Hello everyone!
It's been a minute but I have some updates as well as asking for feedback on what else can be done to tweak.
I had my year follow up in August and *knock on wood* all was well! At that time I had switched from Tirosint to 175 mcg of Synthroid only.
The higher my dose of T4 alone, I would feel ...ok. My FT4 was high but over six weeks it had dropped to the middle/high-low of the range and my FT3 was actually doing pretty well comparatively speaking. However, my TSH was down to .01 on T4 alone, which is odd because back in the spring my TSH was well over 2.0 on that same dose.
Anyway, I've been four weeks on 150 mcg of Synthroid (175 6 days a week/0 on Sunday) and had labs again through my PCP.
TSH: 0.08 (i don't have a range, unfortunately) FT4: 1.1 (range: .70-1.48) FT3: 2.3 (range 1.71 - 3.71)
These labs were taken seven hours following my dosage.
My joys and conerns are, I feel MUCH better emotionally since not only switching from Tirosint but also in lowering my T4.
My energy got a bit better after three weeks on the change also but my sleep still doesn't happen and probably won't change; I sleep a bit longer now.
Physically, hair loss still (BADDDDDDD) while I feel and look bloated and feel constipated (TMI alert).
Those couple of later symptoms were much better on a higher T4 dose.
My question is what do we feel would be the best route to take at this point. My endo has a new fellow that I get pawned off to and she has already received my tactful wrath for not listening to me. She does not want to move or add in T3 because of where my TSH is, even though I have advised it barely moved from dropping 25 mcg of T4. She states she will allow 5 mcg of T3 if we lower the T4. If I'm already feeling bloated and such, is it smart to lower the T4 at this point? I feel either just raising it to 163 mcg may be the tweak or adding in a bit of cytomel?
Just suggestions needed all, and any and I will take. Thank you all in advance!