Hi everyone sorry i think i deleted my last post . I have some recent labs. Tsh <0.1(0.4-4.2) in the past tsh was 00.1 with other ndts.freet4 1.6(0.8-1.7)my free t4 was always 1.4.free t3 5.8(2.0-4.4) for years i didnt test my free t3 because i felt great but when i did it was 3.9.reverset3 32.5(9-24)i know many dont beleive in rt3 i guess some call it thyroid resistance?...vitamin d 28(20-79)im supplementing 2000iu a day to start off d3).ferritin jan 30th was 31(22-291)havent tested recently.folate 13.1 (>=40)b12 918 (>2000) tibc 289(250-450)uibc 157 (131-425)
Iron 132 (27-154) sat%46(15-55)..i was supplementing iron going off ferritin alone and i stopped since my iron wasnt low. I also did blood work for antibodies for hashi and graves which i never did.waiting for results. Labs above with 2.5grains of thyroid-s.
Ok so for my symptoms ill try to be as clear as possible sorry if i ramble...i been feeling anxious emotional, sweaty/clammy between my toes?hot flashes if i cook im sensitive to it from the heat and when i shower after temps go to 99.0 sometimes,i got nausea a few times, my armpits would sweat on and off have under boob sweat.haha.my temps were at waking 98.6 i read over 98.2 is hyper?..(using old school mercury thermometer 5 min.)at 3pm its 98.6 or 98.7(i read if afternoon temp is 98.6 im optimal) im not constipated like hypo but i get cold on and off,i lowered my ndt to 1.5 grains and added t3 i dont feel as anxious and mental like i was , hot flashes not that bad but still present when i take a dose .no shakes i did have shakes when i was on 2.5 and super emotional seen white spots at one point and felt like i lost some breath tht happned once i was super stressed.
..ok so i tryed to take my 60mg tab ranging from 8 to 10am whn i get up,but i felt anxious and emotional by the time noon came around..so i did read some articles by Paul robinson(i ordered the books) about cortisol levels being better 4 hours before waking up.so i did try this i took my 60mg+1.25mcg t3(cynomel)at 630am its hard to fall back to sleep but i did i guess i got some tiny palps here and there but subsided and i woke up better and took my 2nd dose at noon of 30mg+5mcgt3 i feel ok got some warm/hot flushes and very slight headache.i take 5mcgt3 at 5pm then a bed dose at 10ish 2.5mcg.
Since being on this for a week things arent as intense but have symptoms or either hyper or hypo mixed..my temps are still 98.6 before rising out of bed and affer noon is 98.6 to 98.7
Yesterday i lowered my morning dose to 30mg+6mcg t3 and i got to tell you i felt like shit ran over twice..i was a hot mess all day until maybe 6pm and felt some relief and finally ate something the depression was horrid.it was so bad i wanted it to all end i had adrenal pain to not sure if theres a such thing.Today i went back to 60mg+1.25mcgt3 and felt better its 1pm here now and dont feel like i did yestrday.
My cholesterol went down from 157 to 136 hdl went down and ldl..i was confused because thats a sign that hypo is better?not sure it can be other things to.
I never felt like this on other ndts armour,erfa,np thyroid neverr been on t4 only this all started on thyroid-s not sure if its stronger ect.
I was hypo for maybe a few months (erfa stopped working for me then np)
I wear glasses and whn i look at a object it looks like double sometimes fuzzy vision on and off my glasses are new.
At the moment im.only taking vit d waiting on my activated b's complex and drinking a mix called the adrenal cocktail.just started it yesterday.
I do have a saliva cortisol test, but!there no way in hell i can stop thyroid meds to do it? Im also on benzos (ativan) for 15 years 1mg.
Thank you so much for replying your advice is appreciated, p.s
Also no weight gain i felt like i may have lost a few or jist slimmed down .
I forgot to add ,when i was on 2.5 grais5 i felt like i couldnt handle any stress..im.still like that but not as bad since lowering..sorry for long paragraphs i wanted to try and add everything i may be missing some stuff.thanks. its 130pm now and sweaty armpits and temp is now 98.7 also sensitive to noise on and off
Forgot to add adrenal pain was noticeable yesterday when i felt like crap when i lowered my morning dose to 30mg today i dont feel it as of now since i went back on the 60mg.
Tpo ab antibodies 10(0-34) thyroglobulin <1.0(0.0-0.9) thank you.