Hi all, these are my latest blood test results, I'm currently on 150mcg levothyroxine, i'm also taking 2000iu vitamin d3, vitamin k2, b12, b complex, iron and folic acid although i had stopped taking these for a couple of months but restarted 2 weeks ago. i've got lots of my old symptoms back headaches, brain fog, no energy, numb hands and feet, sore eyes. i've got a drs appointment tomorrow so any advice would be welcome.
TSH <0.01 mU/L 0.30 - 4.20mU/L
FT4 21.4 pmol/L 9.00 - 19.00 pmol/L
FT3 5 pmol/L 2.60 - 5.70 pmol/L
D3 74 nmol/L
B12 933 ng/L 180.00 - 900.00 ng/L
Serum iron 8.5 micromo/L 11.00 - 30.00 micromo/L
Ferritin 23.1 microg/L 10.00 - 200.00 microg/L
Folate 12.9 microg/L 3.00 - 20.00 microg/L