Hi all, these are my latest test results. I am currently taking 125mcg levothyroxine, 2000IU vitamin D3, vitamin c, b12, b complex, vitamin k2 and 200 MCG iron. My go has prescribed me an iron/folic acid pill.
Vitamin D 83 nmol/L
Serum iron 10.7 micromol/L 11.00-30.00
Serum folate 8.5 microg/L 3.00-20.00
Serum ferritin 39.1 microg/L 10.00-200.00
Vitamin b12 1031 ng/L 180.00-900.00
TSH 0.24 mU/L 0.30-4.20
T4 15.6 pmol/L 9.00-19.00
T3 4.1 pmol/L 2.60-5.70
All my thyroid results have gone down since my last test in January.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.