks for hugs......!

Lora7again profile image

Hopefully as cazmania7 has said someone will be able to advise you more than I can. The only thing I will say is that you need to give time for your medication to work and if you keep adjusting the dose too often this will make you feel ill. This is not a quick fix and it can take a long time to recover your health. Sending you a virtual hug as well (((hugs))) x

Allie323 profile image
Allie323 in reply to Lora7again

That's nice.....hugs are good :)

Allie323 profile image
Allie323 in reply to Lora7again

Ps....I can't really adjust without calling this doctor as I'm taking t4t3 combined in a capsule not tablet I can break up. So I tried double, and can't remove the t3 to do just t4. So did T4 40mcg. 8mcg T3 slow release, its not regular fast acting. I thought sustained release would help my sensitivity, maybe it won't saturate as well though as Dr. Lowe or Paul Robbinson says. But Wilson likes t3 SR..

I'd have to order something. Not sure if this bio hormone doctor knows me well enough, should have taken all my tests which he only saw my past ones I posted and tested only my estrogen progesterone testosterone and FSH? Kind of useless for my working on my hashimotos. Our initial visit he prescribed sex hormones thinking they'd help my body and then I could take thyroid meds I guess. Maybe they'd help but I needed help then Oct 29 seeing him, to sleep, too. The progesterone pill 100mg I've started taking again at night dose 2x 200mg. during night , because it does help induce sleep some. Haven't used the estrogen patches while testing t4t3 which he prescribed in a phone visit at my request to try. Hope I didn't make a mistake trying..have all thyroid symptoms. But low range t3 2.50pgml and 1.26 ngdl and 2.64 tsh lowest ever after trying synthroid for only one week and ndt a little, (I was usually tsh 4. T3 is always 3 or under (pgml).)

Lora7again profile image
Lora7again in reply to Allie323

How old are you? I am 61 and have never taken HRT because of a family history of breast cancer. When I started to become ill at about 47 and my doctor referred me to a consultant who insisted I tried the Mirena coil because of abnormal bleeding. If I am being honest this is when I started to feel really ill and I think the artificial progesterone in the Mirena had a lot to do with it. The coil caused me to have an inflamed cervix and I then had to have a cervix biopsy. After the coil was removed all my symptoms became a lot worse and I was diagnosed with Graves' disease after 2 years of having lots of horrible symptoms and being told it was the menopause. You can read my story on my profile page if you are interested. I actually did not go through the menopause until I was 55 and that didn't really affect me and I did not take HRT as I said before. The only changes I have noticed after the menopause is my skin is slightly drier other than that I feel ok. I wonder if all these hormone replacements you are taking are making things difficult for you and hopefully another member who takes both HRT and Thyroxine can advise you about it.

Allie323 profile image
Allie323 in reply to Lora7again

Hi night owl, :) I haven't been using the bioidentical estrogen patch now even though functional doctor said it was so low dose (.025 mg) I could keep using with my thyroid medication. I only tried it for two weeks and think it helped dry skin and overall, and the progesterone pill I started using the last few nights is also not the HRT kind its the safer BHRT. I probably should have stuck with just that regime awhile, and not started the thyroid med t4t3 because I reacted to it and eyes very sore tonight too. And now feel bad effects stopping it. I'm 66 and in quandary what to do. I have straight levothyroxine left over from trying that last sept.(synthroid, 25mcg) or the t4t3 compounded (30mcg t4, 4mcg t3) that makes me jittery and I don't know if its the t4 or t3 that makes me feel jumpy jittery and should take the t4 again alone, or the t4t3 or t3 only. Too many unknown choices. Don't want to just start something blind, I can't stick to again but I need tests that endochrines don't do and can't get appointments fast like tomorrow from some private doctor who will know all I need done.

Lora7again profile image
Lora7again in reply to Allie323

Ha ha I don't think I am a night owl. I think a lot of people do well on just Levothyroxine and only add T3 if they have a conversion problem. I am not medically trained and everyone is different so you need to find out as much information as you can and then decide what to do yourself. This is what is what I have always done myself.

Allie323 profile image
Allie323 in reply to Lora7again

I read your profile earlier.. True what you said about conversion and adding t3. My t3 looks low though but who knows how well I convert..

What make levothyroxine do you use? I believe someone said the Mylan is gluten free. I have Synthroid, not necessarily better, 25mcg here now, to try. I could switch to generic when get a new script.

Lora7again profile image
Lora7again in reply to Allie323

I am not taking anything at the moment because I am in remission. Sometimes people with Graves' can become under active and have low T4 and T3. This has happened to me twice and the first time I saw a doctor who is no longer with us and he persuaded my GP to prescribe it and I think it was Actavis Levothyroxine. The second time my GP refused to help so I purchased some Thyroid S from Thailand which is not available at the moment. I also have a multinodular goiter that can give me symptoms and affect my levels.

Allie323 profile image
Allie323 in reply to Lora7again

Fortune on you, about being in remission....How does one know if they have Graves?...I guess the ultrasounds tell it? Or extreme low tsh...I just wondered if I could have and no one notices because nothing works well and I've had nodules. I decided to take my Synthroid t4 this a.m.- feel it. feel fillers too. Had to decide something, Give t4 only a better shot. Took 1 and 1/2 25mcg I had, 37.5 mg instead of 50 to start. Wrote margjeans about it.

Mostew profile image

Not any advice really, but I can imagine how you feel, as I have eaten well , been to numerous functional practitioners, homeopaths et over many years .

I’m so lucky as stayed. Reasonably well BUT if I wasn’t I know I’d feel like you do...xx

My advice is try and do some calming things that appeal to you. Qi gong , yoga , Look at PRUNE HARRIS on u tube . If you like her . Very simple energy touch.

Or find someone online who’s words help. ( best we can do in these. Strange times )

Don’t forget mind and body work together. Xxxx

Stay in touch xxx

Allie323 profile image
Allie323 in reply to Mostew

Thank you Mostew for your very kind words today. Wish I could, do yoga, etc., and will look at video and think, calmer. I was very stressed this a.m. trying to decide what to do, so did nothing, not taking the t4t3 meds a second day so probably withdrawing more, exhausted too.

Mostew profile image
Mostew in reply to Allie323

Have a look at the Thyroid video Prune Harris does on u tube . Very simple, little effort and calming xx

Margjeans profile image
Margjeans in reply to Allie323

I am now nearly 85 and live in Australia, had hypothyroidism since about 55, can’t remember. Was was put on estrogen, for menopause felt terrific, then later on got breast cancer, insitu. Been on 75mg Eutroxsig . Most of the time. There are only 2 you can get here the other is Eltroxin. Both made by same company. Tried compounding chemist NDT. Chest pains. No good. Eltroxin made my hair thin. I now take Eutroxig twice a day. 50mg am when I wake and 25 at 3 pm . Tried cutting it down to 50 mg. Couldn’t function

. Still have terrible anxiety some days. I take 1 mg. Valium am and 1 mg later in the day. I have found the breathing exercises are really good, breathing from the diaphragm. Look on google and try it. I don’t take anything at night . When I go to bed I have the radio on and do my deep breathing. I did try T3 it made me feel good but put my blood pressure up so stopped it. I can’t take blood pressure medication, the poor doctor is trying her best. Tried them all. Am now making fruit drinks for the potassium and a banana every night for supper. I walk every morning at least 2 kilometers with our little dog which helps. My husband is pretty sick and got heart failure so I am now doing everything which doesn’t help my anxiety. I mow the lawns . One one day and the other the next. I find that keeping busy helps me a lot. Just try one and stick with it for now . I go for a walk even if I don’t feel like going , once I get out I feel a lot better. I know the weather is not as good as here , maybe get a walking machine. I also knit bed socks for the cancer patients. There is always someone worse than you . I wish you all the best and hope you can sort yourself out. The endo put my thyroxine down and wanted me to take Fosomax. I take fish oil and vit D and have B12 injection every 3 months. Remember only you can help yourself. Deep breathing, deep breathing, can’t say it enough. Good luck

Allie323 profile image
Allie323 in reply to Margjeans

Hi...Margjeans, nice writing. I read yours early a.m., not sleeping. With you help I just Decided on something; to take an old script I tried Sept., some nurse put me on 1/2 25mcg dose and I stopped after 7 days, felt dizzy walking and awful-- Now I think low dosing was a bad idea the more I read here and elsewhere, even with my sensitivities. So I guessed- and took 1 1/2 or 37.5 of my tablets. Its a bit under the 50mcg dose I read in a woman's Hashimotos review who sounded like me, symptoms wise...so I made a decision this 6 a.m. Feeling so awful quitting compounded t4t3 from a compound pharmacy here.I feel things pretty fast and felt calmer in 20 minutes. 2 hrs later and temperature is higher, not freezing right now. I even feel, taste, the fillers,:) lol. They can cause headaches...would love pure t4 without fillers but wonder about pharmacist's descrepancy on that t4t3 capsule I took from compounding pharmacy. Compounding is a great way to go if you can depend on the pharmacist, even the drug companies can make the mistakes but maybe they make less I hate to admit this because they use fillers unnecessarily. I think that affects an awful lot of people and why not take out all the variables you can in medication to make it work better for people over all. Someday?

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to Allie323

"Fillers", or excipients, are absolutely essential. The physical size of a dose of thyroid hormone is so small it would be impossible to make and distribute any form without adding other ingredients.

The products with the fewest excipients are Tirosint and Tirosint-Sol. I do not know if you can get them in Australia? Made by IBSA in Switzerland. Tirosint is a gel cap. Tirosint-Sol is a liquid.

Allie323 profile image
Allie323 in reply to helvella

Hi Helvella, I'm not in Australia I'm in the US but I was replying to margejeans(Aussie) who wrote my Allie323 post, and stand corrected, I didn't mean fillers, and you are absolutely right; I meant ingredients that were used like sodium lauryl sulfate, talc, gluten etc. that people are sensitive to.

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to Allie323

And I stand corrected at your location! Apologies. :-)

Margjeans profile image
Margjeans in reply to Allie323

I also tried compounding T4 . Didn’t agree with me , also got T3 from doc. Gave me palpitations. What did doc first prescribe? I am on Eutroxsig. There are only 2 you can get here Eutroxsig and Eltroxin. Eltroxin hasn’t got any lactose in them. Compounding is like cooking, you’ve got to get the recipe right whereas the manufacturer usually have the same recipe all the time. What are the majority taking in the UK ? Have you posted your levels for the others to see and comment on. are you taking vitamins. You sound like me , mainly anxiety.

Allie323 profile image
Allie323 in reply to Margjeans

Doctor here back the did not prescribe. I just asked for a TT4T3SR compound. Nov/Dec Slow release t3. 20mgT4/4mgT3.I still have it here but since it made me so agitated dry eyed, I stopped.

I started Levoxyl t4, April 29 for 16 days; could not tolerate it felt so terrible. GP wanted me to take it not Armour, at first.

Now trying Armour, it was good at first. Been 2 weeks 15mg. Not doing well with it as hoped, not sleeping still...been 15 month problem. I have to take Lunesta, and 100mg

gabapentin for feet neuropathy

Trying 30mg Armour today.

Things are just not- working. Much jitters, anxiety, eyes bury, watery, itching. Cortisol normal am pm....ACTH also in range. Need saliva test but no where to go....

Posted levels yes. On a different post, if you want I can get them.

Just trying to tolerate Armour right now.

Allie323 profile image
Allie323 in reply to Margjeans

Ps. Will try Levi generic or compounded t4 to give a real shot to taking t4, but something has to work as not functionable and down to the wire this moment.

I admire all you're doing to stay in good health and heart. I know it is, tough, things you say you are working through, yourself. I've been to Australia its warm and wonderful, was there four months in 1997.

T3 is possibly hard for me too after trying these weeks. Dessicated I tried too, and may cause Tg binding problems for people with Hashimotos like I have.

Margjeans profile image
Margjeans in reply to Allie323

It’s not warm and wonderful today, it’s our Winter and here in Melbourne has been very cold. Also we’re back in lockdown for Covid-19.

I have an app on my phone for Tinnitus and relaxation and sleep. I have hearing aids and can listen through them . It’s called Zen Tinnitus but has also got deep breathing and relaxation on as well. I do use it a lot , I listen to the Sandy Beaches as

I’m taking the dog for a walk and practice the deep breathing a lot so not doing too bad for 85. I have a sick husband who stresses me out . He had bypass surgery 5 years ago and can’t do much. He is 88 .

Allie323 profile image
Allie323 in reply to Margjeans

Did you just reply? I wrote you 5 months ago....:) I'm glad you can be out now walking, yes its opposite here almost summer weather.

Margjeans profile image
Margjeans in reply to Allie323

Yes I remember now. Hope you start to feel better soon

Lizzo30 profile image

hello sorry to hear of your health issues I saw that you have an estrogen hrt and would like to point out that this may be causing you to be allergic to many things and suggest you gradually stop taking it and see if there is any change - it is quite well known now that estrogen can cause alergies and autoimmune disorders

Allie323 profile image
Allie323 in reply to Lizzo30

Hi Lizzo30, :)I'm actually not, taking the estrodial patch (only .025mg)given to me Nov 1 by a functional medicine private paid doctor who promised he did BHRT bioidentical not hrt synthetic. And Premeritan pill I took was to help my not sleeping, as progesterone is safer. Dr. John Lee wrote three books, one on cancer, about: "What your doctor did not tell you"...check him out on his natural progesterone theories, not the horse urine progestin, helping to protect menapausal women and premenapausal from cancer, help hair, skin, etc. I saw him long ago at an Arizona seminar where I lived, he passed away some time ago. This is not the same man as Dr. John Lowe who touts doing t3 only like Paul Robinson also writes about doing t3 only, thru body's hormone production rhythm. I was already a desperate mess in Nov. been so for 10 months as my long posting above states. This doctor I saw, a natural bioidentical hormone and elimination diet, detox holistic guy who thought because I am too sensitive to Armour and ndt, and Levo, and synthroid, we could build up resistance fixing my other hormones first: the little amount of estrodial in a patch not creme, for two weeks helped my dried out skin on face. He wanted the progesterone pill to help me fall asleep. Its Premeritan and safe? I stopped both, and suggested to him to write me a t4t3 compounded script, my biggest problem I felt needed addressing, guessing thyroid meds would help this mystery of ill's over 3 plus decades, doing all natural everything, never got me there on its own.

I stopped taking the t4t3 so jittery, on Christmas day. I was "expiring" as I was writing my post here yesterday, a day ago. I knew my body was crying for thyroid hormones because the t4t3 shut my 1/2 good-working thyroid down. But catch 22 was: the t4t3 compound I so thoughtfully tried, thinking it was better and additive free was driving me jiggering mad and disrupted my own hormone levels I still had. My eyes are swollen, no sleep at all, and I had a left over bottle of Synthroid 25mcg, or the t4t3 capsules or 5mcg t3 SR ( slow release) or some very old Armour 15mg I could take-again. With no doctor to go see today or to write any other prescription, having nothing working, I gambled with Synthroid, and "thought up" a dosage to take by reading these hashimoto s reviews of the drug at 5a.m. I took 37.5mcg just under the usual 50mcg starting dose but not as small as the 1/2 of 25mcg. a nurse put me on when I asked to try it in Sept. I lasted only 7 days, side effects; so awful, I didn't know then about low doses being as bad as too high. Right now I feel like A wilted flower shot with starch powder, this has to work. Something does....so I can cook to eat, fall asleep again, shower, launder, shop, just survive, in an empty of furniture, except bed, two tables, swivel chair, apartment condo. ( I sold my house before my downfall, then recouped months at an extended stay rehab apartment when I broke my hip that was a nicer furnished set up than this) Survive. I was too weak yesterday. It's down to the wire. Can't consider consequences of failure of a wasted body sent to the ER during Covid.

Margjeans profile image
Margjeans in reply to Allie323

You do know it takes 6 weeks to get the benefits of T4. Persevere and deep breathing, you’re probably like me , more anxious than you should be , worried about the results. Hang in there. When you get anxious, get up and do something, even if it’s only walking round and round the room, with your deep breathing of course. I feel under the weather today and have started to take my iron again , take Spatone on and off , should take it all the time.At least my stomach is beginning to feel better since I stop blood pressure pills. Been for my 2 kilometres walk with our little dog, brought the dog from the neighbors and played ball with her for a while, fed her and took her back. Her owner is at work all day and I feel sorry for the dog.We are going to have Cornish pasties I’ve made for lunch. Got to begin eating more. Going down the nick 😂

Been doing a bit of baking lately, always have home made Anzac biscuits, my excuse is , for the oats to help with my high cholesterol , can’t take cholesterol pills, they really make me ill.

Good luck , stay focused, you’re not on your own.

Allie323 profile image
Allie323 in reply to Margjeans

Anzac not Ransack typo :-)

Allie323 profile image
Allie323 in reply to Margjeans

P.s.s your walks sound so great with little dog! What's Spaton. I remember walking there too....cockatoos on the electric wires and parakeets where I walked. Even saw a road runner at this school field I walked by. Also an old coffee Co. on my route and small grocery Shoppe. I was in Sydney for those 4 months at some water bay area with condos. Took a bus to downtown.

Margjeans profile image
Margjeans in reply to Allie323

Spatone is 100% natural liquid iron water supplement from Wales . Google it.

The Cockatoos come every evening for their drink of water before bed. Playing on the telephone wires

The Biscuits are Anzac . Really easy to make and very nice. Google it. I don’t cook as much as I used to when all my boys were home.

We are in Melbourne. In what used to be a little country town , now expanding all the time and getting traffic logged. We are only 5 minutes walk to shopping centre.

The deep breathing is what the physio showed me , they are more or less all the same , helps to calm the nerves.

You’re sounding a bit better.

Isn’t T3 a steroid which body builders use as well?

Our little dogs tries to take me where she wants to go, sometimes I let her. She is so beautiful, a little shiatsu, only the size of a small cat.

Allie323 profile image

You are such a cook. That's great. Ransack biscuits? Cornish pasties? I could guess what these are or google them up.. I have always liked cooking, baking, too.

6 weeks, huh. Ok, I'll breathe deep and be patient. Today I got breathless and jittery later day from 37.5 mcg Synthroid so hope I picked the right dose, not too high. I could decrease the half tab 12.5mcg and do 25. Or the right t4 medication, as its all I had at hand, I know how people here do good/ bad on different t4s. I can try compounded t4 with less additives if this doesn't work, or Mylan levothyroxine generic but that one has a lot of extra additives too. I got its list from the chemist(pharmacist) today. Do you say Chemist? Eh? :-)

What kind of deep breathing do you do?let me know.

Here's a breathing exercise I do from Dr. Andrew Weill who writes nutrition type books and lives in Arizona...

"4-7-8 Breathing: How It Works, How to Do It, and More" healthline.com/health/4-7-8...

Or check this one too of Dr. Weill at home.


Margjeans profile image
Margjeans in reply to Allie323

Stick to one for a while then after 6 weeks get tested, it’s the only way.

Lora7again profile image
Lora7again in reply to Margjeans

I agree, this is not a quick fix and she needs to give it time to work.

Allie323 profile image
Allie323 in reply to Margjeans

I stuck to Synthetic 25mcg with 5mcg t3 SR. But I got a bad-burning mouth Wed a.m. and burning dry eyes- might be I'm sensitive to Synthroid's fillers or.. Levo. Been trying7-8 weeks now. I tried tablet Mylan levo generic, felt nauseous and it was weaker than the Synthroid. I know about Sjogrinesor burning mouth syndrome, but went off Synthroid and t3 the past two days since throat, eyes hurt awful. Fluish. Scarey how eyes got so bad, want a doctor to see them.

Can't see a new GP, /thyroid doctor til Tues. Might need to take "something" and not sleeping still, too. Stuffy nose, anxiety always awake 2-3 a.m.

Nurse told me to go to ER, they can do blood work but don't want to go there or get worse.

Guess my own thyroid hormones shut down.

Wish I could hold off,

all I got the Synthroid 25mcg or..5mcg t3 SR or (20/4 t4t3) combo. And some old Armour I tried, year ago November 2019. Wonder if its still good.

Its not just about sticking to it I get really bad reactions and side effects taking any- thyroid medication. Yet I have many hypo symptoms with hashimotos for decades. Except weight gain, I have big weight loss for a long time. Like with others, doctors say I don't need thyroid meds.

I can barely stand or make food, stayed in bed. Just don't have right meds or right dose to get thru next three days. I'm hopeful but this doctor may not do anything to solve this, as many haven't now.

Allie323 profile image

Update by Allie323: Hello, its been 27 days and I'm not good in fact awful, out of hope which, was impossible to be for me. I stayed on medication but stopped Jan 6..did 7-8 weeks... the compounded sustained release T3 4mcg with 20mcg t4 capsule I requested..I still sensitive to thyroid meds. I tried 5mcg t3 (only) several days too in between. Anything felt jittery or anxious at times mid day (hyper?) but also a bit, good at times. Had chills, a.m. then started getting dry sore eyes, throat sore, but I kept going. Tried doubling with 40mcgt4 8mcg t3. The Last 8 days I switched to 37.5 Synthroid t4 only to eliminate the t3, to see if I only needed t4. Never gave t4 much a shot, had Synthroid 1/2 25mcg for 8 days last Sept. and I felt bad dizzy etc.from a little dose. Please note I am sensitive to all medications never took any my adult life nor aspirin. So even this year doing sleep medication or Gabapentin all at once, I get all the side effects and have to take low doses. I also can't use the CPAP very well, I can't fall asleep and it's not for that it's for breathing the provider told me. I'm still not able to fall asleep, stay asleep, the worst symptom. I got pins and needle 1 1/2 years ago in my toes now in calves. Off thyroid meds, since 1/6. Jan 12 saw new GP, he did my blood work, thought I was describing hyper symptoms trying t3t3 or all thyroid meds I tried.. Before he saw my blood work thought its not my thyroid maybe another immune disease? Gave me ANA test I was negative. So no Sjogrines? or maybe I caused myself burning mouth syndrome from too much thyroid hormone...sigh.I'm miserable mostly stay in bed last 8 days, push self to grocery shop. Have to eat. Dizzy all the time, light headed, burning in mouth, throat lips, thought of the Sjogrines or Burning mouth syndrome was caused from meds? thyrotoxicosis now? or, not enough medication, can't know. Self dosing for 7-8 weeks, I'm worse, withdrawing?Yet cold, fatigue, can't stand well so dizzy, only are hypo symptoms. Hashimotos is awful. I go into store, and feel myself still ok inside. But new symptoms aching ALL over shoulders, and weaker breathing still like last 12 months -always in range but had 4.1 tsh or 3.49,once 5.4. Got desperate to try medications but didn't know if my dry eyes were now eye diseased or burning dry mouth and that scared me, to stop if I didn't need meds. Yet I have half a thyroid and 20 years of hypo symptoms hair almost gone, skin bone dry not sleeping, tingling nerves, constipation, sinus inflamed,etc Right now I feel some chest pain or it's nerves. Don't even care about eating but try.

Latest blood:

Tsh 2.80. T3free still 2.40 no change t4 1.29 up from 1.26 but D 32 yes always low. B12 up 1,103 ( was 633, had 3 b12 shots this winter) Iron 92ug/dls foliate 14.7 tpo antibody 202 tg antibody 349 Cortisol 12.9ug/dl a.m. (6-18.4)

I've been a nervous wreck for 2 years since I bought/sold that old house that brought on neuropathy from stress on my feet. My doctor said all my blood tests including CBC comprehensive and thyroid were fine but I was on thyroid medication dies he realize. He suggested more Mirtazapine 30mg to help me get to sleep and the CPAP machine both of which are not working for me. I could guess my adrenal gland are really messed up but cortisol tests am or pm are always in range. No, haven't done saliva too tired to find how.

I'm Sorry, I have to write all this. I've always had positives in me. I don't expect my doctor or anyone around here to help and will "try".

Margjeans profile image
Margjeans in reply to Allie323

Just read your reply, sorry I didn’t see it before. As I said , I am taking 50 mg T4 am and 25 at 3 pm . My blood test came back good and TSH was 1. Which is good. All tests were good , The doc said , continue on how you’re taking it. Went to get a refill of thyroxine, they thought I wanted the Eltroxin, I said , no, that makes my hair fall out, I take Eurotrox, the only other one you can get here apart from if you go to a compounding chemist, I have to keep in fridge, also contains lactose, the lacteeze must be helping that. I think you’re like me and overthink things, have been also taking 2 Magnesium tablets at night, helps with anxiety , so now am taking my vitamin D3 4 hours after T4.

Have been having high protein cereals from Aldies for breakfast as they contain nuts maybe helping my thyroid. Selenium in Brazil nuts, T3. and take fish oil tablets as well, helps with the eyes, my eye specialist tells me. You could take 2 Brazil nuts a day for the Selinium either. Did have glaucoma, had laser treatment on them years ago, always get a good report when I go to see specialist .

Please try to stick to one , whichever you dicide on for at least 6 weeks. Maybe you are lactose intolerant as well, I find if I take lacteeze it helps .I never drink full cream milk now, I used to always have milk at bedtime then all of a sudden couldn’t stand it. Stop messing with your medication , try the T4 only for 6 weeks and the magnesium at bedtime, I’m sure you will feel a lot better. I never thought I would still be here and be as active as I am at my age. Sorry I didn’t reply sooner. Don’t forget, there’s always someone worse than you . Money isn’t any good if you haven’t got your health. Don’t worry about the past, that has gone. Try to think positive and don’t forget your deep breathing.

Margjeans profile image
Margjeans in reply to Margjeans

Just read it again, it sounds more like depression to me,. I don’t reckon much to Mirzapine, did try it , didn’t like it, was like a zombie walking round.

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