I apologize in advance for lengthy post but don’t want to miss anything important. I have Hashimoto and been on levothyroxine for last 4 years. Recently I increased my levothyroxine dose from 125mcg to 150mcg. Although increasing it was a nightmare, I have made it and am on 150mcg for last 3 months. At the same time, as advised by this forum, I also started taking supplements to address my vitD3, ferritin and vitBs deficiency and improve T4 to T3 conversion. My previous results can be seen here: healthunlocked.com/thyroidu...
Here are my latest thyroid results from December plus some more that my endo prescribed:
TSH 0.12 (0.35-5)
FT4 17 (9-19)
FT3 4.3 (2.6-5.7)
Vit D3 25OH 146.4
Serum B12 1794 (187-883)
Serum Folate 14,6 (3.1-20.5)
Iron 21 (12-26)
Haemoglobin 151 (115-165)
Haematocrit 0.467 (0.37-0.47)
Transferrin 2.8 (1.7-3.8)
TIBC 62 (45-70)
Calcium 2.42 (2.2-2.6)
Parathyroid hormone 4.0pmol/L
CRP <1 (<5)
Magnesium 0.8 (0.7-1.0)
Sodium 141 (132-144)
Potassium 4.1 (3.5-5.3)
IgG 9.8 (6-16)
IgA 1.15 (0.8-2.8)
IgM 1.31 (0.5-1.9)
Serum FSH 9IU/L
Serum LH 9IU/L
Serum oestradiol 209pmol/L
Serum prolactin 148mU/L
I must say I feel better than before, although sometimes suddenly I feel hot and a little shaky inside – is it a sign of overmedication? I’m definitely less tired and have more energy – though I’m still not what I used to be before Hashimoto.
I still have some hypo symptoms like difficulty to concentrate and focus, poor memory, cold hands and feet, very dry skin. The biggest problem however is weight gain in last 6 months despite eating healthy and homemade food in reasonable amounts. My arms became floppy, my stomach is bloating and I’m shocked with the speed I’m accumulating fat in my belly and thighs. I avoid anything what has sugar and gluten and I’m taking 40 billion active cultures daily but I’m not improving.
It looks like my TSH is suppressed and my FT4 is where it should be. Taking supplements have improved FT4 to FT3 conversion but studying this forum - precious source of knowledge and experience I’m grateful for- I guess it should be higher. Could anybody please advise how should I progress from here with my treatment? Do I need T3?