Have been on 50mcg T3 in single dose for 5 years and felt very well. Around last year in 2023 to early this year 2024, I could not find T3 anymore in Greece and it was getting increasingly difficult to source for them online so I thought I would experiment with weaning T3 and doing Iodine (Lugol's) for treatment as I researched that iodine therapy might help hypo patients go without T3. Long story short; experiment failed badly. Hair dropped off like crazy and put on 4 kg in 10 days. Stopped iodine and tried to get back on T3 in September this year slowly working up to my previous 50mcg. Current Symptoms:High blood pressure, hair loss and weight gain and numb arms and heart racing. Seems like I have both hyper and hypo symptoms! Terrified. 50mcg T3 which used to work fine previously is now not working. I tried spreading out the dose of 50mcg to 25mcg twice a day. Still not helping. Weight gain, hair loss and heart palpitations and high blood pressure sounds like a mesh of different symptoms. Anyone can shed some light?
Help with T3 dosing: Have been on 50mcg T3 in... - Thyroid UK
Help with T3 dosing

Queenfoodie, it will take a long time for the body and brain to recover from such a disasterous experiment. 😱 You might need to consider adding in some T4. Ideally, you will have done a recent full thyroid blood test? If so, do post the numbers with accompanying ranges for further help.
OK, so we don't know very much about you, so let's start from the beginning. Why did you start T3 mono-therapy? Were you on levo before?
I'm afraid there's a lot of rubbish talked about iodine. A lot of people - including doctors - think that all you have to do with a thyroid problem is through iodine at it. But it's just not true. Iodine isn't some magical 'go-faster' elixir that makes your thyroid work better. It's just one of the ingredients of thyroid hormone. And, as I always say (ad nauseam!) it doesn't matter how many eggs you put in the batter, if your oven is on the blink, you ain't gonna get a cake! So, the upshot is, you can only replace a hormone with a hormone, not a nutrient. And I speak from experience as someone that was prescribed iodine by an ignorant doctor before I knew any better.
Current Symptoms:High blood pressure, hair loss and weight gain and numb arms and heart racing. Seems like I have both hyper and hypo symptoms!
Another mistake often made - especially by doctors! - is trying to divide symptoms into two rigid lists: hypo and hyper. In reality, it doesn't work like that. Strange as it may seem, a lot of symptoms can be caused both by hypo and hyper. High blood pressure is often seen as a hyper symptom, but it can just as easily be a symptom of hypo. I've always had high BP, but I'm pretty hypo, and taking 75 mcg T3 mono-therapy.
On top of that, the hormone you're giving your body isn't shared out equally between all the thousands of cells in your body - which all need it. Some cells will be getting too much hormone, whilst others might not be getting any at all! So, that in itself can cause a combination of symptoms. So, don't be terrified. You are not hyper, and probably not even over-medicated on 50 mcg T3. But, as RedApple has pointed out, it's going to take your body a long time to get over that upset, so just go with the flow and be kind to yourself. You've been through a lot. Give yourself time to recover.
I have tried Levo and NDT before and felt way worse....this was 7 years ago....so only T3 monotherapy works for me. Yes unfortunately i fell for the iodine miracle myth and am still suffering the consequences. Thank you for the encouragement, i will be more patient for my recovery and not panic. May i ask if you single dose your T3 or do you multidose? I tried single, double and triple dosing and can't seem to feel any difference.
i take all my T3 in one go when I get up in the morning. That's because I need to flood the receptors to get enough T3 into the cells for me to function - which is also why I take such a high dose. It was a lot higher to begin with - 225 mcg - but I've been able to bring it down a little over time, but can't seem to go any lower than 75. Multi-dosing just wouldn't have the same effect.
It sounds as if you're a bit like me, and cannot tolerate T4. I was much worse on levo, and even worse still on NDT! So, I rather doubt that adding T4 back in will do you any good.

Essential to test vitamin D, folate, B12 and ferritin levels
Vitamin levels will most likely have crashed when you stopped T3
What vitamin supplements are you taking
I take vit b complex, vit c, zinc magnesium glycinate and fermented cod liver oil for vit A& D. I continued with my vitamins during my weaning off T3 period & wasn't aware my vitamin levels will have crashed when I stopped T3?
Suggest you test ….see where levels are
IMPORTANT......If you are taking vitamin B complex, or any supplements containing biotin, remember to stop these 5-7 days before ALL BLOOD TESTS , as biotin can falsely affect test results
In week before blood test, when you stop vitamin B complex, you might want to consider taking a separate folate supplement (eg Jarrow methyl folate 400mcg) and continue separate B12
Just a thought. Are you still on uni-pharma or have you had to change to Tiromel?If you've changed that could be the issue
I have some emergency stash of unipharma T3 left and new supply of Teva liothyronine. Both at 50mcg still having hairloss etc....i may have become more hypo after my weaning off T3 with iodine experiment.