Hi, i've done recent blood test, firstly i've diagnosed with hypo from 3 months without no reason and i'm now on 75mcg euthyrox and still feel symptoms of hypo, anyway i've also done Parathyroid Hormone (PTH) because i've found high calcium level in blood test and it's in High normal range, so firstly i need an advice about my dose of euthyrox, then what to do about Parathyroid ? and what is relationship
of being hypo and high range of PTH at the same time ?
TSH 2.283 uIU/ml (0.48 - 4.17)
Free T3 2.82pg/ml (2.3 - 5.3)
Free T4 1.28ng/dL (0.83 - 1.43)
Parathyroid Hormone (PTH) 51.3pg/mL (9 - 52)
also i've did AST,ALT,Bilirubin (Total) & (Direct)
ALT(SGPT) 60 U/L (0 - 15)
AST(SGOT) 41 U/L (0 - 50)
Bilirubin (Total) 0.63 mg/dL (0.2-1)
Bilirubin (Direct) 0.14mg/dl (Up To 0.2)
also CBC attached.