Posts - IBS Network | HealthUnlocked

IBS Network

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All posts for June 2013

Does anyone know if the probiotic VSL#3 is available on prescription and has anyone had it prescribed by their GP specifically for IBS?

Hidden profile image

Has anyone heard of Spelenic Flexture Syndrome? If so what helps?

AfricanSheila profile image

Relief for my bloated, uncomfortable tummy at last.

I have already been diagnosed with IBS(Nov 2012), I have been really down as my...
lisarichards1 profile image
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Need help

I know everyone is different and different foods affect different people but doe...
Calamityjen profile image

Has anyone had problems with blueberries? Cold or hot?

AfricanSheila profile image

My IBS take the from of regular cramping and diahorroea - cna anyone offer any advice to help alleviate the symptoms.

I'm hoping being connected to this sitecan help me. I was diagnosed with IBS 6 m...
lukas profile image

Is pain following an incision hernia repair a year ago with a mesh after a gall bladder removal normal

I suffer from ibs & I was wondering if this was a weak spot caused by the operat...
lagrossa profile image

What are the best food supplements for IBS D-type?

I've been to Allergy and Free From Exhibition recently and spoke to one of the e...
Petal25 profile image

Work advice much needed!

I feel stuck between a rock and a hard place-I am unable to work due the extreme...
whiteladder42 profile image

Has anyone been unable to get onto the ibs network website

It's really frustrating me I haven't been able to get on there site for a week n...
Calamityjen profile image

English low fodmaps or Australian low fodmaps diet

Has anyone else been on the English version of the low fodmaps diet which is som...
annie-w profile image

Who do I contact to get an allergy test, I know that dairy products cause some of my problems but I'm not sure about others, any ideas

sabi2013 profile image


Starting to find my ibs is now affecting me daily having to dash to toilet take ...
dottylou profile image

Down day

My ibs has really flared up badly recently and it's been hard to deal with but t...
Elbo profile image

Got diagnosed with IBS a month ago, can someone give me some advice?

lil-chick profile image

Protein weight gainer....anyone tried it?

Hi there, I came across this protein weight gainer, and wondered if anyone has...
Ibsr profile image

how can I get a "can't wait for the toilet" card?

this would be very useful as when I am out and about its always playing on my mi...
smurfy profile image

c t scan

on Thursday i had a ct scan, i went in for my appointment and was given, 3 bottl...
trishyb59 profile image

Only just been diagnosed so need advice?

I have just been diagnosed with ibs from the doctor. Does anyone have any tips...
Han040891 profile image

IBS In Pregnancy

I have suffered from IBS for nearly 10 years and have managed to control it thro...
laurensantana profile image

Last minute advice!

Hi all! I mentioned on here a while back that I'm off on holiday soon and am ter...
lucycornwall profile image

IBS and back pain

Hi all, I have suffered from IBS for a numer of years and this has been confirm...
maisie_dazy profile image

does anyone else suffer severe trapped wind with ibs

georgina2002 profile image

Good quality probiotic?

Has anyone got any information on probiotics? I want to try them after reading g...
rach1626 profile image

Advice needed please

Although my IBS has been getting steadily worse for 5 years now (can't drive, ca...

Thoughts on Holland and Barrett Regucol versus Fybogel

Hi, got IBS & IBD. Started using H&B Regucol few months ago and found it meant i...
MyAnxiety profile image

Any recommendations for digestive enzyme brands?

I have IBS-D (with gas) and control my symptoms very successfully with the low F...
Hidden profile image

I'm 28 - have had IBS non-stop for 12yrs and severe anxiety for 20yrs. Feeling very low and looking for some support. Thanks in advance :)

My IBS is mainly bad constipation but sometimes alternates with softer stool too...
clop159 profile image

IBS sufferer wanting to diet and eat healthier but what do I eat?

I've had IBS now for two years and have just completed (survived) final year of ...
Diamondchick profile image

IBS stomach pains etc got worse

A couple of weeks ago we had a BBQ and I ate sausages. Before that point, sausa...
ibsfrustrated profile image

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