Folate - Serum 13 ug/L (Range: 3.89 – 19.45)
Vitamin B12 – Serum 485ng/L ( no Range given)
25 hydroxy Vitamin D 57nmol/L (have been advised this is ‘normal’)
Thyroid Hormones
TSH 3.68 mU/L (Range: 0.27 - 4.2)
Free T3 4.3 pmol/L (Range: 3.1 - 6.8)
Free Thyroxine 13.3 pmol/L (Range: 12 - 22)
Ferritin 14ug/L (Range: 13 - 150)
Serum CRP 0.9mg/L ( no Range given)
Red Blood Cell count 4.52 10* 12/L (Range 3.8-4.8)
Platelet count 318 10*9/L (Range 150-400)
Mean Corpuscular Volume 85fL (Range 78-104)
Mean Corpusc Hb conc 330gL ( no Range given)
Mean Corpusc Haemoglobin 27.9pg ( no Range given)
Haemoglobin estimation 126g/L
Haematocrit 0.38L/L (range 0.36-0.46)
Serum transferrin 3.16g/L ( no Range given)
Transferrin Saturation index 23.8%
Serum Iron level 18.8 unol/L ( no Range given)
Serum LH 7U/L
Serum FSH level 7.5 U/L
Serum progesterone 23.9 nmol/L
Serum oestradiol 521 nmol/L
I did ask a the surgery for ranges to be given but I don’t think they understood what I meant so not all of the above figures are accompanied by a reference range. Ferritin has crept up from 10 to 14 since medichecks test done at start of June but is still at bottom of range. My GP describes this as an iron profile – is it a full testing of all the factors needed to test for iron deficiency anaemia? My vitamin D levels look like they need to be higher despite the fact that I take vitamin D supps and try to make vitamin D from sunlight whenever possible.
From a diagnosis perspective what concerns me most is that TSH is fluctuating strangely – 4.04 on 11 March 2019, 6.01 at start of June 2019 (Medichecks), 3.68 on 19 June 2019. Can anyone suggest why that would be?
FT4 and FT3 have declined – FT4 was 13.4 on 11 March 19, 14.9 at start of June 2019 (Medichecks), 13.3 on 19 June 2019
FT3 was 5.2 at start of June 2019 (Medichecks) and was 4.3 on 19 June 2019
I am seeing my GP next Weds [10 July] to discuss these and the next steps. I would imagine that based on these she will continue to refuse to treat me because my TSH has come down despite my FT3 and FT4 also dropping. The last time I saw her she seemed determined to focus on my age and imminent menopause; while menopause may be a factor I don’t want the GP to home in on it and miss a possible metabolic problem [have had Fibro for 25years+ and ME/CFS for 18 years]. My symptoms are incapacitating me. I am very confused by these results and would be grateful for advice about what people think is happening and how to approach my appointment with my GP. Many thanks