Hi everyone ❤️
I'm hoping someone can shed light on this, I was diagnosed with hyperparathyroidism in Aug last year since then the endo has only done blood work and an uptake scan, the scan showed no uptake! But my levels of calcium were 2.62, 2.87,2.71..range 2.10..2.60)..my PTH levels were 8.3,9.5..,in Nov last year the endo noticed I was vitamin D deficient at 29..range 50..70..,he prescribed vitamin D, im suffering terribly with the symptoms, insomnia, bad body pain, bad headache, weeing a lot thirsty, totally exhausted, sweating and fast heartbeat, my gp noticed hyper symptoms and asked if I was on some stimulant, my history is... Hyperthyroidism (graves) in 2018,2019 thyroidectomy, I have never felt hypo, only hyper, even after one blood test showed hypo!!, I spoke to a lady recently regarding hyperparathyroidism which she has been diagnosed with I told her my blood work and the vitamin D, b 12 I was taking she asked me to look up hyperparathyroidism in relation to taking vitamin D, taking vitamin D can cause the PTH to give a false reading ie lowering it, but the body lowers the vitamin D level to protect you from high calcium, so if you take vitamin D your parathyroid levels lower but your calcium will go higher, these are my latest results done on 1st Feb, PTH.. 4.4( lower than the 9.5) calcium 2.80..(higher than previous ones).. Is this why I feel so rotten been in bed for a week now, I'm also trying to deal with thyroid medication to get myself to euthyroid, my last thyroid blood were.. TSH.. 0.1...range.. 0.30...4.50..mU/L.. Very low!!!
T3..16.5...range.. 3.10..6.80.pmol/L.. High
T4..2.5..range.. 11.00..22.00pmol /L.. Low
Although I'm not really bothered about the TSH or T4 levels as I'm on T3 medication so these levels will be about right, my T3 level is weird as I'm only on 35mg of T3.. Been increasing slowly from 10mg upwards to 35mg, I think the T3 reading is possibly wrong so having a re - test on the 13 of April, only time the nurse could do it.. 😠.. I'm beginning to think that having a diagnosis of hyperparathyroidism is maby affecting my recovery from thyroidectomy,???.. I know the only cure to hyperparathyroidism is to remove the offending gland or glands, and I'm bewildered as to why my gp is letting me suffer so bad, I have an appointment with the endo but not till June 2nd 😔 don't think I can last that long.. 😞😞😞