I am baffled as to why my T3 won't rise with levothyroxine. It has been quite low prior to starting on levothyroxine but it hasn't really risen since commencing the treatment. I have managed to reduce my antibodies by going gluten and dairy free but T3 is still low. Any ideas? Has anyone experienced anything like this? Do I need perhaps swap levothyroxine for T3 medication only? My results are below.
October 2016 (not medicated)
TSH - 6.25
FT3 - 3.8
FT4 - 12.4
TP Abs - 649.4
December 2016
TSH - 3.9
FT3 - 2.8
FT4 - 14.8
TP Abs - 254.28
February 2017
TSH - 2.65
FT3 - 2.6
FT4 - 16.4
TP Abs - 199.78
Many thanks in advance!