Hi everyone ❤️
I'm posting my blood results here so as to ask advice on what to say at my endo app in carslile on the 2nd September 2020..for a parathyroid scan/endo app in Newcastle.
TSH..1.28..mU/L..(ranges....0.30...4.50) mU/L
Free T4.. 1.8..pmol/L(ranges..11.00..22.00..pmol/L
Free T3.. 3.5.pmol/L(ranges..3.1..6.8..pmol/L
Creatinine.. 90..umol/L..(range..49-90) last creatinine has been higher at 92..umol/L..and... 98...
Total calcium.. 2.69..mmol/L..range.. 2.10..2.60..mmol/L
Albumin.. 53..g/L..range.. 35..50..g/L
GRF..61..mL/min/1.73m2...range.. 90..120..
I recived my medical records from my surgery their are a lot of thyroid related stuff in them going back to 2004 one letter from my gp dated 12 July 2004 quite clearly says I had had a recent blood panel test which showed a raised calcium level and a raised PTH level.. Well I'm sure if you have both raised levels their is no doubt you have hyperparathyroidism!! But looking back my endo took more bloods and seems to have dismissed this saying my bloods are back to normal no further action!! In that Intrim I was still ill so was sent to another endo who after several blood tests diagnosed me with thyroiditis this is the first time I've heard this at no point did my old gp or my current one tell me this in 2014 onwards till my diagnosis of hyperthyroidism in 2018...i have had several abnormal calcium levels in my records with no information to me.. at this time I never asked for results and just went with what the gp said!!
I also have a lot of,,,!!! These beside my creatinine levels and my GFR.. Their on nearly every page of blood results.. In 2015 I had a TSH level of 0.86..but my endo said my T3 was normal their is no T3 blood result just the TSH on the page..
Because I had a raised FSH they just said all my symptoms were menupausal😠 I told my current gp that I felt my symptoms were not down to the menupause but he dismissed this for a long time ,yes I was sent to endos who agreed with my gp on the menupause eventho I had raised calcium a TSH.. At 0.86.. no further action. Looking in my records I have been intermittently going back and forth to endos from 2004 until I was sent again in sep 2018 after I became very ill my symptoms from 2004 onwards just progressively got worse until I was eventually diagnosed with hyperthyroidism turned out to be graves disease To which I had to have a full thyroidectomy in 2019..im now on T3 only after struggling with T4 for over 7 months turns out I'm lactose intolerant so moved to teva T3 lactose free. Iv never felt 100% well even after thyroidectomy. My current endo wanted me to increase my T3 to 40mg front 20 mg.. but she never give details and did not up my prescription I've since discovered she is happy with my current bloods so she is not upping the teva... Although I did on my own in increments of 5mg..im now running out of the T3.. Im now going through all the horrors with my parathyroid glands they have gone overactive AGAIN!!! And I have raised calcium although endo says this is borderline... This is rubbish it clearly states in parathyroid illnesses that it is absolutely NOT required to have both PTH and calcium to be high to diagnose hyperparathyroidism in some 20% of patients the calcium will be high and the parathyroid hormone will be normal or the PTH will be high with a normal calcium level.. This is still hyperparathyroidism.. My endo is now wanting me to do a 2mls urine test as my 24 hour test as not done correctly by the labs they failed to differentiate between the conditions primary hyperparathyroidism and familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia.. What a mess!!!! 😠😠😠
Many thanks to all who read this and who reply back ❤️❤️❤️