Please - I'd love some advice on my Blue Horizon results! I've been hypo for 25 years, since RAI treatment, and on 175 mcg Levo since. In 2014, everything went pear-shaped, I became utterly exhausted, so many awful symptoms, housebound on many days. Vit D was very low (18) but I got that up again to 175. I discovered that for years my T3 had been only just in range and once it was below range.
The only thing that's made a difference to me was starting T3 in May this year. I went up to 40mcg, with no Levo. I felt much better in a few weeks, though I felt the dose wasn't enough. GP suggested I had Levo as well, so I've been trying a dose of 50 Levo, with 43.75 T3.
I still feel a bit hypo, so got these tests done. Do you think I should increase my T3? And what does the antibodies result mean? I'm seeing my endo again this week, and want my thoughts to be clear! Thank you.