I recently got myself referred to an endocrinologist by having some blue horizon tests which showed that, while my tsh etc is technically in range, my antibodies are out of control.
The endo was a total let down, and I've finally got a copy of the letter she sent to my GP discharging me. She says I look OK and that all my results are fine etc. She also stated that I am "not diabetic at this stage".
Is that a standard term that would always be used in this sort of letter, or does it suggest there might be signs that I'm on my way there?
One of my symptoms is constant thirst and needing to go to the toilet, as well as holding all my weight on my stomach so diabetes is been something I was previously concerned about but had blood tests done which came back fine.
I'm guessing it's a standard thing but just want to check...? Thanks!
Here are the blood test results I have - endo did run some more blood tests but I can't get hold of the results (not for lack of trying).
April 2016
Serum sodium - 140 mmol/L (133-146mmol/L)
Serum potassium - 4.2 mmol/L (3.5-5.3mmol)
Serum creatinine - 51 umol/L (49-90umol/L)
Serum urea level - 3.2 mmol/L (2.5 -7.8mmol/L)
GFR calculated abbreviated MDRD - 60mL/min> (60-99mL/min)
Serum foster - 10.5 ug/L (2-17ug/L)
Plasma vitamin b12 level - 507ng/L (200-900ng/L)
Serum total 25 OH vit D level - 40nmol/L (75-200nmol/L)
Serum calcium - 2.28mmol/L (2.1-2.6mmol/L)
Calcium adjusted level - 2.1mmol/L (2.1-2.6mmol/L)
Serum inorganic phosphate - 0.99 mmol (0.8-1.5mmol)
Serum albumin - 49 g/L (35-50g/L)
Total alkaline phosphata - 70 iu/L (30-130iu/L)
Serum cholesterol - 4.2 mmol/L (N/A)
Serum HDL cholesterol - 1.73mmol/L (1.2-99999mmol/L)
Serum cholesterol/HDL ratio - 2.4 (N/A)
Se Non HDL cholesterol level - 2.5 mmol/L (N/A)
Serum TSH level - 3.5mu/L (0.35-5mu/L)
Blood glucose level - 4.8mmol/L (4.1-6mmol/L)
Serum ferritin - 36 ug/L (15-250 ug/L)
Neutrophil count- 4 10*9/L (2-7.510*9/L)
Lymphocyte count- 2 10*9/L (1-410*9/L)
Monocyte count -0.4 10*9/L (0.2-.810*9/L)
Eosinophil count - 0.1 10*9/L (0-.410*9/L)
Basophil count - 0.1 10*9/L (0-.110*9/L)
Total white blood cell count - 6.710*9//L (4-1110*9/L)
Red blood cell count - 4.74 10*12/L (3.5-5.510*12/L)
Haemoglobin estimation - 155g/L (115-165g/L)
Haematocrit- 0.43 ratio (0.37-.47 ratio)
Mean corpuscular volume - 91.4fl (75-105fl)
Red blood cell distribution width - 12.4 (11-15)
Mean corpusc. Haemoglobin - 32.7pg (26-35pg)
MCHC - 358 g/L (290-350g/L)
Platelet count - 133 10*9/L (150-45010*9/L)
Hypochromia % - 0.7% (N/A)
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate - 5mm/h (0-10mm/h)
Plasma c reactive protein - 4mg/L < (0-10mg/L)
Serum ALT level - 14iu/L 0-50iu/L)
Total alkaline phosphatase - 67iu (30-130iu/L)
Serum total bilirubin - 28umol/L (0-21umol/L)
Serum albumin - 47g/L (35-50 g/L)
August 2016 (blue horizon results)
CRP - 0.1 (<5.0 mg/L)
Ferritin - 86.8 (20-150 ug/L)
TSH - 4.10 (0.27-4.20 iu/L)
T4 total - 116.0 (64.5 - 142 mmol/L)
Free t4 - 20.5 (13-22pmol/L)
Free t3 - 5.61 (3.1-6.8 pmol/L)
Anti thyroid peroxidase - H 319 (<34kiu/L)
Anti thyroglobulin Abs - H 890.8 (<115 Ku/L)
Vitamin B12 - 327 pmol/L (Deficient <140, insufficient 140-250)
Serum folate - 13.87 (10.4 - 42.4 mmol/L)
Active B12 97 (25.1 - 165 pmol/L)
I'm taking a high vitamin D dose daily because of the deficiency now.
Also, one last thing. When the endo ordered the blood tests that she used to discharge me she told me to go straight for the test then. I asked if I have fasted and she said no, fasting isn't necessary for these tests and I should do them immediately, so I had them done at about 11.30am when I'd had breakfast that morning. I've since read that you probably should fast. Is this something I should mention to my GP in looking for further help?
Again, thanks for your help!